Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.

Chapter 92. Danger and Reward Are Good Friends.

Cinderielle saw Verdantia and Liu Shu laughing and speaking fluently, and her heart felt uncomfortable. While she didn't want to impose herself on Liu Shu, that didn't mean she would let others do it instead. Interrupting the conversation between Verdantia and Liu Shu, she asked. "By the way, Liu Shu. What are your plans for the near future?" 

Liu Shu pondered. "Well, I need to know my surroundings a bit better before I decide. Are there any other World Trees nearby that I need to know about?" 

Flor looked at them curiously as well. She had heard about the cities and such around, but she realized that she had forgotten to ask for information related to World Trees. 

Verdantia and Cinderielle sat by the side of Liu Shu's trunk, and they spoke while leaning on her. This position was delightful for the Sylvans because they could feel Liu Shu's powerful vitality flowing inside of her body.

Remember that, unlike normal trees, a World Tree's insides were much more complex. They had organ-like structures that helped them become as strong as they were and also increased their overall intelligence. That was why, when you created deep wounds on a World Tree, they would not just release a bit of sap, but often, the wounds could create similar images to a flesh creature being sliced deeply. 

There were pros and cons to this kind of constitution. The main concern was that dying of "blood loss" was possible, although very rare. Since, for a World Tree to die of "blood loss," the wound would need to be exceptionally harsh. 

Verdantia spoke about her surroundings since Cinderielle knew less about them. "Well, listen well, Liu Shu. Let's start from the West."

Verdanita looked in Fortuna City's direction and spoke. "West from here, as you know, is Fortuna City. Fortuna City is a commercial hub mainly devoted to trade and culture. It has a few centuries worth of history. One day, around forty or so years ago, Fortuna City revealed its World Tree. Naturally, other powers were not happy. Powers know that World Trees don't like each other, so every time a new World Tree appears in the public eye, there will be someone that will try to destroy them for sure."

Flor asked. "Are there no groups that defend World Trees?" 

Cinderielle and Verdantia jumped, startled, and looked upward. They saw Flor leaning on a branch and looking down at them, her red hair loose and falling down like a wavy curtain because of gravity. 

Verdantia coughed and asked. "Since when have you been there?"

The corner of Flor's lips arched, but she didn't answer. Instead, she refocused on her question. "So? Are there, or are there not, protection groups?"

Verdantia coughed and recomposed herself. Seeing how Flor didn't say anything about her leaning on Liu Shu, she realized that she didn't mind, so she didn't bother moving. "Well, it's not like there aren't selfless groups that protect World Trees…" 

Flor blinked and asked, knowing something was off because of her dragged-out tone. "But…?"

Verdantia scratched her cheek. "Hm… How to say it… They are too zealous and dedicated." Verdantia spoke carefully. "Also, while they are selfless and protect without asking for compensation or rewards. Not all of them are like that. Some World Trees they saved in the past were stamped with the "Evil World Tree" label for unknown reasons and were uprooted shortly after…" 

Verdantia shook her head. "The feeling around them is uncanny… So, I don't really trust them. Mother also told me to be careful with those people. Even if it was just a passing comment, I feel like she knows something deeper." 

Flor hummed and asked. "Well, so, how did Fortuna's World Tree survive? We can learn from that, right?"

Cinderielle had learned about this at the academy in-depth. So she could answer as well. "Fortuna World Tree can be considered a relatively new one." 

Flor blinked. "It has a few centuries behind it, right? My seniors already knew about Fortuna's World Tree." 

Cinderielle shrugged. "Well, while World Trees grow exceptionally quickly, it's not like they have absolutely no bottlenecks or limits. Like all creatures, they are similarly divided by tier and race. Some are more common, and others are more special. Even if the 'Least talented' World Tree can be compared to a talented Sylvan, and some people consider World Trees the living creature closest to perfection, they still have faults like any other creature." 

Liu Shu's voice reached them with a pouting tone. 'Am I faulty as well?'

The three of them laughed and began showering her in compliments. Flor patted her branch and smiled. "Of course not. Little One, you are the most talented."

Verdantia hugged her trunk closely, taking advantage of the situation to exhibit the "power" of her womanly charms. "Liu'er is the most beautiful World Tree! No one can compare."

Cinderielle also took the chance and rubbed her face on Liu Shu's relatively soft bark. "Tiantian is super strong for her level as well~. Look at what you could do during that big fight!"

Liu Shu didn't expect the sudden pampering. While Flor's constant pats on her branches relaxed her, Verdantia's and Cinderielle's gestures flustered her and made her a bit shy. 'O-Okay, stop doing that, Verdantia, Cinderielle. It feels ticklish, and my core feels strange when you press yourself so close to me.' 

Feeling the branches grabbing their shoulders and pulling back gently, both women's eyes flashed with success, and they allowed themselves to have their bodies pulled by the branches, showing that they were harmless to the World Tree. 

Liu Shu realized their lack of resistance and felt a touch of happiness. Our World Tree also liked those actions, so she said after pulling them off her body. 'A-Also, I'm just feeling a bit strange, but I don't dislike those things… So, umm… You can do them in the future… hehe.' 

Flor looked at Liu Shu with a deadpan. 'How was that saying… Ah, she is like a frog being boiled in hot water. My poor little one doesn't realize she is being domesticated.' 

Cinderielle and Verdantia had to contain their grins from growing, knowing that Liu Shu's vision was quite all-encompassing. 

Liu Shu saw their lips twitch a few times, making her curious. 'Why are your lips twitching? Are you feeling bad?' 

Flor's deadpan shifted to the girls this time. 'Really? Are you that happy? Sigh…' 

Of course, she didn't say anything aloud and let everything flow naturally. 

Verdantia coughed. "Don't worry. Anyways, let's return to speaking about how Fortuna's World Tree managed to become a publicly accepted World Tree." 

Cinderielle nodded and continued the tale. "Well, if I explain all nuances, it will get too long. So, I will summarize it. Fortuna's World Tree is a World Tree related to Destiny. Her presence increases the Destiny stat of those around her. So, using her powers on those that approached made her quite a powerful influence." Cinderielle shrugged. "It was powerful enough that she came under the protection of a powerful sect because of that. That's why Eila Neoflora, our teacher, is there." 

Liu Shu listened and became depressed. "So, if I attack that stupid tree, I will be attacked by others?" 

Both Sylvan's lips twitched, not knowing how to properly answer without hurting their cute little darling's feelings. 

Liu Shu became depressed, but Flor commented. "I mean. Can't you just give people a better benefit so that they don't bother you?" Flor asked. "That World Tree can increase the Destiny stat, but… That's it, no?"

Cinderielle coughed. "It can produce a one-time consumption, 10 Experience Point fruit. It's quite important for the first Level Up ritual."

Flor sneered. "A one-time 10 Experience Point fruit? Ha! Useless fruit. Compared to Liu Shu's <Delicious Berry>, that's a common plant." 

Both Sylvan paused and got thoughtful. Cinderielle. "Well, she can give 3 experience per day, it is really impressive."

Flor lifted an eyebrow. "Three experience points? Heh." Then, she threw one of the harvested fruits that had been upgraded by themselves with Liu Shu's Level Up. "Check that one."

The Sylvans saw that the berry had changed very slightly, looking more juicy and, overall, appetizing. 

Flor looked closely at their faces and saw both women getting dumbfounded. With a laugh, she asked. "What, impressed? That's not even the craziest berry she can produce."

Flor pointed at one beautifully green and blue flower and commented. "Analyze that one."

Both Sylvans gulped. They couldn't imagine anything more outrageous than the <Delicious Berry> they just saw. However, once they looked at that flower and read the description, their hearts actually jumped in fear. 

<Low-Level Palace Flower>: An incredibly rare flower that can only grow in extreme conditions. It produces the very much sought <Low-Level Palace Berry>. 

<Low Level Palace Berry>: A powerful fruit that can increase the concentration of a creature permanently by nourishing the soul. Each one you eat increases your <Mental Palace> stat by 1% to a maximum of 5%. If the creature has yet to unlock the <Mental Palace> stat, they will do so. 

Verdantia raised her voice in utter stupefaction. "WHAT!? IMPOSSIBLE!"

Flor smirked. "How is it impossible? Haha." Her smirk widened proudly when she saw both disbelieving Sylvans looking at her like a startled deer. "My Liu Shu is not your common World Tree, after all~. Fufufu." 

Liu Shu giggled, feeling happy and giddy at Flor's compliment. 'Thanks~.'

Verdantia's face became serious and said. "Flor. Never speak about this berry to anyone." 

Flor and Liu Shu paused and looked at her. The Rose Fairy Queen asked. "I know it is powerful, but is it that good?"

Verdantia explained. "<Mental Palace> is a stat similar to <Anima Affinity>, <Aether Resonance>, and <Physique Refinement>. Those three respectively affect <Anima>, <Aether>, and <Physique> while <Mental Palace> affects <Willpower>." 

Flor hummed. "I see. So, what are these stats exactly?" 

Verdantia clarified. "To be fair, we are currently low-level creatures. Those four stats, <Mental Palace> and the other three, could be described like potential shackles."

Flor's eyebrow raised. "Meaning?" 

Verdantia nodded and further detailed her explanation. "For example, I have 20% Anima Affinity. On my system page, it appears like [Anima Affinity (20)]. This doesn't mean that my Anima stat increased naturally by 20 percent. In truth, my and everyone else's stats are "halved" from birth. One person's true strength is "unshackled" when those stats reach 100%. The effectiveness of someone using a skill with 99% or 100% <Anima Affinity> is not the difference of a single percent point. Sometimes, the strength doubles even if the numbers are not that different." 

Flor frowned, finding it confusing. Verdantia noticed and explained it with an example. 

"For example. Imagine earning 20 Anima per level. At Level 5, I will have 100, right?"

Flor nodded. 

"If I have 20% <Anima Affinity>, that stat goes to 120 points. So, we've done the 20% of 100 and then added it to our base value. Until here, easy, right?"

Flor and Liu Shu, who were listening, continued to agree. 

Verdantia said. "If I have 100% <Anima Affinity>, at Level 5, my Anima would be 200. Meaning 100 plus the 100% of 100, so 200 points in total." 

Flor commented. "Yes. That's how I thought it worked."

Verdantia lifted one finger. "Here is the catch. When you reach 100%, you unlock something that's been limited. So, while, in truth, there is little change to your numbers on the system page, your ability to manipulate that energy becomes incredibly unrestrained. If before, you could at 99% <Anima Affintiy>, let's say, use a soul attack with 100 range, now, at 100%, that range would become 200."

Flor's eyebrows jumped in surprise. "That's impressive." 

Verdantia shook her head. "The thing is, <Anima Affinity>, <Aether Resonance>, and <Physique Refinement> all naturally increase the more <Energy Cycles> a creature is in. So, with time, as long as someone continues to Level Up, they will manage to reach 100%. You should've experienced it already, right?" 

Flor nodded. "My <Aether Resonance> is 16.9%, 1.9% higher than before I was Level 10." Then, she asked seriously. "What about <Mental Palace>."

Verdantia said in a severe tone. "It is impossible to increase that stat naturally. Most people have remained at 0% of that stat for their entire lives. <Willpower> is a raw stat that relates to your mind's strength to process and resist mental fatigue. With <Energy Cycles>, you increase that stat as well, but only the raw number. <Mental Palace> is something you can't increase by just Leveling Up."

Flor got thoughtful and looked at Liu Shu's fruits. Then, she imagined people learning about it, and her heart sank. "Liu Shu would be captured by the high-level people and be forced to produce those fruits." 

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