Ascension Through Skills

Chapter 139

Chapter 139

Although Taesan clapped his hands, the Lion King was too shocked to pay attention. He was in disbelief.

“A god remembered a human’s name?”

Proud and mighty gods didn’t remember mortals. Even if mortals became apostles and pleased them, gods didn’t usually utter their personal names.

Yet, the Demon God had mentioned a human’s name.

This fact was deeply disconcerting to the Lion King.

“Snap out of it.”

Taesan clapped his hands again, the clear sound bringing them back to their senses.

“That’s it for now. Send up whoever you want, of a similar level to me. I’m going back.”

He had achieved what he came for. There was nothing left to see here.

“…Do as you like. We have no more business with you.”

The Lion King spoke more relaxedly.

This wasn’t bad news for them. Ranks 4, 5, and 6 – the Guides of Sin within the labyrinth could now be mobilized against Taesan. Although there were conditions, they could send opponents of equal rank, even those who would be difficult to beat.

Then, killing Taesan wouldn’t be difficult. The Lion King’s lips curled up.

“Hope to see you again later. It’ll be tough, though.”

With those words, Taesan grasped the key.

His vision blurred, and soon, he found himself back on the familiar 30th floor.

Taesan chuckled.

“We’ll meet again.”

He had asked the Demon God to set rules as a safety measure, but also because he was there.

In cases where the opponent was at a similar strength or if victory was uncertain for either side.

He was confident of winning decisively.

“Not bad.”

He now clearly understood the strength of the leaders, which he had only heard of or vaguely grasped.

The power of mortals at their limit. That was Taesan’s next target.

[What about you? I'm a bit unsatisfied.]

“You knew she wouldn’t show up, didn’t you?”

Societ, who claimed to be friendly with the ghost. It was unlikely she would appear before the ghost.

“Just go meet her directly.”

It wouldn’t take too long. Step by step, crushing the Guides of Sin, he would eventually reach her.

[...Yeah. That would work.]


Taesan opened his status window with a pleased expression.

He hadn’t yet checked the rewards from defeating the 3rd tier of the Guides of Sin.

[Kang Taesan]

[Level: 72]

[Shield: 545/545]

[Health: 5990/5990]

[Mana: 933/933]

[Magic: 72/72]

[Strength: 2263]

[Intelligence: 1841]

[Agility: 2055]

[Attack Power +248]

[Defense +248]

[The target is in the best condition.]

His level has increased by 3. And thanks to the Soul Ascension, a large amount of stats had risen.

He also obtained two skills.

[Basic Magic: Earth Tremor]

[Mana Consumption: 14]

[Proficiency: 1%]

[Shakes the ground. It's still difficult to maintain balance at this stage. The vibration intensifies as proficiency increases.]

When the Guide of Sin tried it, the ground shook moderately but was not significantly meaningful. It was uncertain whether this was due to the spatial characteristics of the labyrinth or the limitations of the magic itself.

[Special Activation Skill: Mitigation]

[Mana Consumption: 3]

[Proficiency: 1%]

[Reduces the ratio of damage taken. It's still at a very minimal level.]

“I don’t need to use this one.”

It was useful but had no value for Taesan, who had Resilience. As it did not allow for multiple uses, it was unlikely to be needed.

These were the skills obtained by defeating the Guides of Sin.

And there were also skills obtained from meeting the leaders.

[Special Activation Skill: Blade of Fighting Spirit]

[Mana Consumption: 50]

[Damage is tripled. This skill cannot be used again for one hour after use.]

[A good skill. I also used it effectively on my way down.]

Although it had a one-hour limitation, it tripled the damage for just one use.

It was a good skill on its own, but even better for Taesan, who also has Multiply.

A skill that doubled any type of damage.

This also applies to the Blade of Fighting Spirit.

The damage tripled and was then doubled, resulting in six times the damage in one hit. Despite the one-hour delay, it was a skill of a different level.

And the divine blessing that was given directly by the Demon God.

[The Demon King's Blessing: Victor According to the Rules]

[When a legitimate victory is achieved according to the rules set by the Demon King, additional rewards are obtained.]

“A skill exclusive to beating the Guides of Sin?”

It was a blessing that granted additional rewards upon defeating them. The level of reward was unknown, but considering the effects of previous divine blessings, it would not be insignificant. Given its restrictive condition, it could rival or even surpass the benefits of Soul Ascension.


He could become stronger even faster now.

Taesan closed the system window and descended further into the labyrinth.

[This is the way to the heart of the labyrinth.]

[The darkness here is strong. However, those existing here slightly diminish that darkness.]

[Start of the 31st floor quest.]

[Defeat the boss of the 31st floor and pass through.]

[Reward: The White Sword]

[Secret Reward: ???]

The 31st floor.

The theme changed again. Taesan knew what to expect, having heard from Lee Taeyeon in advance.

[The 31st floor, that guy must be there, right? Now that I think about it, you could probably beat him? What might be there?]

The ghost mumbled with interest.

As he descended the stairs, the shop owner appeared.

“Have you made it this far?”

The shop owner’s smile deepened.

“Good. Just keep going down. And reach the place I want.”

“I’ll try my best.”

Taesan entered the first room on the 31st floor.

There, an NPC was waiting.

“Oh? A traveler, it’s been a while.”

A knight in golden armor was there.

[You have encountered Vargan, the Guide of God.]

Vargan was a knight with a rich white beard. His armor, large shield, and longsword were all golden, dazzling to the eye.

“Hmm? The hero?”

Vargan hesitated upon seeing the hero.

“… It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

[Yeah, it's been a while, right? We met only once and never again.]

“So, you being here means…”

Vargan looked at Taesan and smiled.

“So you’re the adventurer Lord Ainzhar spoke of?”

“Did you hear about me?”

“Yes. He spoke highly of you. Said it was a pleasure to meet a fine adventurer.”

Vargan looked at Taesan with shining eyes.

“I guess you’re not too bad.”


He drew his sword. The blade of the longsword was pure white.

Taesan reflexively drew his weapon.

“Don’t be too wary. I am just a kind of examiner. For details, you can ask the ghost behind.”

[A kind of qualification test? I don't know what it is. I failed it.]


Taesan was surprised. The ghost should have been capable of handling at least two average adventurers on the 30th floor.

A test that even the ghost failed.

“What is it?”

“I test two things. One is the judgment of qualification to descend here.”

Vargan raised his shield. His entire body was hidden behind it.

“This one is quite easy. Just show enough strength. And even if I don’t permit it, there’s no rule that you can’t descend further. It’s just that you’re likely to die, so it’s better to be content here.”

“And the other?”

“The qualification to enter the Battlefield of the Gods.”

Vargan grinned.

“I will judge if you are worthy to spread the greatness of this place. The criteria of judgment, you know, without saying, right?”

[Subquest Start]

[The Guide of God Vargan wants to test you for coming this far down. Pass his test to earn a reward and another quest.]

[Vargan has challenged Kang Taesan to a duel. In this duel, neither can kill the other.]

Taesan took his stance.

Qualification for the Battlefield of the Gods. It seemed the ghost had not attained it. And the fact that he failed meant that Vargan was a formidable opponent.

There was no reason to refuse. It wasn’t a life-threatening crisis, and if he gained the qualification, there was a high chance of receiving a special quest, as the crazed spirit had.

[Duel Accepted.]

“Let’s do it.”


Vargan assumed his stance.

“Then let’s start right away.”


A loud sound rang out. It was the sound of Vargan rushing at speed after stomping the ground.

An incredibly fast pace. It was a speed incomparable to the Guides of Sin that Taesan had seen before but not so fast that it couldn’t be followed with his eyes.

[You have activated Mental Acceleration.]

[You have activated Breathless Attack.]

He activated all his basic skills and moved his body.


The sword collided with the shield, emitting a sharp sound. Taesan frowned at the strength felt beyond his wrist.

‘He’s strong.’

His strength stat was much higher than expected.

As much as Vargan was surprised, Taesan was equally astonished.

‘Blocked my charge?’

Among the hundreds of adventurers he had tested, none had blocked his charge. Not even the so-called heroes.

Taesan created distance. Vargan thundered towards him with thudding steps.

Strong and heavy. There was almost no chance of winning in a head-on clash.


[You have activated Random Blink.]

At the moment Vargan swung his sword, Taesan activated the skill. His body disappeared and then reappeared right above Vargan.

Quickly assessing his position, Taesan used gravity to bring his sword down. Vargan pushed up his shield with a huff.


Taesan’s body was thrown into the air. Due to the difference in stats, the speed at which he was flying was extraordinary. If this continued, he could hit the wall and suffer significant damage.


Vargan didn’t miss this opportunity. In the air, even the strongest are not free in their movements. He intended to finish it by pressing on.

Vargan, who caught up with Taesan in an instant, pushed forward with his shield like a tank.

[You have activated Aerial Leap.]

Taesan stepped in the air. Vargan’s body brushed past, and Taesan struck at his nape.



[Vargan took 64 damage.]

‘Is this all it does?’

Taesan clicked his tongue. Excluding the damage from Aura, it meant he had not inflicted any real harm.


Vargan stopped and struck Taesan. Although Taesan blocked with his sword, the difference in stats was inevitable. His body was thrown into the air again.

Vargan rushed in. Aerial Leap could only be used once in the air, and Taesan had not yet touched the ground.

But Vargan had no choice but to stop.

[You have activated Landing.]

Taesan’s body countered the force and landed on the ground.

“Landing too… Oh, my.”

Vargan couldn’t help but marvel.

“Now I see why Lord Ainzhar mentioned you. It’s unbelievable.”

“That’s my line.”

From their short battle, it was clear. He was not an opponent Taesan could defeat.

The opponent probably possessed strength beyond the 60th floor. There was a significant gap between him and the leaders of the Guides of Sin, but the current Taesan was far from that level.

Yet, Taesan raised his sword.

“Let’s continue.”

An opponent who it seemed impossible to attain victory over.

However, it was precisely in battling such adversaries that one could gain valuable experiences. Taesan stomped his foot.

“That’s far enough.”

Vargan stopped his sword. Taesan’s face, drenched in sweat, shone with determination.

“I can’t go any further. If I’m not careful, I might end up using all my strength.”

Vargan forcibly suppressed his fighting spirit.

It had been a battle close to an hour. During that time, Vargan was unable to overpower Taesan.

[Duel Ended.]

With the end window, Taesan collapsed. He had fought with all his might and achieved not a bad result.

How long he endured against such an opponent also influenced the proficiency of his skills. Indeed, the proficiency of skills like Fighting Against Strong Opponents or Blade of Fighting Spirit had also increased by about 1 to 2%.

Taesan was satisfied, and Vargan couldn’t hide his admiration.

“A newcomer to the 31st floor… to hold out against me for an hour?”

It was unthinkable. Even that strong hero could only last 5 minutes against him. And even he, being an exceptional adversary, received ample rewards.

But an hour?

While he wanted to continue fighting, Vargan was the Guide of God. He had his role to fulfill.

“You might be able…”

“What might be?”

“To represent the labyrinth and qualify to compete.”

Vargan grinned.

[Subquest Completed]

[Vargan intends to give you a suitable reward.]

With the completion, another quest began.

[Subquest Start]

[Head to the Battlefield of the Gods and achieve victory.]

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