Ascension Through Skills

Chapter 188: 40th Floor, The Demon Child (2)

Chapter 188: 40th Floor, The Demon Child (2)

What are you doing, Ambracia?

The Spirit King frowned. In front of her, Ambracia lay sprawled on the ground like a corpse.

Ambracia did not move but opened his mouth.

What else is there to do? Might as well pass the time this way.

I wish you would maintain some dignity in your power.

Dignity, my foot.

Ambracia grumbled as he got up.

How many times have we failed to break through the 74th floor? Ive lost count and cant be bothered anymore. Its all meaningless, so whats wrong with spending our time meaninglessly?

Since their arrival, they had never once managed to break through the 74th floor. They had become accustomed to failure. The Spirit King, understanding Ambracias feelings, gave a bitter smile.

Dont be like that. Theres a child making their way down here diligently. If that child joins us, who knows what will happen?

That guy.

Ambracia furrowed his brow.

He went to fight that favorite of the Demon God, right?


The Spirit King nodded.

He went up to kill the one who opposed us. Its about time they met.

Now that I think about it, is it really okay? That guy is also favored by the Demon God, and Quaned is a demon. What if they join forces?

Ambracia, worried, received a nonchalant reply from the Spirit King.

No need to worry. That guy is dumb.

Call it innocence instead. Its too pitiful otherwise.

Ambracia spoke with a grimace.

But dumb is dumb. And hes obsessed with us for recognizing him. Thats why he made that contract.

Well, that is

Unable to argue further, Ambracia closed his mouth.

Why does someone with that much talent crave affection so much?

Those without talent cannot understand those with talent. Its common for someone with Quaneds level of talent to be persecuted and not receive affection.

The Spirit King spoke calmly.

In fact, among the humans Ive contracted with, many were such people. Most of them brought down the countries they belonged to.

Is that so?

Ambracia looked puzzled. Realizing this, the Spirit King noted,

Now that I think about it, you come from a world of utopia. It makes sense you wouldnt understand.

Well I came here because I hated it there.

Ambracia shook his head.

But are you sure betrayal is okay? It ends with death, right? Honestly, we dont even know how this will turn out.

How strong had Taesan become?

Due to the Demon God blocking information, even the leadership did not know about him. They only assume the Demon God allowed the fight because they were similar in strength.

However, even with these words, the Spirit Kings expression remained unchanged.

That doesnt matter either. Even if Quaned dies, his power will return to us.


Ambracias eyes widened. The Spirit King spoke leisurely.

We made a contract. Even if he dies, his power will belong to us.

Are you that adventurer whos opposing us?

Taesan nodded. Even as they spoke, his muscles were tensed, ready to respond to any attack at any moment.

The black-haired young demon let out a deep sigh.

My name is Quaned. Whats yours?

Kang Taesan.

Taesan? Thats an unusual name.

Quaned showed no signs of hostility. Moreover, he did not assume a stance for battle.

Feeling foolish for being on guard, Taesan relaxed his fighting stance when he sensed no malice from Quaned.

Quaned rubbed his forehead.

To be honest, I dont want to fight you.

Then dont.

Taesan also hesitated to seriously fight the demon before him.

The Demon God had granted him many things, showing special favor and offering numerous rewards even at the expense of her own realm.

Thus, Taesan felt gratitude towards her.

If he could avoid defeating a demon the Demon God lamented over, it wouldnt be a bad thing from his perspective.

But I cant do that. Im one of them, much as I hate to admit it.

Quaned sighed deeply and drew his sword.

Seeing his attitude, Taesan couldnt help but feel puzzled.

Why join them if you feel this way? They couldnt have done anything to you if you hadnt.

The Demon God doted on her children, especially showing deep affection for Quaned. She didnt care much about the defeat of another demon named Jagan but showed a bitter expression this time.

Even if he had refused to join the Guides, the leaders could have done nothing against him.

The Demon God claimed not to interfere in the affairs of mortals or the labyrinth, but mortals couldnt be reassured. A simple whim of an immortal could kill them all, so if Quaned had strongly refused, they likely would have backed off.

Quaned bit his lip, reluctant to answer, and Taesan shook his head.

Then just step aside. Even if you refuse to fight, they cant do anything.

Sorry, but thats impossible.

Quaned spoke gloomily.

Ive made a contract. If their commands are deemed just, I cant refuse.

Why would you agree to that?

Taesan was incredulous.

From his expression, it was clear he hadnt agreed willingly. Quaned protested as if explaining,

I didnt know. They said joining an organization naturally involves such things. Its impossible for a member to refuse the will of the group.

That might be true, but theres no need to be bound by such a contract.

Quaned tightened his grip on the sword at Taesans puzzled look.

Shut up.

Though barely audible, Taesan could hear it. He clicked his tongue.

He understood why the Demon God felt pity.

[So, even someone like this can make it through with just talent.]

Shut up.

Quaned said roughly.

Even if kindly put, Quaned was a being of mere talent without understanding.

The ghost laughed hollowly.

[I see. You're an outsider. No, a demon. You weren't treated as a demon, were you?]

Quaneds eyes flickered momentarily.

[Others must have feared you. You've never had a proper conversation with anyone and lived a life without affection. You believed it was your fault that they feared you, didn't you?]

As if he had witnessed it himself, the ghost began to pinpoint each issue one by one. With every progression of the ghosts story, Quaneds pupils shook violently. Taesan asked,

What are you talking about?

[It's not complicated. People fear those who are different from themselves. If it was just being talented to a normal extent, maybe not... but if it's a talent that could delve deep into the labyrinth, that in itself is alien.]

Taesan realized what that meant.

Innate, exceptional talent was often shunned. Even the Guides of Sin, who were blocked by each hierarchy, were considered geniuses in their own realms.

And the owner of a talent much superior, one that even they could look down upon.

[I was similar. Rumors went around calling me a descendant of the Demon King. Being of royal blood, I could suppress it to some extent with power, but if it were someone ordinary or close to the poor, it's obvious.]

The ghost seemed to contemplate the persecution Quaned faced.

[The uneducated cannot understand talent. Entering the labyrinth with their self-esteem already eroded by their inability to compete with talent. And then they realized. They had talent, and it was the outside that was strange. Entering the labyrinth and being praised by the leadership must have felt good. Finally, there were those who recognized them.]

The one who believed they were wrong for not having talent realized they did have it.

Someone unloved and unacknowledged by anyone found those who recognized them.

[Especially since they showed exceptional skill in the labyrinth, it must have felt even better. Being acknowledged by such powerful beings made them feel valued. So, they just listened to what they said? Because it made those who acknowledged them happy. Because it made them feel valuable.]

Quaned closed his mouth. His pupils were shaking wildly.

From his demeanor, it was clear the ghosts words were true. The ghost clicked its tongue.

[Pathetic. I've seen a few like you. And those types are good at exploiting such individuals.]

Taesan looked at Quaned with a mixture of sympathy. Quaned hung his head low.

[It's not a rare story. It's rare for someone talented to be mentally perfect. Often, they get caught up and end up ridiculously dying or suffering losses. If they survive, their personality gets twisted.]

Shut up.

Quaned spoke gloomily.

What do you want from me by saying such things? Its all in the past.

[Nothing much. Just reminded of the past. If you get a chance, don't make the same mistake.]

The ghosts voice was laced with bitterness.

Anyway I have to fight because of the contract.

Suddenly, the aura around Quaned changed.

Like a rock that has stood firm for thousands of years, his presence became imposing. Taesan adjusted his stance as well.

The naive and seemingly innocent young demon was nowhere to be found.

[You'd better be careful.]

The ghost whispered softly.

[Sure, the demon in front of you seems dumb and naive and knows nothing... but that also means something else.]

Despite such flaws, he had surpassed the 50th floor, received recognition from the leadership, and was allowed into the deep layers.

It meant he had enough talent to overcome his deficiencies.

The battle began. Quaned and Taesan moved at the same time.

Watching Quaned move, the first thing Taesan noticed was how clean it was.

The adventurers up to now had been somewhat crude. Strong and fast, yes, but their movements had ample gaps.

But the demon in front of him showed no such gaps. Moving like flowing water, he approached Taesan and swung his sword.


The clash of swords produced the loudest noise Taesan had heard yet.

And he was strong.

Very slightly, Taesan was being pushed back.

In a swift move, Taesan slid his foot between Quaneds legs and pushed his body forward, restricting Quaneds movement.

Quaned did not retreat. Instead, he countered by striking his knee against Taesan.

Now, neither could move their swords freely. Taesan attempted to strike Quaneds chin with his elbow. Quaned quickly intercepted with his palm and countered with an elbow of his own.

Then, he drew a dagger and aimed for the armpit.

Taesan twisted his body to dodge.

He moved his other hand to strike down with the hilt. Quaned blocked it with his sword.


They countered each others moves solely through physical actions, not utilizing any skills. It was a sort of probing battle.

Through this, they both realized something.


As he parried the whirlwind of attacks, Taesan thought to himself that Quaned was indeed strong.

None of the vulnerabilities he had sensed with the other Guides were present here.

He responded to every one of Taesans moves and even counterattacked. Their movements were perfectly synchronized, leaving no openings. Quaned was several levels above any Guide Taesan had encountered before.

And Quaned was equally surprised.

He blocked my attack?

He had been granted permission by the leadership to descend through the layers, naturally becoming a thorn in the side of each hierarchical Guide.

Of course, there had been no confrontations. No one dared to touch him since the leadership had directly permitted his passage.

Yet, receiving angry and hateful glares, Quaned wondered.

Why are they angry with me when they possess that level of power?

From Quaneds perspective, all Guides except for the leadership seemed weak. If he fought seriously, they would be no match and easily defeated.

Thus, he didnt pay much attention when he was sent down to fight by the Guides orders. He simply thought they would be slightly stronger than the rest.

But that wasnt the case.

Taesan was truly strong. Currently, Quaned was an adventurer on the 51st layer. Being on the 51st layer and having gained much from navigating and understanding the labyrinth, he was significantly above the average adventurer.

However, Taesan, who had just entered the 40th floor, was not being overpowered in their battle.

This was a shocking revelation for Quaned, who had previously looked down on all adventurers except the leadership.

Their shoulders collided, and they both staggered back. As a momentary lull settled, the ghost whistled.

[You're naive but have the strength to survive. Really strong, huh? Your talent is comparable to mine in my prime.]

It was dangerous. This was an opponent against whom victory could not be assured.

Yet, a smile played on Taesans lips.

Seeing the smile, the ghost nodded.


This is how it should be. Up till now, it was too bland.

This was Solo Mode. A labyrinth that summoned the finest heroes and warriors from various worlds.

Yet, all adventurers that appeared were too ordinary.

By the standards of the outside world, they were undoubtedly strong, but in the labyrinth, they were all weak. They were those who could not descend further and were defeated.

Though he had risked his life coming down the labyrinth, the Guides of each hierarchy had never been part of those challenges. No matter the gap, he could win without much difficulty.

For the leadership, the gap was so vast that he hardly gave it any thought.

But now, a proper adventurer had appeared before him.

An entity advancing towards the deep layers, navigating the labyrinth.

A being with the talent and strength potentially capable of conquering the labyrinth was fighting him.

But I will be the one to win.

Taesan exerted strength into his feet.

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