Asheva: A Summoner’s Tale – [Book-2 Complete]

Chapter-112 Upgrade

“Did they succeed?” Ewan asked, hovering inside ‘Hopes & Wishes’.

“Luna and Biscuit did, Lime failed,” Nana said.

“Hmm, I’ll brew another for him,” he said. “How are your injuries?”

“Almost healed. The swelling went down too,” she said. “It’s just purplish now.”

“You didn’t go inside again, did you?”

“No, I’m staying on the beach, practicing some of the blueprints dad left.”

“That reminds me, I had something to discuss with you,” Ewan said. “I got some Crayntine in a trade meet, I want to make an artifact out of it. I need something to trap the mystic anima. It’ll be for casting spells, so it has to be easy to trap and easy to use.”

“Mystic anima?” Nana asked.

“Didn’t I tell you about it? My affinity with it increased when I used the fox’s soul for my Bralek,” he said. “I can cast mystic spells without a rune now.”

“You didn’t….”

Ewan laughed. “Sorry, I forgot,” he said. “But you’re injured every time I come here. How can I remember to talk about random stuff like that?”

“So, it’s my fault?”

“Well, you do contribute to half of my problems and anxiety,” Ewan said. “I could spend my evenings peacefully on my lawn, but then you go and get hurt.”

“When did you develop that old man habit? No drunk girl around you to ‘observe’ anymore?” Sarcasm dripped out of her words.

“One drunk girl in my life is more than enough of a headache, I can't handle another one,” he said. “Wait, you’re not drinking again, are you? I’ll rip your hair out if you lost and got beaten ‘cause you were drunk.”

“I’m not! I haven’t touched it in months, you blew up almost all my stock,” she said. “Where will I find more on an isolated island anyway.”

“Keep it that way,” Ewan said. Liquor was available in the hub, but she didn’t need to know that. “I’m not there to clean up your mess right now, you’re on your own, so train a little, will you?”

“When did I mess up…” she murmured under her breath.

“You can't even pee in the dark alone, how can I rest at ease like that.”

“I-I can!” She flared up. “Stop saying it out loud.”

“Who else is listening here… Anyway, you distracted me again, the artifact, focus on the artifact,” Ewan said. “Do you have a blueprint in mind?”

“I’ll look around in dad’s collection,” Nana said. “There should be one that fits what you want. By the way, do you think that man can chase after us? I’ve lost a lot of sleep over it.”

“Slate? He might be dead in all that chaos. And even if he’s not, it’s unlikely he’ll find us. The space crack sent us to random places, even we separated. Don’t worry about him.”

“What about the Guardian? He was yelling at us, right? Do you think he’ll blame us for that?”

“He called me Ulrath’s son, he probably knew Pa. I don’t think he’ll try to kill us.”

“Ulrath was uncle’s alias?” Nana asked.

Ewan hummed a nod. “Forget it, I’ll deal with him when we meet again. At worst, I’ll pay for the damages,” he said. “You just focus on staying intact on the island. I’ll give you the materials for the artifact and the potion for Lime next time.”


The success rate of each attempt at upgrading an Astylind stood independent. The previous failures didn’t affect the succeeding trials. At best, if the Astylind was perceptive enough to retain the experience, it could sway the chances in its favor. But Iris didn’t fit the bill. She had already failed twice back in Obria. She suffered the same as Orange and Frost during the process with nothing to show for it. So, when she absorbed her upgrade potion, Ewan’s heart was in his mouth.

Her bud trembled; her roots shivered. Her consciousness wailed in Ewan’s soul as her bud blackened and withered. He was their master, he couldn’t let his own anxiety pass on to them, especially at an important moment like this. So, he pacified her the best he could while keeping his own nerves together. He couldn’t share her pain; he couldn’t ease her agony. His helplessness birthed a sense of guilt in him. But soon his pragmatism and his rationality washed it all away and hardened his heart. The pain, the hurt, the torment, it was all for a better future—all for that destination. His Astylinds were his family, but he couldn’t spoil them. If the anguish was what it took to advance, they had to accept that.

He could show them mercy today, and the battlefield would be that much more ruthless to them tomorrow.

Her screams lessened over the next half an hour and her pain subsided. Ewan’s soul went quiet as he waited for the final phase—it would determine her success or failure. He hoped for success but had Astylind blood ready with him. If she failed, she would need this to recover her withered bud.

She lay on the table, unmoving and wilted, and her roots twitched at times. Seconds passed and became minutes, and Ewan’s heart in the mouth settled down. The signs leaned towards another failure. He took a deep breath and cracked his neck; he was ready for another potion brewing session. He wouldn’t spoil his Astylinds and would let them suffer if needed, but he would never give up on them either. No matter how many trials it took her, he would support it all. If his Novas couldn’t keep up, he would earn more. If the ingredients weren’t available, he would hunt for them.

Iris moved and struggled to rise. Her change put his bubbling grand resolve to an immature rest. Before he could support her, her bud thrived and flourished. The red in her came back, darker than before, and her petals flushed and lustered. She grew more roots and a cheery consciousness passed on to Ewan, provoking a hearty smile on his face. She succeeded, she finally succeeded and upgraded to Grade-B.


[Astylind Name: Blood Lotus]

[Astylind Level: Level-9]

[Astylind Grade: Grade-B]

[Anima Affinity: Blood]

[Skills: Blood-Recipient | Mend (Dormant)]

[Gender: Female]

[Description: Extinct natives of Sepra. They had decent affinity with Blood-Anima (Recipient) but lacked the means to protect themselves. Delicate and feeble. They lost the battle of natural selection.]

[Grade-Exalt Requirements: Noble Rite (Dreit Arnaad)—Life Sacrifice, offer a red-blooded life and drink its blood.]

[Remark 1: Can be used as an ingredient for potions. Useless otherwise.]

[Remark 2: Decent choice for a healing type Astylind. But lack strong evolution branches.]

[Remark 3: I don’t like them. They’re nasty~]

[Remark 4: Special evolution path found. Focus should be on its grade.]

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