Asheva: A Summoner’s Tale – [Book-2 Complete]

Chapter-133 Last Wish

“Will it be a problem?” Ewan asked, sitting against Kiev in the restaurant they first ate together with not a hint of displeasure remaining on him about the ‘advance payment’ the Ensils made. Though he kept his deal with Cork hidden, it was out of convenience and not apprehension. Thus, his question was a gesture of goodwill.

Kiev chuckled. “I’m not an obstinate fool. I told you, my opinions on the matter are the same as yours,” he said. “I hope you can continue keeping it a secret though, I still have to maintain that image for others.”

Ewan hummed a nod. “I’m good with that,” he said, sipping his chilled salty lemonade. “But why do you oppose it, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“It’s funny if I say it out loud,” Kiev said, laughing ruefully. “It was actually my grandma’s last wish. She wished to remove the slaves from Drarith.”

Not the slave business but the slaves themselves…

“I see, I can respect that, but I still have to buy those slaves. I hope you understand,” Ewan said.

“Don’t worry about it.” Kiev shook his head. “She raised us all when our parents died. I was only five back then, my memory’s a blur, Avis was four, and Valarie was still crawling. We weren’t entitled to her care, yet she saw us through our childhood, when the situation was bad for our family, when grandpa couldn’t bother to…. She might not have loved us like her own children, but we owe her our lives, so fulfilling her last words is the least I can do, even though I don’t know why she hated them so,” he said.

“My apologies if I touched a sensitive subject,” Ewan said.

“Its fine, it’s all in the past.”

“If you keep buying and freeing the slaves like that though, aren’t you helping their business? And the slaves settle in Drarith, right?”

“Maybe, it doesn’t really matter, I don’t think too much about it. I just do it to quell my conscience.” Kiev looked down at the table, picking up his glass. “And for some quiet.” He muttered under his breath and gulped a mouthful.

Ewan nodded and sipped too. “What about your sister? Will you let her continue like this? She’s kind of being a disturbance…”

Kiev laughed. “I’m really helpless on that matter. I and my brother shouldered the burden in our own way, but she grew up spoiled. I’m just relieved she doesn’t go around creating enemies for us,” he said. “You can refuse her; it wouldn’t affect our relation.”

“I’ll take your word for it then,” Ewan said, smiling. Such words of assurance often held little weight. If he really refused the ‘princess’ outright and turned her against him, it would chip their cooperation—emotions and impulses had a way of accomplishing that. He had to find another way.


The brat’s image came to his mind. He did say he liked the girl and wanted to marry her. If Ewan could match those two, the princess might leave him alone. It made him consider the <Enthrall> spell, but that could create problems. The Ensils knew he could cast mystic spells, they must be wary of it, especially when their grandpa was a high-level Severynth. So, any moves on the princess were a no, he could only incite Kidd.

So troublesome…

And they dined and drank their drinks before bidding farewell. Kiev headed to his villa while Ewan made his way to the port, to Cork’s place.


“Not hiding it anymore, ay?” Cork asked when Ewan met him in his warehouse, his voice echoing in the nigh empty hall.

“Don’t need to, it seems,” Ewan said, looking around. This was where they kept their slaves and the wares. The recent stock was sold out, so they were now cleaning the place. A hint of lime and mint permeated the air inside with frothed puddles all over the place and water dripping down the walls—the sailors scrubbed clean even the tiniest mark left by the slaves in captive. It made the breath fresh yet still contained a faint chemical aftertaste.

Cork laughed. “That brat can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but he doesn’t go overboard. Ya don’t have to mind him too much,” he said.

“Hmm.” Ewan hummed. “So, do you have them yet?” he asked.

“Mmhmm, I’ll send them over with Kidd in an hour,” Cork said.

“About that, can I have Kidd for a few weeks? Need some work done in the yard, I’ll pay him for it.”

“He’s a free man, well not a man yet, but his services ain’t to me,” Cork said. “I’ll call him over, ya can discuss that with him.” He whistled to a sailor dozing off under the shade of the warehouse eaves and sent him off to fetch Kidd.

The shadows shrunk a few against the rising sun by the time Kidd came to them.

“Boss.” He greeted Ewan.

“I’ll leave ya two to it then.” Cork kicked a sailor who snored and drooled under the shades on the cold stone pavement and walked away, leaving the drowsy man bewildered.

“I want my yard fixed; I’ll pay you for it,” Ewan said, looking at Kidd. “You can live with me till you get it done.”

“Boss, do you want me to deal with something else?” Kidd asked with a sly smile on his face.

“Just my yard,” Ewan said.

“Are you sure? I’m in if you want my help you know.”

Ewan squinted then chuckled. “Are the drunks talking again?” he asked.

“They never stop.” Kidd grinned. “Is it the Governor’s granddaughter?” he asked.

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