Asheva: A Summoner’s Tale – [Book-2 Complete]

Chapter-140 Wraith

Ewan moved his fingers, his intention triggering the action, and swirled his idle Varos—the Tigog Acrix—around him. The miniscule sand grains sizzled when they touched the Wraith, it was his bane and it bared its toxicity against him, and the Wraith screeched and scooted away from Ewan’s shoulder. The shockwave from his scream hammered Ewan but his Varos defended him with a small shiver. Kidd, however, stumbled back and slumped, gasping and coughing.

The Wraith could sit on his shoulders because he had no hostility. But this was Ewan’s villa now, it was his home. Differentiating between the guest and the owner was a necessity, he had to exert his dominance.

“Need help?” Ewan asked, looking at Kidd.

“N-No, I’m fine.” He groaned and grunted as he got up.

“Where is he now? Can you see him?”

Kidd looked around, inching closer to Ewan, then his eyes halted at the corner of the yard. “He looks…scared,” he said with a gulp. “He’s quivering.”

Ewan raised his brows. Scared? With just one attack? The history behind the Wraith’s birth made him expect a ferocious creature, not someone who would back off with one lashing. Was this Wraith not the boy he saw with his <Remembrance> spell? Nevertheless, if he was submissive already, it would save him time. He didn’t need to tame him or kill him now, they could coexist. If he played his cards right, the Wraith might even become his watchdog, someone to keep his house in order and safe while he was gone.

“Get to know him,” Ewan said to Kidd. “I’ll be inside, don’t disturb me unless something important happens. And get rid of those bodies. Dig a grave and bury them. Don’t start a fire.”

“No! Boss!!” Kidd wailed, his forehead scrunched, his lips drooped down, and he pouted.    

“Observe him properly. I need a sketch of his face by tomorrow.” Ewan ignored any further pleas and cries from Kidd and went inside the house—to his bedroom. Confirmation of the Wraith’s identity was just a side interest, he focused more on how to thread through the possible problems that would crop up with him rejecting Kiev.
His deal with the Ensils should still stand true, this little bit of conflict shouldn’t affect the outcome. After all, that deal was with the Governor. Even though Kiev was his family and an important element in the give and take, he was not the decision maker. That said, he could create problems for him.

Ewan sighed and collapsed on his bed; the firm mattress just malleable enough to be comfortable yet supporting him nicely. He didn’t regret refusing Kiev and would do it again if needed. There was too much risk in breaking through to Step-1 as he was now, especially in this unwalled city embroiled in war. Death could peek from any corner here, he had to remain on edge, else he would crack and shatter.
Even for the sake of his mystic rune, he wouldn’t consider what Kiev asked for. But in hindsight, he could have been more tactful in his refusal. His lack of experience in dealing with such situations, the fatigue, and the frustration from such a request made him snap. He didn’t even try to make an excuse, a diplomatic out would’ve resulted in a better ending, a more amiable conclusion.

The only hope for salvaging this mess now was that Kiev was pragmatic enough to not make this issue any bigger and forget everything. That would be the best outcome of all. Worst-case scenario though…

Let’s decide when it happens.

For now, he had to rest. Tomorrow, the raid might come again.


The bell blared before the sun could clear the ocean, its echoes spreading across the gray sky, startling the birds away. Ewan stretched and groaned on his bed, taking a deep breath, the bedsheet crumpling under him. Yesterday’s fatigue still lingered on him; it made him sluggish. This wasn’t the time nor the place where he could take it easy though. So, he dragged himself up and got ready to head out with a hint of anxiety at the back of his mind. Kiev’s reaction would make or break the day for him. Ewan’s actions from now on also depended on it.  

Out in the yard, the chilly wind brushed against him. The cold caress gave him some respite and the last bit of lethargy faded away with the dawn’s serenity.

“Why’re you sleeping here?” Ewan nudged Kidd’s bony butt with his foot.

He jerked up, looking around with rapid breaths, blades of grass stuck in his unkempt hair and dark circles ran beneath his eyes.

“Ah, Boss. Is it morning already?” he asked.

“Do you have what I asked for?” Ewan queried, panning his eyes around the yard. The corpses weren’t there anymore and the soil in one area was loose, so at least he finished one job. “What about the Wraith?”

“Eh? Ah, he was here last night, don’t know where he went,” Kidd said, losing his sleepy daze.

“Forget it, just get ready, we’re leaving.”

“We’re fighting again?”

“Most likely,” Ewan said, sending Kidd inside the house to get ready then heading out with him.

By the time they jogged down the mountain and reached the city, the sun had arced out, peeking over the crowns of the forest. The chirping birds should’ve accompanied its rise, and the animals should’ve bayed in greetings, but the declaration of war hushed them all.  

“Sir.” A guard in chromed breastplate like Lance saluted and addressed Ewan at the entrance. “Sir Kiev sent me for you,” he said.

“What is it?” Ewan asked.

“He said you don’t need to head to the defensive line, sir. Instead, you should stay here and keep an eye out for anyone who might sneak in,” the guard said.

Ewan chuckled. He was that angry that he didn’t want to see him anymore. Or was this a way of revenge, by stopping him from earning anything from the war? Yesterday’s battle had his shares too. All those enemy Ashevas who died because of his support, a percentage of their loot would go to him. He hadn’t received that yet either. The way things were developing, he might not see it ever.

“Okay, tell him I comply. I wish you success,” Ewan said with a polite smile, smothering the irritation inside.

He might not earn anything and might even lose what he already earned, but on the positive side, he was free to do whatever he wanted. That cave Kidd talked about—he could deal with it.

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