Asheva: A Summoner’s Tale – [Book-2 Complete]

Chapter-188 Organize

The sun decided to rise by the time the Stormfalcon neared the shores of the island, the bewildered and the disoriented birds leaving their nests with the untimely break of the dawn. Only one side of the island met the ocean with a beach and a smooth slant in the waters though, sharp reefs covered the rest. Luckily, it was the side that the waves led the Warship to, so Ewan dropped the anchors when they reached close enough, stretching his Ryvia to do a quick scan of the small island.

“No sign of anyone living here,” he said. “But still be careful, don’t stray too afar. And Stefan, you stay inside the ship, call me when you have to move. I’ll be on the beach.” He found a cozy place on the chilly sand and spread his sheets, laying down with the warm sunlight embracing him from behind. Nowadays, the gentle comfort of the sun always hid a trace of peril, and it dampened his downtime. Nevertheless, he was a Severynth and his autonomous Varos dimmed the threat of spontaneous combustion, he could still enjoy the sun for what it was, up to some extent.

Kidd trekked inside the forest in search of fresh drinking water, while Lance sawed the trees on the edge with the sword he carried. If they had enough material, Stefan could retry the sail and the mast and gain some control over the Warship’s direction.

Ewan, on the other hand, took out his diary for the notes and organized his spell list. The spells he needed to learn and the spells that could be obsolete, he had to work on his arsenal to increase his efficiency.

The first up was the healing spell category. Iris fulfilled most of his needs for the healing, so this was a sparse list for him—he only knew <Aid> as a Step-1 spell. It sufficed for now, but its target limitations would burden him in his Elementalist state when Iris would be out of action; he needed an area-of-effect spell to complement it. And his Spellbook gave him his answer after a short browse—a spell that excelled in a blood loss situation but also worked for general wounds, <Blood Cure>.

Ewan marked it for learning and moved on to the next category—the support category, both the buffs and the debuffs. His list of spells for this included <Bloodlust>, <Phantasm>, <Rekindle>, <Firedust>, and <Blood Stasis>. And the five still held strong, they were his mainstay spells now and would even carry him in the foreseeable future.
As for any new spell, he crossed the idea, what he had was enough for the time being.

The next category was the auxiliary spell list, and it had <Siesta>, <Enthrall>, <Remembrance>, <Stigma>, <Spoor>, <Veil>, <Lens>, and <Transmute>. They all shined off-combat, especially <Transmute>, and held their places, but only <Stigma> was the mainstay for his battles, it was vital for his area-of-effect spells. And a new spell in this category wasn’t a necessity as of yet.

For the defensive spell category, because of the layered protection from his Varos and Ryvia, he barely learned any. <Ice Wall> only sufficed for Step-0, it had no place in Step-1. Unless Ewan upgraded its spell circuit, he had to drop the spell. And his already desolate list in this category shrunk even more.
<Blood Rein> could act as a shield, but it belonged to the special spells category, pure defense was not its forte. Not to mention the blood it needed would trip him in the heat of a battle.

Thus, Ewan scoured the Spellbook again and picked one that suited his needs—<Elemental Cloak>. It was a spell like the <Elemental Rain> etched in the Rainwarden staff; it formed a defensive cloak for the targets based on their elemental affinity. Aside from its sturdy defense and the lack of elemental conflict with the target, its strong suit lay in its versatile usage of any Anima available as its fuel.

Next up was the offensive category, and it included <Ice Daggers>, <Fireball>, <Fireflies>, and <Boom>. They all treaded up to Step-1 and remained functional at his current stage, but he still needed more options, especially in the ice and the blood elements. And his first choice became <Coldwave>, a spell that shot a frigid wave away from the caster and froze anything and everything in its path. For the blood element, his pick was the <Bloodmoths>, a spell that unleashed a swarm of moths made of corrosive blood upon the enemies, doing sustained damage.

Ewan had several spells that could double as crowd-control spells, but except for <Repulse>, the category lay devoid of the specialized names. He could make do if didn’t have any other option, but he had his Spellbook with him, and the treasure chest still had much to give. So, he flipped the pages again and looked for suitable spells.
And two of his two respective elements caught his eye. His Anima level barely touched the threshold of their minimum-Anima points, he couldn’t cast them as he wished for now, but their towering maximum-Anima points meant they would be with him for a long time before becoming obsolete in their current form.
<Frostweb>, an ice-element spell that created a sticky cobweb structure around the targets made of icy filaments. It glued to and froze anything it touched.
<Bloodstars>, a blood-element spell that created several weighty and corrosive orbs of blood hovering around the target, impeding their actions.

Finally, it was the special spells category with a blend of weird spells that didn’t fit in with their other comrades in their lists—<Blood Rein> and <Ember>. One took his blood to work, and the other could only light torches and kindle the fire-starter. Both still had their places in Ewan’s spell arsenal, but their limitations on usage shoved them down to the bottom of the list.

Lance had already sawed through several trees by now, and Kidd too brought back barrels and barrels of water. And with that, he shut his diary and stretched, his joints popping and snapping. It was time to cook his game and have a feast.

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