Asheva: A Summoner’s Tale – [Book-2 Complete]

Chapter-53 Game

Ewan stared at the dome barrier that now covered the colony, the back of his neck tingling, sending currents down his spine. Most gaped in awe at the sky-blue lights streaking over the saffron cage, but its purpose wasn’t lost on him. This cage meant to trap them inside…
But why? The walls did that job, not even Severynths could climb that. Unless it targeted those who could fly, but few of that level existed in this colony now, or perhaps there were none.

A phone rang in the block, a second ring followed soon, then the third and the fourth hummed the symphony. The whole neighborhood buzzed aloud with ringing phones. Ewan’s phone rang too, he received a message.

“Dear Ashevas of Obria,” it read. “Please accept my deepest apologies for any inconvenience already caused and the more to come. I speak to you as the new Crown of your colony, Valenza Adorno, but my intentions are far from ruling it. As you may have noticed, the cage will prevent you from getting out, rest assured though, I bear no ill will towards you. My only purpose is the completion of the Regal Rite, and it unfortunately asks for blood.”

Ewan frowned at the implication, for it hinted at a massacre. “Kyron’s blood can suffice, but I do not wish to force your hand and turn you into butchers. That’s why the colony will now enter a survival game. Fight and survive until the Regal Rite is over, and you’ll be rewarded. Fail and die on the way, and I will mourn your end. And so, without further ado, let it begin.”


Ewan looked on in dismay as hordes of Astylinds barged in through the cage, rampaging at the colony’s border. Even the dust cloud from the fallen wall couldn’t hide their tempest, and it answered his doubts about the dome. The cage stopped anyone from leaving, but it let the menace in. The new ruler had matched his gambit with the incoming tide, or he might’ve triggered it himself. Nonetheless, the endless support from the nature solidified his maneuver…

He shook his head; these thoughts were pointless at this point. His survival was more important. Luckily, he lived in the center of the colony, the outer areas would buy him time.

Two choices rested before him now—either he could look for a way out or play the ‘game’ according to the new owner’s wishes. The monumental cage overlooking the entirety of the colony smothered all hopes of finding any loophole. So, playing the game might be his only option… At least, it wasn’t impossible to survive on the given terms. The new Crown needed blood for his rite, and the colony lacked anything but that. He only had to wait out the bloodbath and freedom would greet him with open arms.

Yet, the same would put him on the back foot… He floated down to the balcony, his mind churning. Passive course of actions would leave him to the new Crown’s mercy. If he intended to do as he messaged, all would be fine. But if he didn’t…

Even though the cage looked indelible, he had to try.


The outskirts of the colony kept the Astylinds busy for the day, the central part remained intact. The pale tint of the orange sunset purpled, and the sky welcomed a moonless night, the dense clouds mirroring the gloom beneath. The loss of daylight would weaken any diurnals, and the nocturnals would emerge—it was finally time to leave, for the night gave him an advantage too.
Ewan prepared everything—all the essentials were in his claw-ring—he took one look at each room, said his goodbyes to the past, locked the house, and left with sorrow dousing every inch of his being, glancing at Nana’s house as he walked away. He was a wanderer from now on, his home would be where he would be.

His destination was the border and then the outside world if possible. The cage met the ground at the edge of the colony, even if it was futile, he had to check it out. If he failed, he would join the game. And he wasn’t the only one with that idea.

A group of Severynths—some among them his regulars—huddled by the corner of the block, discussing in hushed voices, armed with daggers and kitchen knives. Nana leaned on the wall beside them, alone and quiet, peeping at his house from time to time. Her Astylind perched on her shoulder, pecking her hair, tweeting and chirping.

And Nana perked up when Ewan exited.

The neighborhood suffered a brownout; the streetlights flickered, and the shadows blinked. Ewan’s green glowing eyes met theirs in the dark and they looked away, even his regular customers avoided him. The news of the blood festival had a bigger impact than he imagined, it affected the casual Severynths too. But it was better this way, less obstruction, no one to bother him—he was always alone, and he would remain so. He pocketed his hands in his onyx-black cargo, glancing at Nana with wavering eyes and his emotions rippling, and skirted them, keeping his distance.

“Can I come with you?” Nana asked, stepping forward. Her bird chirped at him, flapping her wings. “I won't be a bother, I promise. I’ll just follow quietly,” she said.

Ewan looked at the Water Jay preening, and strolled way, his silence answering her—Nana scuttled after him with a smile. A minute after his resolution, he ceased to be alone…

“Where’re we going?” she asked when they crossed a few haunted-quiet streets. Flowers had bloomed on the roadside, stubborn weeds jutted out the walls. Greenbirth brought life and activity after the desolate and silent Frosthelm. Yet, the absence of Starons and the distant howls put Ewan on edge, he couldn’t appreciate the intrigue of seasons right now.

“Are you going to hunt?” she asked again, sticking close to him.

“What happened to ‘follow quietly’?”

She shrunk her neck. “The silence is creepy…”

Ewan sighed. “I’m going to the outskirts.”

“Why? Do you want to check the barrier? Are you leaving?”

“Aren’t you?” he asked. “Why’d you come with me anyway?”

“I can protect you,” she said.

“I don’t need it.”

“Luna can heal, she can be a good support.”

“…Fine, just keep up,”


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