Ashlani’s Reincarnation [a LitRPG Adventure]

Chapter 153

[Shemira POV]

Sybil had long learned how to control her body language, to hide her anxieties and frustrations and so on, but after Shemira had spent so much time working alongside her, she knew how to read the tension in Sybil, even without the intrinsic understanding of others’ emotions that came to her from her magic. Her steps became a bit shorter and faster, and sometimes she breathed exclusively through her nose, while on other occasions she would turn her whole body to look at something instead of just her head whenever she was worried and anxious. Shemira held back her smile as Sybil walked with tight, quick steps towards the forward ranks of the keelish, her body turning from side to side as she observed the assembled keelish. She took a deep breath through her nostrils as, once again, Sybil seemed to be going through some internal checklist.

Shemira strode closer and closer to her friend, her steps light and unassuming. There was an art to it, she had realized. If you were too sneaky, Sybil could somehow pick up on it, but when you did it just right… Shemira leaned into Sybil and knocked her to the side as she draped her neck over Sybil’s.

“Don’t worry so much about it! Your Alpha’s plans are great, and you’ve done what you need to!”

Sybil stepped forward, letting Shemira’s head and neck slip down her back until she was forced to stand up again. “Shemira, are you ready to begin our assignment in truth?” Her tone was even and unsurprised, but she couldn’t hide the slight twitch of her tail from Shemira’s abrupt appearance. Underneath that, without Shemira’s bidding, her magic told her of Sybil’s nervousness, desire to succeed, and worry for her mate.

“Yes, I’m ready. Everyone else is ready. We’ve been ready. It’s time.” Shemira leaned into Sybil again, and was happy that her friend did nothing but simply accept her weight and shifted herself to better support Shemira. “C’mon, Syb. I’m bored, and we can’t even join in on the fighting, so let’s get going so we can at least watch.”

“It is not yet time to begin the attack.” Sybil’s response was measured and direct, as level as ever. “If we begin the attack too early, the Alpha’s assault will be weakened, and we may be put in danger.”

Shemira sighed in protest of the boring, safe path that Sybil had long since determined to follow. The longer it had been since she had acted as an Alpha, the more Shemira realized she really wasn’t suited for it. She didn’t want to be subordinate to a fool like Tieran had been, and she refused to be some breeding stock so she’d fought to become an Alpha, but she also didn’t want the pressures of being in charge of all these weaklings. They were just so… dull. Sybil and Ashlani, on the other hand, well, they were fun. 

Sybil had been so kind as to forgive Shemira for how she had treated her back when they were both in Tieran’s pack, and ever since Ashlani had also forgiven her, Shemira had stuck with Sybil. She was so much better than the males, who, regardless of if it was due to her magic or otherwise, could only ever approach her with rutting on the mind. With her magic, it wouldn’t take long before the tug of the other, strong emotions would drive her to becoming a mindless, lust-driven beast. Ashlani, she supposed, had more complex, nuanced feelings while around her, but he was… too much. Too intense, too focused, too powerful. Shemira was unwilling to be dragged along behind the tempest that was her Alpha, since if she’d dedicated herself to him like Sybil, she would long have lost herself. Following him from a slight distance was more than enough for her, thank you.

While Shemira continued leaning against Sybil, Sybil suddenly shifted and nearly sent Shemira tumbling to the ground. “It’s time.” Then, without any further fanfare or declaration, Sybil shouted out, “The Alpha commands that you go! Kill the humans! Leave none alive!” There was a brief pause of confused silence, then the grouped keelish screamed their challenge to the humans before charging headlong towards where Ashlani had guaranteed they would be. Something about it being a hill and that helping their magic? Shemira hadn’t needed to understand why, just that it was.

As the hisses and screams of keelish filled the air, Shemira sidled back next to Sybil. “A great war cry, there.”

Sybil leveled her eyes at Shemira. “I have never pretended to be a leader, Shemira. You know that already.”

“Yeah, but I figured you’d put at least a little more effort in, since this is for your sweet mate’s victory. Maybe plan something for him?”

Sybil couldn’t hide the twitch of her tail. “He has made the plan, all that falls to me is my willingness to follow the commands. Now, we will approach to a safe distance and observe. The Alpha has told me that humans lack our ability to see in the dark, so we should be safe from much closer.”

Shemira didn’t want to argue with that, since from this far away she wouldn’t be able to sense the emotions of the fighting. She didn’t want to be hurt, herself, but one of the best ways to truly be alive was to feel the death of another. Nothing else could bring the stark reality of mortality than to feel the life ebbing from someone or something nearby to you.

As the two females began to trot after the fiercely sprinting masses, Foire approached from the side, his mind, as always, a wall of firm devotion to Ashlani and everything he stood for. There was the constant whine of pain due to Treel’s death in the corner of his sense of being, but he had long mastered and tempered that agony.

“There are over one hundred of the scaleless freaks as I can feel them. This close, they can’t evade my senses, and it doesn’t feel like they’re trying to hide either.” The derision and hatred dripped from every inch of Foire’s body and tone, and Shemira felt herself beginning to flare the frills and scales around her neck and head in aggression. She felt the need to move and fight nearly as much as Foire himself did, and with a force of will and habit, she weakened her magic so she wouldn’t be quite so inundated with Foire’s emotions.

Neither of the other two keelish paid Shemira any mind as she mastered herself, and Sybil answered Foire’s statement as the three leaders of the rabble continued approaching the battlefield. “Whether they hide themselves or not does not matter at this point. The trap is set, and the humans are happily stepping in it. We need only keep the sacrifices from breaking under the pressure while ensuring those of our pack stay safe.”

“That may be difficult,” Foire responded, “As Ytte has declared that she’ll be leading the charge in.”

“Nievtala forgotten fool.” Sybil cursed. “Let’s get closer to see if we can pull her out.”

The three observers sped up enough to hear the beginnings of battle. Keelish snarls filled the air as the incomprehensible language of the “humans” responded in kind. Looking around, Ytte was about to lock herself in combat with three of the humans at the same time. That was when the explosions of earth and fire alike began.

Thanks for reading! I changed my mind, haha. A human POV chapter next. Or… will it be?

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