Ashlani’s Reincarnation [a LitRPG Adventure]

Chapter 175

[Took POV]

Took had long become accustomed to being the largest around, and she liked that. It helped her to feel like there was at least something she was in control of. Sure, Sybil was smarter and a real Beta to the Alpha, but Took was taller and stronger than her! Foire was faster and a better scout, but Took could haul much more of the hunt back to the swarm. Yes, the Alpha was stronger than her, and he could use magic too, but at least she was bigger than him! There was always a balance, and in at least one thing, Took was better than the rest.

And then, Rulac had changed.

She wasn’t sure what exactly the Alpha did to do it, but he had been able to make those of his “elites”, as he called them, become bigger, stronger, faster, and better. Even so, though, it had been limited to those he trusted most. Only the best were worthy of becoming better like she had. None of the “new” keelish had evolved like the elites, and Took had taken pride in her special-ness.

And then, Rulac had changed.

Before Rulac evolved, he had been annoying but competent. Obsessed with rutting (he always smelled of sex), and seemingly lazy. A competent leader, and able to adjust to changes. Mouthy and arrogant, but widely agreed to be a great complement to Redael’s intensity. And, for one of the unevolved, he was probably the strongest, even stronger than Redael, Took thought. Better than Took in those ways, as well as being more experienced than her in every way. However, she was bigger, stronger, taller, and faster than him.

And then, Rulac had changed.

Now, he was taller than her, stronger than her, faster than her, bigger than her. He was still the same mouthy, arrogant, lazy, tail-chasing fool he had always been, but now… he was also better than her in every way. The very thought enraged Took to her core, and she couldn’t stand to be near him. Ever since she had begun to reach adulthood, she’d never been wholly outclassed in every possible way.

And then, Rulac had changed.

At the end of the day’s travels, it was finally time where Took could do something she wanted to instead of simply stepping forward with the rest of the swarm. With a pleased deep breath, she strode out of the gathered keelish, ready to go on a hunt, to finally actually do something and contribute to the wellbeing of the swarm, when Rulac stepped towards her. Though she continued walking without acknowledging him, the worthless, rank male continued to approach.

“Hey there leggy! Where you going?”

Took didn’t give him the satisfaction of any response. Instead, she simply continued walking into the surrounding jungle. With a long, low whistle, she called for whoever of the keelish she’d always hunted with to come with if they so wanted.

“On one of your hunts, right? I know that whistle. I wanna come.”

Took wanted to lash out, to say something about how she’d rather be stuck hunting bullfrog spawn than to let him come with her, but she realized that his presence would be a boon, even if just knowing he was there would set her teeth on edge. It cost her something, but Took flared her frills in assent before continuing to walk onward. She slowed her step enough to allow any willing participants for the hunt to gather, but even then, Took didn’t stop herself. Before long, a full pack of ten, her preferred number, had gathered.

Looking over them, Took was unhappy to see neither Foire nor Silf. Not even Caza or Kee either. Since the hunts were always in a new area where everything was unfamiliar, the best scouts were a premium commodity, plus only one of the good ones did better work than even two of the less trained ones. Took restrained herself from cursing and instead, with her practiced signals, commanded three of the weakest of the pack to be on lookout and search duty. On the other hand, Brutus had come, as he always did, and Rulac was an absolute monster on his own. There were two of the sneakier keelish here in Ilne and Friish, so they were assigned to flanking anything they found. The other two would float, while Took herself would join the front line with Brutus and Rulac.

Just before she was ready to begin the hunt in earnest, Rulac’s self-important voice interrupted from just alongside her.

“So, what are we doing here?”

“Silence.” Took, without thinking further about it, whipped her tail at Rulac’s back, and though he was partially successful at dodging her chastisement, there was a satisfying thunk of her tail whapping against his flank. He opened his mouth, about to say something else, and Took was forced to interrupt him and speak more. “We are silent on my hunts. Shut up or leave.”

Rulac took a second to understand, but unfortunately, he listened to her request and, with a broad, patronizing grin, nodded severely. Her decision made and her leadership clear, Took again signed out the commands to each of the keelish, making sure that each understood their position and responsibilities. Brutus struggled to understand the commands, but after repeating them twice, he was the last to flare his frills in assent. Took appreciated that in him, and noted that in comparison Rulac’s literal superiority to her was only part of the problem with the massive male–he refused to slow down, to admit when he didn’t know something, or just not make an insufferable ass of himself.

The hunt began, and it continued in the same, annoying, disappointing fashion it had been thus far–no luck in finding any good prey, and the entire time, Rulac stuck so close to Took that she wanted to scream. Nearly an hour passed and, with the suns setting, still there was no sign of any good prey. Normally, Took would have been fine and able to bear that with grace, but Rulac’s constant presence ground away at her nerves, at her patience, and at her mind. Finally, the pack stumbled across a pair of scaled deer and quickly dispatched them.

Barely enough to feed those on the hunt. Before Took could even begin to curse to herself, though, Rulac’s voice wore away at the last thread of her sanity.

“See that’s why you shouldn’t be leading this pack on a hunt! Just wait for me back with the rest, and I’ll show you what you’re really good for, leggy! I swear, I’ll make you–”

Those were the last words out of his mouth, because that was when Took’s jaws closed around Rulac’s throat.

Thank you for reading! Last chapter for the week! Dunno if there'll be one on Monday, my brother's coming home from a long trip and I'm picking him up from the airport during my usual writing time. You can read up to 30 chapters ahead on the Patreon, though!

Join the swarm!

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