Ashlani’s Reincarnation [a LitRPG Adventure]

Chapter 46

My right shoulder hung in tatters, the shredded muscles curving and curling downward like an inverted lotus. The arm hung limp, and after a moment’s disbelief, I attempted to move my right hand. Agony. I could see the exposed muscles in my shoulder twitch and try to do what I had asked, but immediately I stopped trying to move as the fiery pain of my hubris smashed into me. All the while, my whole body continued to involuntarily twitch from the remnant jolts of electricity coursing through me.

I gasped as the agony of my situation settled over me, of what I needed to do before I could get any rest. With prey to return back to the den and a need to get far away from the wolfstag’s territory, there was a long walk ahead of me. I called for the rest of the pack to begin hauling the corpses back to the den. Several of the less intelligent members of the hunt began to growl in protest at being kept from setting into the meal before them, but with a couple well placed kicks and threatening hisses, the pack was once more on the move.

The journey back to the den was agonizing for me, and while I wanted to lose myself in my updated [Status], I couldn’t hardly bring myself to put one foot in front of the other. The idea of looking through the numbers and notifications was exhausting to me, and instead I stepped as gingerly as I could as I followed the steps of the rest of the pack. 

About halfway back to the den, I shook myself out of my pain-induced stupor enough to notice Percral hauling the body of the wolfstag he had slain by himself. Its face was a pulped mash of shattered bone and mauled flesh, and the rest of its body was covered with various wounds from battle. Percral was limping, I guessed from the shock he’d sustained while finally killing his chosen prey. Regardless of his obvious discomfort, he continued hauling they prey with stoicism.

I walked quietly alongside Percral, simply setting one foot after the other. He walked and, after a couple moments of silence between us, he adjusted the wolfstag’s corpse so that he could carry it with just his arms. 

“I… don’t want to be a coward. I’ll be stronger now. Forged in blood, I’ll follow.” With those few words, Percral readjusted the weight he was bearing and resumed silently carrying his load onward.

I barely mustered the ability to speak. “Good job.” Resuming my mind-numbing plodding was almost a relief, and I allowed my mind to retreat back to an aching fog. Fortunately enough for me, the time passed quickly enough and before I knew it I found myself stumbling down the slope into the den. 

Sybil’s voice asked me something I couldn’t remember or understand, and I simply slumped back into my personal quarters, exhausted and in agony. I could vaguely understand that the others were ministering to my wounds, attempting to replace the flesh around my shoulder in such a way that I might have some prayer of using it once more. I knew it was a vain hope, unless I could quickly evolve and experience that miraculous revivification of my body. Just before I succumbed to unconsciousness, I was able to quickly glance through my [Status], the words swimming in my vision.

At the bottom, I could just pick out the words, [Status upda– Evolutionary –gress: … Evolution unlocked… Racial designation…]

With my inbound evolution, I had just a prayer of saving my arm.

The unconsciousness of evolution brought clarity instead of relaxation. Had I passed out because of blood loss? Or from the plain agony of it all? Or just to evolve?

[Probably all three, little fang. More the first two, if I was to guess.]

I suppose unconsciousness is preferable to death or dismemberment.


We both paused, and I enjoyed the silence before being interrupted once more by the Administrator.

[You… are both one of the most intelligent but also most foolish of the keelish Users that has ever existed.]

… why would you say that?

[BECAUSE YOU SACRIFICED YOUR ARM! FOR NO REASON!] The typically soft and warmly enveloping voice became thunderous and shook my to my core. She didn’t seem angry so much as completely confused and at a loss for words.

[But truly. Why?]

I… wanted to make up some excuse, but I simply hadn’t thought about it. I’d been in the throes of righteous vindication, slaughtering the wolfstags, and I hadn’t cared to protect myself. 

[You need to get over Oncli.]

That struck me like a bolt from clear skies, and before I could gather myself, she continued.

[He’s dead. Not coming back. Move on.]

Her voice was matter of fact, neither uncaring nor warm. I was pissed. My friend had died for a stupid reason, was I not allowed to grieve? Possibly my only friend I would have in this life, with my goals I couldn’t afford connections like that, I needed to be willing to cast them off. Could I not remember this one?

[Little fang.] The Administrator’s voice was soft, but firm. [You cannot begin to fathom the eons I have witnessed, the empires I’ve seen rise and fall, the friends I have made and lost. To do so would be to glimpse a facet of eternity. You will hurt, you will heal, and you will move on. Oncli was a compassionate soul in a warrior’s world. He would have been thrown by the waves of cruelty and broken upon the rocks of indifference. Perhaps it is better he found Nievtala’s embrace while still so innocent and kind. You will not have that luxury, tainted by hatred and ambition as you are…] Her voice faded almost to nothing, but I did hear her final words, [You will make a fine Keel.]

Again, we rested in the quiet, blanketing nothing. 



My musings were broken by the Administrator’s voice, having returned to its coy, teasing tone. [Now, I have a duty to you, and there are some who resent my advice given without questions, but they are still under the System’s discipline and this evolution of yours is a special one, so there is nothing they can do. What do you have to ask?]

I’d thought of this question, and since I’d had time to relax and think while here, I was ready to ask it. Eventually, I’m not going to be completing so many [Quests], I’ve seen that they will become more stringent and difficult to complete. Further, I will have much fewer opportunities to evolve, so how do I get my Skills to evolve?’

[Still focused on progress, on strengthening yourself. A Keel’s mindset, truly.] She sighed, then continued, [Instead of “answering” your question, I shall directly influence your personalized Status display for both Quests and Skills. I hope it suits your fancy.]

I could hear a grin spread across her face as she called out, in direct opposition to the forced fading of her voice, [And I sure look forward to your reaction to your new evolution… and magic.]

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