Ashlani’s Reincarnation [a LitRPG Adventure]

Chapter 49

As I’d been once again left alone, I glanced through my [Status], making sure I was satisfied with everything I’d learned about my new evolution. I noted that the progression towards evolution for my sonilphon had progressed by one, and it was refilling painfully slowly. I guessed that it may take as long as an hour or two for it to be refilled completely, so, as it was, if I ran out of my sonilphon’s reserves while in battle then that was it. Not that I had any idea of what to do other than make a loud noise.

I was about to close out of my [Status] when I realized I had missed one of my new [Skills]. It had, in my mind, simply blended with the [Skill] below it when I’d looked the first time. [Evolutionary Guide], not foresight. What was the difference?

[Skill: Evolutionary Guide; a passive Skill granted to those who have demonstrated their ability to guide others onto a possible path of evolution. This Skill blesses the holder with an innate understanding of the evolutionary state of those who trust the holder for advice. In addition to the understanding of others’ evolutionary state, the Skill gives subtle hints and guidance to the holder that they may give advice that pushes the listener to greater evolutions. Finally, those who follow the guidance of the holder are granted a 10% reduction in evolutionary and Skill acquisition requirements.]

Stars above, that might well be the greatest [Skill] I could hope for. Praise Nievtala! 

The divine praise came subconsciously, and while I didn’t love that, I did recognize that I had spoken Her words and been granted power beyond what I’d previously had. Maybe a bit of appreciation would better grant me power? Out loud, I spoke,

“Praise Nievtala. Thank you.”

Then, I nodded my head and strode out into the communal space of the den. It had changed in the past day, with the area more spread out to allow for groups of keelish to huddle together and still have space from another small pack, if they so desired. It evidently was the time where most of the keelish were actually gathering up to begin their activities for the day, with packs forming up around Took, Treel, and Foire. As I exited, I felt all eyes fall upon me, and I subconsciously stood tall and looked down at the rest of the brood. A surge of pleasure coursed through me as I noted the deference and respect with which my subordinates looked at me.

I nodded, and as if it were a signal, the rest of the brood returned to whatever it was that they were doing before my exit. Again, a part of me disagreed with this feeling of superiority that had suddenly become an intrinsic part of me, but the rest of me, a growing majority, tamped down that weak thought and instead focused on how that would allow me to help more and more to evolve and gain [Skills]. That respect and near worship would help them even more than they knew.

With my confidence renewed, I approached Sybil. She was discussing something with Etra and Cree, while Katre, surprisingly enough, stood behind them and waited for a command.

“Alpha,” Sybil acknowledged me, interrupting her conversation without hesitation, “Is there something we can do for you?”

I clacked my teeth, “No, I wanted to know if there was anything you needed more bodies working on that the hunters don’t want to engage in.”

“Yes, always. Most pressing at this time is the creation of clean latrines. It is safest for us to relieve ourselves within the den, but there is a constant need for new latrines to be dug out and the old ones to be filled.”

I flared my frills in assent as I asked, “How many do you need?”

A flick of her tail, indecision. “Five if you want it to be a punishment, more like ten if you want to pass it off as a small chore to complete while taking the day off.”

I slowly nodded and then turned to Took. She pretty quickly noticed my attention and, with a quick gesture of mine, trotted over to me. 


“Are there any of the hunters that have been insubordinate or in need of a break?”

She flicked her tail. “Couple. Some of the scaleless from Shemira’s pack. Shemira.” She spit out the word “scaleless” with a surprising vehemence.

“Great, I’ll take them for today.”

Took flared her frills and trotted back to her pack. Before long, four of the adult males and Shemira were before me. Shemira was immediately laying it on thick, coquettish and demure in every movement. The part of me that thought itself superior to the rest found a visceral pleasure in something beautiful submitting to me, but I quashed that thought and, before she could say anything, spoke to the five of them.

“You four, you’re on latrine duty today. Sybil will tell you where and how much. You don’t eat until you’re finished.” They were obviously unhappy with the command, but none spoke up as I continued, “It’s her fault.” I pointed at Shemira, and her face and demeanor shifted to confused and angry. “You’ve decided to follow her instead of me, so she’ll remain on the hunt, while you’re stuck in the den. You can make different decisions tomorrow. Or not, and stay the same.” I flicked my left hand in dismissal, and the four, scowling and growling under their breaths, strode back to await orders from Sybil.

“Shemira.” I dismissed her with just her name and a wave of my hand. She, unwilling, slowly retreated back to Took’s pack.

Before I could turn back to ask, Sybil’s voice carried over to me, “Thank you, Alpha.”

I nodded back at her, then went to accompany Foire’s pack on their hunt. After all, even if I was taking it easy, I could still go on the hunt, right?

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