Ashlani’s Reincarnation [a LitRPG Adventure]

Chapter 69

We have no idea how that swarm got to be so large and so powerful. They wouldn’t have posed any threat, if it had only been composed of the usual keelish, but not only were the individuals from the swarm larger and more intelligent as a baseline, there were at least dozens of magically inclined individuals within the swarm before we knew of their existence. We would ask those from the nearest settlements what sign there had been of keelish, but we know they would never have withheld that information from Viertaal knowingly. Regardless of how they did it, that swarm was able to hide its existence until it was too late for us to react to their presence.

-Report from High Colonel Mara’atali di’Samutelia

Rulac did not help me to my feet, simply watched as I struggled, stumbled, and finally stood, wincing, before him. Still, the entire time, the stupid smirk didn’t leave his face. 

“That’s about how well I thought that would go. Good job getting an invitation for tomorrow! You can find your own way here then.”

“You couldn’t have told me he was going to do that? Are you stupid? Do you hate me?” I couldn’t help but spit the words venomously at Rulac’s back. Without looking, his tail whipped back and smashed into my mouth. As I slammed into the ground for the third time, I felt a tooth knock loose and I let it fall out of my limply hanging mouth. With stars still swimming in my vision, Rulac lowered himself to look me directly in the eye.

“You’re an idiot.” He paused, letting it sink in. I didn’t speak. He nodded. “You’re beginning to understand. Look, I like you. I think you’re gonna be great. You have a lot you’re going to be able to do for the swarm, and I look forward to it.” Again, he paused, then continued, “Get your head outta your ass. Just cause your brood thinks you’re the next swarm alpha doesn’t mean that I do. What do you have to offer me? Nothing. You’re still a hatchling, trying to figure out how to take steps forward. Nothing wrong with that. Shut up and listen to your betters.”

I bristled at him calling himself my better, and as my frills began to flare unconsciously and rebelliously, Rulac reached out and tweaked one. I’d had my ear twisted by my mother at least once a week until I reached 18 summers. This was both more painful and more humiliating than an ear twist had ever been, as the bones within my frill were pulled out of position and the skin was nearly ripped as Rulac pulled up.

“When I was a hatchling, someone told me that ‘you ain’t nothing. Get used to it.’ Kid, you ain’t nothing. If you want to be more than that, you gotta earn it. You’ve earned nothing so far.” Rulac then turned away, uncaring as I again tried to stumble to my feet. “Don’t bother me tomorrow. I’ve got things to do.” Then, just like Redael, Rulac was gone. 

I could feel my blood crusting on my face as I slowly lurched my way up the path to my territory. Again, I heard and saw various members of the swarm poking their heads out to gawk as I passed, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. I was in pain, I was enraged beyond belief, and I was exhausted. I wanted nothing more than to stumble into my quarters and sleep while Vefir ministered to my every wound. And there was no way I was going to drag myself back down there to be embarrassed for no reason tomorrow. 

The anger and frustration continued to simmer within me as I slowly continued on the path. Rulac had simply turned me over to Redael, and he’d enjoyed beating me for no real reason. That was about what I’d expected from him, but from Rulac? I didn’t know him that well, but I’d never thought that he would abandon me to that kind of fate. 

If it hadn’t been so painful to take every step, I would have veritably stomped my way into my den, but as it was, I quietly limped in. Before long, Sybil noticed me and immediately ran towards me. 

“What happened to you? You left without saying anything, you just disappeared, and you come back like this. Did you try to go on a hunt?”

“Redael.” Again, I spat the name with venom and bitterness. 

Sybil looked at me, waiting for any elaboration. I chewed over what I wanted to say as Vefir approached and walked with us to my quarters. There, he began to spread his magic through my face, jaw, legs, ribs, arms, and my body as a whole. Each time he healed me I could feel the greater focus and impact of his magic and I’d never been so grateful for it before now. With the relief of healing spreading through me, I could feel a large part of the ire drain from me. 

“I asked Rulac to teach me how to fight, instead of just hunt. He said he would show me to someone who was among the best of the swarm. It was Redael, and as we were talking, he began to hit me.”

“So… what was the problem?” I was surprised to have Vefir question me.

“I was attacked and humiliated, that is the problem!” My voice began to rise involuntarily as I spoke, until it thundered and echoed in the small space while I stepped closer and more threateningly towards him. “He assaulted and injured me, then disregarded me!”

Vefir nodded while recoiling from my presence, then interrupted me before I could build up momentum. “But he didn’t injure you. Sure, he hurt you, but you’ve sustained no real injuries.”

I was about to lash out and argue, but I felt a slight brush of forced calm across my mind. That allowed me to really think about what Vefir had said. I wasn’t injured. The pains I was suffering weren’t debilitating, simply pains. With Vefir’s presence, I wouldn’t feel anything in the morning, except maybe a couple cuts in my mouth and a missing tooth. There would be a new tooth soon, our mouths cycled through them regularly. Sybil spoke as I completed my internal checkup and Vefir stepped back, his magic exhausted.

“Then you received the teachings you desired?”

“Not yet.” I was forced to admit. “I was invited to return tomorrow. I suppose I will.”

Sybil’s face and body language communicated no emotion except acceptance and calmness. “I suppose you will.”

Thanks for reading!

Join the swarm!

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