Ashlani’s Reincarnation [a LitRPG Adventure]

Chapter 71

“Stay in control, whelp.” Redael’s words were punctuated with a blinding smash of his head into the side of mine. My knees wanted to buckle, but I didn’t allow them, instead rolling with the hit and allowing myself to fall only long enough to gain some measure of distance from my tormentor. He allowed me that little distance, pressing in but not so quickly as he had before and I knew he could.

Pity. I’d hoped to land another strike on his knee, where a narrow wound seeped hot trails of blood. Disregarding the small cut I’d inflicted on him, Redael walked steadily and carefully, ensuring I had no chance to make any sudden attacks. My sneak attack thwarted, I stood and breathed deep. [Bloodlust] was allowing me to ignore any number of smaller aches and pains, but I needed to constantly fight against its compulsion to rush forward without thought. Instead, I settled slowly back, keeping my weight balanced and ready to move in any direction in response to whatever my foe decided to do.

After sizing me up with his head cocked, Redael pressed into my space and I immediately ducked below his swiping hand. I was rising up to drive my claws into his chest when I realized the Alpha was still turning, whipping his tail towards me. I stumbled backward, trying to escape the reach of the long weapon, but I was too slow to wholly avoid the swift scaly club that wrenched into my right arm. 

Even through the haze of [Bloodlust], the agony of my right shoulder being tweaked like that pulled me out of any combative readiness. Regardless of my current state, I knew that my “teacher” wouldn’t stop just because I was suffering. With a grimace, I tried to settle back into a reactive position, but I was compromised, and Redael knew no mercy. He kept circling to my right side until I was backed against a wall, where he lashed out with closed fists, punching my left arm and ribs three times until I gasped out in pain. 

Then, once I’d lost my stance from the pain, Redael grabbed the base of my skull and forced my face into the dirt. I couldn’t stop my gasping breaths and began to gag and choke on the dust that filled my mouth and nostrils. Still wheezing and in pain, I fought back, trying to get my face free, to allow myself to get at least one clear breath. I couldn’t, but after maybe five seconds of panicked fighting, Redael released me.

“At least you’ve learned not to give up.” He continued to speak as he walked away, down into his quarters, “See you tomorrow.”

I rolled over, finally breathing clean air and hacking out dirty mucus and sandy saliva. Gasping, I took a minute before rising to my feet and feeling all the aches and pains from this “training” session settle over me.  Redael’s instructions were being drilled into me, almost as if they were being actively carved into my bones. However, disregarding the pain that these lessons brought, I could already feel myself improving from just two days ago. After I slept next, I would awaken to some form of growth, something I was looking forward to. Maybe those bonus Stats would allow me to better hold my own against Redael. I held no illusions that I would be able to fight as his equal, but I was hoping I could finally leave the realm of “insolent child”.

As best as I could, I shrugged off the beating I’d just sustained and began to walk up the tunnel towards my pack’s territory. This was only the third time I’d made this trip up the halls, but I could tell that the mature keelish whose dens I passed were watching. Already, I could feel a change in their evaluation of me. On the first day, I was sure that every one of them was laughing at my pitiful state, then yesterday, confused at my willingness to reenter the situation. Today, holding my head high, I limped my way back to my territory and I could feel some measure of appreciation and respect from those watching me. 

Did they think I was insane for continuing to subject myself to Redael’s attention? Probably. Did they see that I was coming back less injured? Almost certainly.

Maybe those who saw me thought I was pathetic and pitiable, but there were sure to be some that saw my potential, my possibilities. I attempted to massage my injured pride (and ribs) with similar justifications as I arrived back into my pack’s territory. Every breath came with pain to my left ribs, the punches I’d sustained there had probably nearly cracked a bone, but I’d come to realize exactly how careful Redael was with me. There was no tenderness offered, but he’d never broken one of my bones, and had never given me any injury that I hadn’t been able to sleep off with Vefir’s assistance.

My arrival back at the den was greeted by Vefir, as it had been the last two days as well. Immediately he set to tending my wounds, and with every day’s practice, his mastery over his magic improved. I couldn’t tell if he’d qualified for any evolution to whatever the name was of his magic manipulation organ, but even if he hadn’t, his obviously greater skill served to incentivize me to hasten my own experiments and work on my sonilphon. Before long, with his assistance, my ribs no longer ached and I could breathe a sigh of relief. 


“Yes, Alpha?” He never called me by my name now. I couldn’t say if the realization bothered me, but I enjoyed the obvious respect.

“Thank you. You’re getting even better day by day.”

Vefir flared his frills and bowed low, almost seeming to blush. “Thank you, Alpha.” For the first time in a while, I felt the descent of the divine presence as Vefir continued, “I serve in the shadow you cast.”

Unbidden, I added, “We are they who cast the long shadow.”

Vefir seemed to be shaken from his reverie and smiled a little at me before retreating. As he left, that vaguely familiar female presence whispered to me, “Well done.” I tried to place it, but still couldn’t as I shook my head and looked at the [System] message.

[The user has discovered the first iteration of the Fifth and final of the Words of Power of Nievtala. The user has been blessed with the lesser blessing of victory. The user has been provided with the Skill: Adversary.]

How was it that I was speaking the words of “victory” when I was routinely being beaten like a naughty and unloved child? In my barely contained frustration, I decided to ignore my new [Skill], whatever it was that it could do. Instead, I walked around the den, offering words and support where I could. Throughout my rounds, I tried to somehow use [Innervating Address] more gently, but whenever I tried, it simply injected the listener with a jolt of adrenaline instead of a more holistic support.

Once my sonilphon was reduced to about half its full capacity, I was near Percral. He had continued to live up to Oncli’s expectations, now only second to Took in his successful hunts. Once the pack expanded, he would be given leadership once again.

“Alpha, we’re seeing fewer and fewer prey nearby. What should we do?”

I paused. “I’m not sure. I’ll talk to Took and we’ll let you know.”

Percral bowed, then turned to the baths. I turned to my own quarters, and after a quick bath of my own, laid down to rest. Quickly, I remembered to practice with and empty the last of my sonilphon, and the magic somewhat aimlessly filtered through my body as I fell asleep quickly, and my dreams were, for once, peaceful and nonspecific.

I woke without a start, instead slowly waking to a feeling of relaxed comfort. With how taxing it was to be hurt and healed and hurt and healed again, I felt as if I had slept much longer than usual. Or maybe, it was this newest growth spurt. I felt strong, and as I stood and stretched, I opened my [Status].

Thanks for reading! I feel a little weird about the chapter today, not sure what it is… let me know if you feel the same, or if this seems like normal to you. I just had trouble writing today.

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