Ashlani’s Reincarnation [a LitRPG Adventure]

Chapter 88

Without thinking about it, I allowed my sonilphon to continue to evolve, and once the burning warmth within my chest began to fade, I looked at the [System] notification. 

[Previous Organ: Sonilphon: a rare magic manipulating organ which passively gathers and converts ambient magical power into the sonic attribute. The sonic attribute is typically used to dampen or enhance sound, though specialists have found manifold uses for the attribute.]

[Current Organ: Profound Sonilphon; an advanced version of the rare magic manipulating organ, Sonilphon. This organ is developed by those who are beginning to understand the possibilities of sonic magic beyond mere sound. Due to evolution, there is a +5 bonus to the Magic Stat. The Profound Sonilphon’s rate of ambient magic conversion to sonic attributed magic within the organ is greatly enhanced. Additionally, the development of new Skills related to sonic magic and the Sonilphon is hastened, with greater understanding and clarity granted to the User. This organ can evolve. Requirements: Development of 5 Skills based on sonic magic. Current progress: 1/5]

Immediately, whether because I thought it should be, or simply because it was, I could feel my Sonilphon filling quite a bit more quickly than before. The more I inspected and evaluated, though, I realized that the Sonilphon’s total possible reserves had more than doubled, and it would be filled to its maximum capacity twice as quickly. With that realization, I figured I had learned the reason this evolution was called “Profound”, with its increased depth and breadth for storing the converted sonic magic. 

Beyond the immediate growth to the organ and how much I could store for future use, I was surprised and quite pleased with the unexpected Stat boost. With the +5 to Magic, it now totalled 35, still the lowest of my Stats, but finally near the rest. I couldn’t say if the increase in my Magic Stat had influenced the quantity of magic available in my Sonilphon, but I thought that was the case. Before, when I’d first evolved to have the Sonilphon, I could let out two full-power shouts, and as I’d continued to bottom out its stores, I’d gotten to where I could have done it six or seven times. Now, from my understanding of my magic and how it worked, I would say that I could let out sixteen or seventeen.

Thinking of the loud shouts, was there a way to make that a [Skill]? I needed to create four new [Skills], and other than finally figuring out how to transition my vibrating claws into something accepted by the [System], I had no ideas. Maybe the opposite of [Innervating Address]? Some way to sap out the energy from my enemies. But how could that work? I let my mind wander through different options and possibilities, trying not to let any preconceived notions and biases shape the possibilities. Regardless, though, I knew that this next evolution wasn’t going to come any time soon.

Finally, realizing that I was worried about it, I let my eyes fall to the bottom of my [Status] page. If, somehow, this hadn’t qualified me for the khatif evolution, I could guarantee there wasn’t much of a chance for me to evolve before reaching adulthood. I needn’t have worried.

[-Young Sonic Magicblood Brood Alpha Khatif. Requirements:  Evolution of Bloodlust Skill to Combatant’s Bloodlust, Evolution of Sonilphon (Completed), Brood Alpha race (Completed).]

Without realizing I’d been holding it, I let my breath out. The sigh brought a strong smile to my face, and with the relaxation came the onset of my aches and pains from the fight with Redael. I hadn’t taken anywhere near so severe a beating as I had in the first “practices”, so instead of troubling Vefir I simply exited my quarters and, once I was in the communal area, I went to the cold storage for any food that was yet left. There was a venison flank left over from some hunters the other day. There had only been three of them, and they’d been embarrassed that the baby had escaped, but I’d seen the wounds left by the male’s antlers. He’d put up a strong fight.

I idly wished I’d been able to go on more interesting hunts, but more than hunting, I would benefit much more from learning how to evolve [Bloodlust] and continuing to gain control over more of the swarm, ideally while Speaking the final of the Words of Power of Nievtala. I also was sure that before long I would come in contact with some other people, so I needed to practice to try to speak “human” to them. I sighed and shook my head.

I was almost halfway to the completion of the quest for followers, and I figured that I could probably evolve [Dominance] while gaining sufficient followers. Regardless of that, though, I still worried about what Redael might do if I continued trying to gain control over other packs within the swarm. After that fight, I truly understood that he was constantly holding back the urge to tear into and kill everything that could begin to provide a challenge to his leadership.

Redael’s dismissal of me earlier was a mercy, a moment where he decided not to simply slay me where I stood, for the sin of potentially being his equal. I could go try to find Wisterl and ask her to continue teaching me, but… truth be told, the thought of offering any challenge to her was… frightening. When Redael had first attacked me, I’d been surprised simply by how sudden the strikes were. With Wisterl, though, she’d moved so smoothly, so quickly, that I couldn’t hardly see her movement. If I were to enter some “training” with Wisterl, I didn’t know if she’d consider that some challenge to her or her power, and then decide it was time to truly beat me down, or even kill me. With that on my mind, I decided not to try to find her.

Instead, I focused on the twenty who had joined, and how to instruct them, as well as Solia. Of the new twenty, only Ytte herself was, in any way, notable. She was similar to Percral, in that she was relatively close to developing a magic manipulating organ, but I wasn’t sure what exactly it was. I thought she might be closer to that evolution than Percral, but since she felt significantly less trust towards me, I couldn’t yet receive any more specific guidance. Even so, I tried to spend time with and around the newest additions to my pack, and I was surprised to feel most of them take very quickly to me. Maybe it was the consistent food, or the protections offered, or maybe it was just my [Skills] or any other number of things. 

As I walked around and through the members of my pack, I saw Shemira and Sybil, now actually working together without Shemira constantly bothering my Beta, Took returned with a pack with their latest kill, and Solia, Etra, and Cree practiced their magic as best they could in a farther corner of the den. With a smile, I stepped into that same corner and began to practice my own magic, hoping to teach those watching how they might be able to use their own.

Thanks for reading! 

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