Asked The Red Dust

Chapter 1073 - Counterattack node

The beast was stunned, and Li Qingjun stared at each other for a long time, the atmosphere was very embarrassing.

“Let me see it”, how does it stand?

Making an oath is simple. The problem is to prove that the oath is binding. Is it possible to violate the oath deliberately and take a punishment?

This is something that cannot be demonstrated at all.

In fact, there is another divine nature of the beast. It will not be bound if it violates any oath. This is due to its characteristics. Regardless of whether it is accepted or not, this demonstration cannot be done, meaningless.

The black beast felt some pain.

It spoke almost half-truth and half-truth, including the last saying that Nine Infants set up blood vows to show sincerity is half-truth and half-truth. With its divinity, the general Tengyun monk was long fooled to find the north. It’s so difficult … it looks like you believe it, but you have to prove it first …

Are the people who are emperors so suspicious?

But it also just proved that the mission had reached a certain result, and the emperor did have a certain intention to cooperate.

The superficial difference in spiritual practice is too large, and the beast is too confident in his own divinity. I never thought that the other party was not affected by the accusation at all. From the beginning to the end, I responded with absolute calm thinking, even Anti-flicker. Li Qingjun’s performance only makes it feel one step away from success …

After thinking for a long time, take out a jade bottle: “So, this is Dragon Snake Pill, taking it can help bone blood prosperity, it is beneficial to martial arts, and it is also beneficial to prolonging the year … In addition, monks often have difficult heirs, and this thing is also beneficial to heirs, which is regarded as practice. The fairy medicine that the person dreamed of. It was given to His Majesty to show his sincerity. If your Majesty cannot believe this medicine … “

It paused and smiled: “I can swear that the effect of this medicine is absolutely as I said, and there is no falsehood. Your majesty can find someone to test the medicine. If the medicine is correct, it shows sincerity; if the medicine is not correct, you can see the penalty For me. “

Li Qingjun shouted in his heart, no matter whether there was a problem with the medicine, if other emperors were so fooled, they promised to believe it again.

She also pretended to be Longyan Dayue: “Heavenly Emperor has sincerity …… Come, greet the angels to rest in the guest hall, and tomorrow I will discuss with the angels.”

Then a court lady entered and left the temple with a smiling beast.

In fact, for the beast himself, this result is already what it wants to achieve. Because it also hides a follow-up purpose-if the emperor does not know each other, it is to assassinate himself.

It is not that simple to replace the emperor. After all, it is not ordinary people who have to conceal it. Qin Yi may visit his apprentices at any time. The beast beast has a special divinity. It is confident that it has concealed even Taiqing from the changes. However, it is difficult to conceal the intimacy of human habits and various details of speaking and doing things. It must study this man closely for a period of time. In order to be sure to imitate no filling.

Now that the Emperor wants to verify the immortality and let it stay for a while, isn’t it just right?

It’s also a matter of urgency … By its means, as long as you get along for a few days, you are completely sure to become the most trusted friend of this emperor.

Li Qingjun sent it out of the hall with a smile on his face, and watched the court lady take it to the far side of the hall to live, the smile on his face slowly became teasing: “Enough to see? Not yet out?”

There was a ripple in the air behind him, showing Qin Yi’s appearance, hugging her waist with a smile.

Li Qingjun leaned lazily in his arms and smiled: “Don’t you think about it because this is a beautiful girl?”

Qin Yi sniffed her fragrance and whispered: “This is a beast, don’t look at the poor and honest look at the moment. The real image knows what it looks like, maybe it’s uglier than a dog, really I am stupid. “

“It seems that you don’t pay as much attention to appearance as before?”

“Uh … Actually, even if I value appearances, that’s not what pretty girls want!”



Li Qingjun hummed twice without saying anything, but he was very happy. Qin Yi came over in a hurry as soon as she was out of her situation. No matter what Qin Yi was doing before, in short, she could give her the feeling that she was not fighting alone, knowing that her husband could support him at any time.

This feeling is much more comfortable than the loneliness that supported everything alone.

Qin Yi also just arrived. Seeing that the beast was fooling with Li Qingjun, he didn’t show up directly, but reminded Li Qingjun to be careful. Judging from the current situation, the beast does not dare to directly calculate, may it have to wait for a while?

It ’s just not a direct shot … I ’m here, what other waves does this rogue bet want to turn?

He thought for a while and said with a smile: “I have been invisible aside these days, watching your majesty fighting against monsters and monsters.”

Li Qingjun tilted his head slightly and looked at him sideways: “Which majesty?”

Qin Yi froze for a moment.

Today’s Li Qingjun is exactly like Li Wuxian from top to bottom, even the breath is …

Li Qingjun said with a charming voice: “Master …”

Qin Yi: convex

Li Qingjun trampled on with a cruel foot: “Sure enough it’s a jerk!”

Qin Yi jumped with his feet, Li Qingjun had thrown his hands into the bedroom, sitting casually on the edge of the bed, and said lazily: “The attitude of Nine Infants is already obvious, and it is exactly the same as I was worried about before … The trouble of the monk … Fundamentally, he wants to rule the Three Realms. The greatest representative meaning is that the emperor of the world is determined by it. Not only can the vulgar regime escape this battle, it is even a frontier position. “

Qin Yi nodded, remembering Li Qingjun’s words at the time.

“If they have played with fire, what effect will it have on this divine state … Then when you want to ask them for cause and effect, just take me.”

Qing Jun was originally the one who had nothing to do with these things, but she never avoided it, and she often even wanted to become a pioneer.

Just because of something in my heart.

He walked over to Li Qingjun and stroked her cheek, whispering: “The initiative in this matter has gradually shifted, from our passive fire fighting and facing the four attacks of Nine Infants, to a certain extent that can be guided by us. . Now I only lack detailed information about Tiangong, such as what I want to pay attention to.

After a pause, he continued: “Once I know it, I will ascend to the sky. Jiuying will not let the flames of war spread to the world again.”

Li Qingjun asked: “Is there no Tiangong prisoner to search the soul?”

“There are two, Zhao Wuhuai has become gray and can’t search for consciousness. This time I caught a new one called Tiansongzi, and Bangbang will deal with it.” Qin Yidao said: “Whether Zhao Wuhuai or Tiansongzi are human races, we all doubt They are not close relatives of Nine Infants, and at most ask the outline, not necessarily knowing the key situation … “

Li Qingjun blinked and blinked his eyes: “Don’t the corrupt animal in front of you come to the door?”

Qin Yi also smiled: “It seems to be. But don’t move it for now, we have to rely on this to stabilize the nine infants.”

“Relax, I know how to do it.” Li Qingjun grabbed his neck and bit his lower lip: “Since the emperor is here today, don’t you wait for him?”

“… as you please, my majesty.”


Qin Yi went to Longyuan City to help Li Qingjun, and everyone in Wandao Xiangong collectively migrated to Heng fracture valley.

At this time, the horizontal rift valley was bustling, thousands of miles of rift valleys were filled with people, and they were almost unable to squeeze.

It was also something that no one thought about in the early years.

The man and the demon have been hostile for thousands of years, and the Yokote Valley was once regarded as an object to be eradicated.

But it must be admitted that this place is really the best position.

The site is large enough to accommodate all the monks, and the monster array is criss-crossed, and the whole can resist Taiqing. Then there are the two dragon spirits of Zhulongkun Kunpeng, who are not yet powerful, but they have a better understanding of the Taiqing level than anyone else.

All human power is concentrated here. What does Jiuying use to fight?

You don’t need to fight here and there to defend.

Humans represented by Tianshu God Que gathered in the western part of the Rift Valley. The dragon in the sea surrounded Dad on the east side of Shenglong Peak. Cheng Cheng stood in the center of the demon city and looked at the heyday pattern. Smile.

Recalling that when Taipuzi Lu Longting Chu Jiantian and others came to the Rift Valley to see her, Cheng Chengshuang got into the bone that kind of smelly face that could not lift up with red ears and red head.

Let you pretend to be forced?

Isn’t it still sending me under the fence?

Before the tassels arrived, the only foreign monk who could communicate with Cheng Cheng was Donghai Li Duanxuan, and everyone else was embarrassed.

Cheng Cheng’s complacency didn’t last for one day. A large stone palace airship in Wandao Immortal Palace came full load. UU reading Cheng Cheng’s good mood disappeared instantly.

She saw a woman in a car.

Liu Suxi and Yueming River lived in Yunxiu and brought a cup of tea to hug the dog.

“Are you all going to show up one by one, is it a migration and fleeing, or are you dragging your family to give the old lady eye medicine?” Cheng Cheng jumped: “Come here, arrange them all to the cold palace over there, the colder the better!” “

The women puffed up their sleeves and glared at them to beat her.

The tassel separated everyone with a smile: “Don’t rush, we have another punching bag.”


“There is a yang **** in the book fairy scroll, which is quite strong. It is not difficult to kill, but it is not easy to search for the soul.” Liu Su squinted with a smile: “With us, whoever searches the cleaner, the one who wins and loses The dog barks … “

The crowd jumped collectively: “Come on, I’m afraid of you!”

Qingcha: “Wang Wangwang.”

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