Asked The Red Dust

Chapter 1090 - These 10 years

Qin Yi refused to admit the door spirit and began to enjoy the door spirit misunderstanding.

Tassel’s unprecedented smile of confessing to compensation was grabbed by him for several days.

It’s good to be a mentor…you don’t have to argue.

But tassels were enough in a few days.


The sound of the bed was heard in the cave, and the smoke was overflowing.

When the women looked at it with a probe, they saw Liu Su swearing at Qin Yi: “Let you have a few days, it’s not over yet, no matter if you are a spirit, let’s put a big letter honestly?”

Qin Yi twitched on the ground, the door spirit welfare disappeared within a few days, and everything resumed as before.

“Aren’t you done?” A little snake quietly probed: “We are too lazy to take care of what your brother taught you. Since you don’t admit it, please give up the cave. I’m going to repair with my brother, so I’m almost Ancestor…”


The next moment a little snake was thrown out.

The little snake turned into a girl in mid-air, and stormed back into the cave again.

A chicken and a dog jumped in the cave, and it slowly subsided.

It was the tassel that escaped from the smoke…

The cave was actually occupied by a little snake.

Yao Guang hid behind the far post and asked Meng Qingying carefully: “Don’t tell me that the tassel can’t beat this snake?”

“It’s just that the snake started to be ashamed and not ashamed, and Tassel didn’t want to be with people, spicy eyes.” Meng Qingying explained very expertly: “So far, everyone hasn’t been messed up, there is a reason for the pair. , Just like me and Minghe…”

Yao Guang cheered: “You…you and Minghe…”

“Yeah, what’s the matter? It’s interesting to see the look of the ordinary goods that calms the river of Stygian water, and actually only two eyes are missing in the bed and flooding the water.”

As if to corroborate her statement, Cheng Cheng entered the hole leisurely, as if when others did not exist.

No one was arguing with her, after all, that was Ye Ling.

Yao Guang: “…Dare to love you really are a pair…”

“I haven’t heard who Tassel has been with…for a while, she still has a bit of restraint, or feels that others are unworthy?” Meng Qingying said while looking at Yaoguang up and down, thoughtfully.

Yao Guang froze all over his body, holding the door post and hiding a little further.

Poor, the original post was in the middle of the top of the mountain. Recently, the more and more you moved, now you have gone to the edge of the cliff, and you have to go back…

Before the Tang Emperor, there was no need to fight at all, and he naturally retreated.

In fact, Qin Yi is not overwhelming, and tassels will let the way out because it is really for spiritual practice.

Ye Ling was right, it was almost an ancestral sage, close to the gates of all the gods, and down the mountain was the land of the demon clan. If you don’t take advantage of this opportunity to make a breakthrough, what are you waiting for?

There are still many people on the brink of breakthrough.

If Meng Qingying himself, he would be less able to achieve phaseless consummation, and then return to the nether world to melt back to the body. Taiqing can basically be settled.

I was just picked up, and there was a little Yu Shan and An An who didn’t fit into the atmosphere, and they were about to break through the ancestors.

Xiyue Minghe Master and Apprentice are also on the way to a phaseless fulfillment… As for Taiqing, Xiyue may not be as good as Minghe and may be overtaken by the apprentice.

But that is not important.

What is important is that almost everyone is likely to make critical breakthroughs within this decade.

In ten years, time has become more ample, and there is no need to be impatient. As long as you practice normally, you can do double practice. Shuangxiu with him is a better way to improve Hehe, the door spirit… don’t have to spend too much, everyone takes turns.

How comfortable.

Over there, Ju Yunxiu actually set up a pavilion on the edge of the mountain and played the piano. A leisurely girl stood beside making tea.

No one had managed to light up at all, and the atmosphere entered a kind of mysterious “right track”, leisurely, tranquil, and regular.

Is this really on track? Yaoguang looked to the sky.

Suddenly, Yao Guang felt that she had lost a little bit of this cooperation… She was already too clear, she just wanted to continue to recover, but she gave a large number of hostages the opportunity to change.

The other is that, as Ju Yunxiu took up a place to build a house, others learned different things and each circled a place as a daily practice place. The hilltop pattern became the family’s six courtyards, and it seemed that Yaoguang was one of them, and it felt awkward.

Within a few days, even Feng Feng, who was the only one who would come to talk with her every day, ignored her, and there was a faint voice from Feng Feng in the cave…

Yao Guang masked the five senses with a blank expression.

It’s been a decade of torment.

Yao Guang felt tormented, and Qin Yi was actually upset.

It was very cool at the beginning, it was almost heaven and earth.

But if these days last for ten years… that is not torment. Who is it?

Qin Yi didn’t know when he was too clear and confused. When he felt he was numb anyway, he broke through somehow…

This is Taoism, what do you do?

Or empty everything and ask for nothing?

do not know……

Anyway, Tassel thought that he was too clear to be not a problem, and naturally it would be fine…because the way he walked back before was actually a way of being too clear. When he was painting in the small city, it was full of too clear meaning.

Sure enough, it was natural.

But the tassels dare not say this… Is there anyone who hasn’t figured out when he is too clear? Probably.

By the eighth year or so, all the breakthroughs had been made.

Qin Yi finally didn’t continue his double cultivation, and went to Ju Yunxiu to paint like a flight.

If it is Qin Yi’s favorite way of playing piano painting like Ju Yunxiu, I don’t know if other people believe it or not, anyway the tassel believes it.

That should be Qin Yi’s favorite life intention. The so-called Shuangxiu and those things should be the adjustment of life, not the endless subject.

Tassel sighed softly, it shouldn’t be like this again in the future…I hope this decisive battle is the end.

Turning his head, Yao Guang hid between the two pillars on the edge of the cliff, with a powerful energy-spreading air gleaming faintly on his body, mid-Taiqing.

Her eyes are also looking at Qin Yi and Ju Yunxiu over there.

The colorful butterfly fluttered, the piano flute lingered, and the unvoiced sound went straight to the sky.

That Yunshuyunjuan, as long as the old, high mountains and flowing water, timeless.

“That’s something we didn’t have at that time.” Yao Guang suddenly said.

Tassel calmly replied: “Some people knocked the bark drums by the river, and some people remembered herding on the stone walls. I was weaving crowns with tassels, and you were drawing star charts.”

“Is it the same?”

“It’s the same. There is nothing ancient or ancient.” Liu Su said: “My war, from ancient times to the present day, is to see such a picture.”

“…What is he writing?”

“The second half of the Optimus Jade Book, you don’t need to stay, I don’t need to teach me, he can play it by himself.”

“He is reviewing all exercises? How many do he know?”

The tassel didn’t answer, just said lightly: “Yaoguang, wash your neck, wait for us to kill the nine infants, the next one is you.”

“Oh… wait and see.”

Yaoguang slowly disappeared, leaving time in the air, like a little fireflies, wrecked around the two pillars on the edge of the cliff, crystal and dreamy.



Before the ghost door closed.

The giant Qin Yi of Fatianxiangdi, pinched the two heads of Nine Infants with his hands, just like the giant beast in the wild ancient swamp.

Ten years of interest, but fingertips ~ ~ there is no need to recall more.

No matter how many breakthroughs, no matter how many plans, it will eventually turn into the final battle. If you can’t kill Nine Infants, what’s so good about stealing ten years?

The galaxy shimmers, the Stygian river rises like a horse, blue springs and chains linger, and Qiankun Dao spreads all over the place, locking the body of Nine Infants, nowhere to escape.

Phoenix in the sky, the fire of the phoenix fell on Jiuxiao, covering the body of the snake and staining the ghost.

In the extremely gorgeous visual effect, the tassel with long hair fluttering, holding a greedy wolf, and radiating to the bifurcation point of Nine Infants and Nine Heads, the dimensions of the passing place cracked, and the seemingly condensing nether had the sign of collapse again.

The other three Taiqing are all for limitation, and the killer is still a tassel… a great power, a broken plane.

Nine babies are almost numb.

This man’s emperor tassels are not at all three layers of Taiqing.

It is exactly the same with him, six floors.

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