Asked The Red Dust

Chapter 1102 - Seal of God

Qin Yi crouched in front of Gouzi.

Gouji slowly opened his eyes.

There was the usual fierce light in his eyes, but there was also a hint of indifference.

Overlooked like a god, without sorrow and joy.

This means that Qin Yi is very familiar, Minghe has always been like this… or Yaoguang is also like this.

This is not too clear, it is the heart of heaven, or divinity.

Qin Yi curiously plucked the round face of the dog.

Gou Zi fangs, the fierce light is more prosperous, seems to want to eat people.

Those little eyes, who haven’t seen it before… Qin Yi picked it up: “I’ll go if it’s fine.”

Gouzi: “…oh.”

Qin Yi hugged Gouzi and strode in the direction of the tassel.

“You shouldn’t have it completely done yet? The monument to the gods hasn’t been touched yet. The suppressed god’s performance has been directly absorbed by you? Isn’t it possible?”

“Well, it’s almost meaningless, and it’s not flavorful enough,” Gouzi said honestly: “It’s still necessary to study the stele and see if it’s to be pushed down or it can be extracted…”

“I feel the same way, I feel your breath is almost smelling.”

“Hey, what do you want me to do? I don’t have that kind of fragrant smell.”


Gouzi coughs and shifts the topic: “If you want to overthrow the broken monument, Tassel said that it was the monument she made… Will you get angry with you?”

“…Do you really think that stick is a stick that doesn’t know the general thing?”

“Is not it?”

“Of course not… I have Qin Yi today, all help me, how can her foresight and open mind others know, will only give her a stereotyped symbol.” Qin Yidao said: “If you tear down the seal The stele of the gods will cause those gods to lose their repression and make trouble, it may be her way of thinking, and she will not do such small things because of what she did.”

“Why am I feeling the opposite of you?”

“Do you want to bet?”

“What bet?”

“You wear a sailor skirt.”

Gouzi: “???

“Wow!” A loud noise came, Qin Yi flashed quickly, and saw tassels sloppy as soon as they passed.

In front of the huge stone monument in front, the tassel hammered fiercely on a monster. The monster was smashed into the mountain halfway, revealing the twisted figure above.

The tragedy of the tragedy has not returned the stele!

The method of tassels playing with space has reached its peak, so that it can be used here in cat play.

It’s just that you can’t get in front of the stele and see you are so angry that you can’t take my look.

The roar of thunder was thunderous, and he resisted with all his strength. However, the law of divinity had no way to take the other party, and his practice strength was not comparable. How to fight it…

Gouzi couldn’t bear to cover his eyes directly, remembering the tragedy when he strayed into the ring.

It’s too awful.

Qin Yi saw the Su Weifeng wind in all directions and exhaled. Lao Yuan asked: “You are useless, isn’t it useful for the seal?”

“I’m comfortable playing again!” Tassel waved his hand. “You study the monument yourself.”

Gouzi looked up from Qin Yi’s arms, Qin Yi looked down.

Gouzi clearly wrote in his eyes: “Are you sure she has a big picture?”

Qin Yi nodded painfully, holding Gouzi to the monument to the god.

It is necessary to wash the floor, of course it is a division of labor. The tassel controls the 杼杌. Qin Yi cracks the stele. As long as the secret of the stele is solved, the 杼杌 can be killed, right…

The material of the stele, as well as the entire stele type and even the effect, should be congenital. The so-called stele made by Liu Su and Yao Guang was just an extra sacrifice made by the innate foundation to make the meaning that he wanted.

Qin Yi carefully swiped outside with his consciousness, and discovered the banned dark pit buried by Jiu Ying. Just like the Kunlun virtual base at that time, the backflushing caused by the extinction of the earth on that day meant similarly, how many people died in the pit…

At this time, Qin Yi was enough to see through this kind of prohibition. When Shennian poured into the eyes of the break, the prohibition was broken, and the consciousness reached the inside.

The dog who was supposed to be rushing into it shrank into a ball in his arms with some fear.

Qin Yi frowned.

Inside this monument, the vastness is like a world, and it is like a nebula. There are countless disagreeable divinities, which are dazzling, and there is a wonderful space boundary, which limits the intersection of these divinities and the “soul” , So the spirit of the stele could not call the energy in the stele, and the spirituality in the stele rushed around without a main heart, and it was chaotic, causing a strange split inside and outside.

The tassel is really doing this.

Tacit understanding!

The voice of the tassel came from the rear: “I divide the stele from the spirit. At this time, the stele has no owner, you have to deal with it. Pushing down the stele directly is the next step. Let the **** of the town escape from the stele and you will mess up the world. You Try to see if you can control this monument on the premise of retaining the monument. It is also one of the hubs to reverse the overall composition of the heaven. If you can’t do it, then you can make a decision at that time, and then you will slowly clean up the chaos.”

Goose’s heart jumped, and it was over.

Actually, Qin Yi was completely told, did the couple really share the same heart?

What is the sailor skirt…

Qin Yi had no time to tease the dog at this time, he found that his task was not easy to do…

Why should he play a ball when he should be playing? Because this monument is used to suppress the divinity, once the dog comes into contact with this monument, he may be in the town. Of course, he can’t play it.

He Qin Yi is not much better-he has chaotic divinity and is also the object of repression and restraint. But he is better than Gouzi because Gouzi is based on this, he is not.

His essence has always been a red duster, not a god. The power of chaos is always for use, not for body. Chaos divinity is suppressed, and it does not affect his Qin Yi alive…

Qin Yi sighed deeply, palms pressed against the tablet.

There was a sudden shock in my mind, and as if I was sucked into the cosmic starry sky, the sun and the moon were surging, the Chen Su was listed, the Zhou Tianxing was fighting, and the weather was very varied. There are different spirits shining among the stars, one by one, and some of them are familiar…

The priesthood of justice, kindness, etc. that I guessed before was born here, and there are others, such as strategy, loyalty, luck, etc…The strategy of priesthood is very familiar, and it is very similar to the breath of Heavenly Machine. The true spirit is held here and evolved into a part of planning divinity.

This is… to endow the stars with divinity, sit in the monument, and then achieve some kind of control over people? After giving Fen Xingjun can control each other, the root cause is actually hidden here?

This must be a change of Yaoguang or Nine Infants. The original stele that Tassel and Yaoguang did together was definitely not this effect.

But Qin Yi suddenly felt that this stuff was a bit familiar…

What is the God Tablet, is this not the God List?

There is a pain in the soul sea.

The chaotic divinity was indeed extracted and suppressed, and there was no way to resist it, as if it were a doomed rule. Fortunately, Gouzi didn’t touch it and finished playing as soon as it touched.

Qin Yi’s own chaotic divinity was defeated, the soul sea was tumbling, and he was dying of pain. In an instant, his strength collapsed and retreated, and he could not find a solution for a while.

How to control this monument by yourself? It would be nice if you didn’t take control of it…

The light flashed in his heart.

It seems that there is something in his body that echoes with the true spirit… contact with your true spirit, the name emerges, the life and death are determined, and the coffin is judged after the death.

Life and death book.

So it is a Yingtian, a Yingren?

Qin Yi quickly took out the life and death book and posted it on the stone tablet.

The light burst.

Originally, because of the loss of the stele, the divinity of the steles in the stele seemed to have found soothing and combing, and it calmed down. The fluttering Zhou Tianxing returned, each returned to the track, and the chaotic divinity calmed down, as if a military parade.

The spirit in the tablet can be seen in the book. The sense of time, the world can respond.

This day people meet and form a closed loop that echoes.

The monument to the gods… not to mention control, at least it has become a “neutral” quiet monument, as if the things in it look like your own…

Qin Yi took back the chaos divinity without saying a word, and then looked back at is already a cold sweat.

In the midst of meditation, there is a fate.



“Take your divinity, you have to be a true god.”

Almost at the same time, he was hugged in the head by the tassels in the tassel abuse, and his whole body suddenly disappeared, and a touch of aura was thrown into the Fengshen stele, disappeared.

It was originally smelted into the stele of the tomb of God, and it was kept here, but at this moment it was completely cut off from the stele of the tomb of God. One of the divinities.

The monument of Fengshen no longer has the spirit of the stele, standing there quietly, waiting to recognize the Lord again.


PS: I feel that the recent chapter said that it always disappeared in batches, whether it was the starting point or the assistant who deleted the chapter or the self-deleted by the poster. Everyone gave feedback, I am confused.

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