Asked The Red Dust

Chapter 114 - World affairs and world affairs

Taoist temple is now in chaos.

Minghe entered the outer hall of the Qingxu Palace, just stepped on, and there was a sneak attack on the left and right.

It was a confidant disciple who was arranged in the Qing Dynasty. It was originally used to attack Hanmen and Qin Yi. At this time, Minghe ate it all.

There was a sudden burst of formation, the earth dragon rose, and the roaring roaring fire. Several Taoists and priests chanted words with the Taomu sword, and several Taoist troupes trapped the Ming River, flashing different spell lights.

Minghe was expressionless, his fingers flicked, and Ruoxu spent flowers.


The earth dragon disappeared, the yin fire subsided, and the pattern burst instantaneously, and all the Tao characters turned into fly ash.

Minghe reached out with a finger, and Bai Mang circled around several Taoist priests, and then tightened in an instant, tying him tightly.

An ambush that would make the big demon like Hanmen very headache, disappeared in the hands of Minghe in just a moment, and was completely destroyed.

But in the next moment Minghe’s always cold look changed, and his eyebrows stared forward.

Yang County magistrate and others also swarmed in, Qin Yi and Han Shi Shi Ran followed, and saw the scene in the hall.

In the original hall, many townspeople were doing early lessons. At this time, they were taken hostage by a group of Taoists with swords and swords.

The Qinghe Taoist who was poisoned by the Wang family last night appeared in the temple, carrying a knife around a child ’s neck, and grinning: “All stop for Dao Ye!”

The child was so scared that he couldn’t even cry.

Minghe looked at a group of shabby, thin-skinned townspeople and sighed softly. The original seal of the hand was also loosened.

She may be able to solve all Taoist priests in an instant, but she dare not gamble, and if you wipe it, it is all human life.

Qin Yi looked at her phantom in the back, somewhat puzzled. According to Li Minghe, he should not pay so much attention to human life. Nanli Xihuanggou ’s brains are all played out, and no one has seen her hide her, but she is indifferent to look on … Maybe there is another set of standards in her mind. It’s not easy to guess for now.

But this situation is really difficult, Qin Yi himself does not know how to solve it.

Minghe slowly said: “How are you going to stay?”

“We are practicing Yin corpse, but what about that? What we practice will not cause drought at all. Brother said, we can’t disturb the earth’s veins even when we are in Huiyang, let alone shake the sky, how do we cause drought? The drought was caused by the rat demon! “Qing and angry looked at the cold door:” He is the culprit, why don’t you get rid of the demon, but instead trouble us? “

Hanmen spread his hands innocently, without excuse.

As long as he has a little understanding of the practice, he knows that it is the practice of thunder and lightning attributes, and it has nothing to do with drought. It is possible that he can help the rain fall. His confrontation with the dry corpse is said to be due to the fact that the innate attributes are not dealt with.

Minghe was obviously not biased, just said lightly: “The law of the corpse is contrary to the sky. At this time, your practice is still shallow, and you have absorbed the flesh and blood of others to maintain your beauty. , Stealing the lifeblood, this is the evil law. “

“What is evil law! At least we haven’t killed one person at this time, and we won’t be convicted in advance?” Qing He said angrily: “Look at your side, what Yang county magistrate, outside the king, and how many wrong souls are in your hands! , Just a good person? “

Qin Yi couldn’t help but say: “I didn’t kill one person? Where are the seekers who visited before?”

Qinghe sneered: “I am one of them!”

Paused and pointed to several Taoists around him: “Everyone is!”

Qin Yi froze.

But he heard and continued: “The law of the corpse is originally to seize the creation to live forever, to harm others and to support oneself. I observe the practice of Taoist friends is still shallow, but the life is not more than one hundred. stern?”

Qin Yi glanced at Minghe, and Minghe was also looking at him.

At the same time remembered the moment when the young and handsome face was white and gray in the Donghua Di Palace.

Qin Yi calmly said: “If you asked me a few months ago, I can’t answer. And now that there is already an answer, I can tell you that this kind of longevity is not what I want.”

Qinghe again said: “If you don’t live for yourself, don’t you see your loved one passing away, don’t you want him to continue talking to you alive?”

Speaking of this, he even cried out: “If I learned this way early, my wife might not have died.”

Qin Yi is silent.

Minghe said faintly: “So your Excellency’s intention is to let the righteous monks admit the orthodoxy of the Qingxu Palace and sit back and watch the day when it may cause drought in the future?”

Qinghe loudly said: “As long as you evacuate this mountain, we will naturally choose another place to practice. Everyone does not violate the river and walks away!”

Minghe shook his head slightly: “If you avoid hiding elsewhere and practice deep, you will be drought for a long time in a future, and the poor will accomplish this sin, this argument is not feasible.”

Qin Yi wanted to stop her from talking too late, and she was speechless. My younger sister, are you fooling around and coaxing them to let others go? This tough sentence completely blocked the road!

“Speaking of it is to make us die!” Qing He really angered like crazy: “Then everyone will die together!”

There was a sudden laughter from the side: “Hurry up if you want to do your hands and say so much? What is that over there, Chief Qing Qing Dao, please hurry up with your sword. I have been looking at the three-acre paddy field in Zhang Laoqi’s seven homes for a long time. Shizuo refused to sell it with his neck, and threw the copper plate into your Taoist temple. This knife is mine. “

Qin Yi looked at Wang Wangwai beside him.

Saw the king member proudly continued: “Qing He Dao, move quickly, early to see this little hairy mother, the **** said to keep the festival, this little hairy head died to see what festival she still keeps?”

Qinghe Dao opened his mouth wide and didn’t know what to say for a long time.

The knife that held the child’s neck was also subconsciously loosened, and some of the subconscious didn’t want the king to succeed.

This trace of relaxation was immediately noticed by Minghe. He only heard a whisper, and his fingers were sharp. All Taoists were standing there at the same time and could not move at all.

Qin Yi’s heart moved slightly.

Seating technique is very interesting …

The family members outside the king swarmed up and bound all the priests together. The rescued townspeople were pleasantly surprised, and thankfully thanked: “Thank you for your help …”

“Wait slowly.” Wang Yuanwai smiled and turned to Yang Xianling to give a salute, said with a smile: “These diaomins contributed money to the view, enshrined the flesh and blood in the demon road, saying that they were deceived, according to Xiaomin, it seems that they are actually the demon party . Xiaomin suggested to go to jail as much as possible and torture rigorously … “

Yang County magistrate immediately understood, and said with a smile: “reasonable, don’t let go of the demon party, get me all!”

Qin Yijing is a man of heaven.

Thought it was Wang Yuanwai’s design to save people, and secretly praised him. It seems that what I just said is not a strategy at all, what is special is his heart!

The family of the Wang family rushed like a wolf ~ ~ The villagers were pressed to the ground again, and the cry of horror was intertwined. Yang Xingling said, “All brought back to the county government.” , Hesheng tried the case! “

Trial your sister, this time they haven’t been skinned and all have been peeled off three layers before they met the ghost!

Qin Yi couldn’t help but turned to Minghe Road: “Daoyou, you don’t care about this?”

Minghe pursed his lips and frowned as he watched the chaotic image of the scene. The old Dao Gu looked at Qin Yidao sideways: “The county magistrate suspected that the demon Dao and his party were examined, and that they were reasonable and reasonable, and how can I wait for a monk to interfere in worldly affairs?”

It turned out that … Qin Yi frowned and looked at Minghe, but Minghe still didn’t say a word, and he felt hesitant.

Ears whispered from the outside of the king faintly: “Zhang Laoqi, pay three dollars to buy your paddy field, you don’t sell it, now there is no toasting, no eating, no drinking, haha ​​… hahaha …”

A family member put a village woman in front of Yang Xianling. Yang Xing looked at Minghe secretly and saw that she didn’t pay attention to her side. She quietly rubbed her hand over the village woman’s chest and laughed, “Hey, if she wants to Get rid of sin, then … “

“You don’t care, I control.” Qin Yi strode forward and kicked Wang Yuan out of the body, kicking him in all directions, grabbing Yang County magistrate’s hand and slamming it heavily on the ground.

All of them were startled by the sudden attack of Qin Yi, and the hall was silent. Lao Dao’s eyes widened and Minghe’s eyes were fixed on Qin Yi, neither speaking nor stopping.

Yang County Commander covered her waist with pain and pointed at Qin Yidao: “You, you actually beat the court official, you know the law …”

“I don’t know.” Qin Yi slaps on his face with a slap, and pulls back all his words.

Squatted down and grinned: “I’m pretty.”

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