Asked The Red Dust

Chapter 30 - Longevity

Prince’s Mansion, garden pavilion.

Li Qinglin and Qin Yi sat on the stone table, the sky was already dark, the moon was hanging in the sky, the breeze was blowing, and the garden was fragrant.

There was no one left or right to serve. Li Qinglin warmed the wine himself, watching the flames of the small furnace beside the pavilion lightly shaken, a little fascinated.

Qin Yi looked at him for a while, and really felt that this was a super contradictory person, and his perception was extremely complicated. In fact, he can see that some of Li Qinglin’s gestures are not for show, just like he is warming wine with his own hands at this moment, and he is not pretending to be a lieutenant corporal, because it is not necessary to let a maid come to warm the wine. On the contrary, from the acquaintances, he was so self-made, not like a prince. In many cases, Qin Yi always felt more like a warrior, or a pure warrior.

But such a warrior, but did a lot of things that only cold-blooded politicians would do.

“You don’t have to look at me all the time.” Li Qinglin suddenly smiled: “Although my face is somewhat similar to that of Qing Jun, I am not a disguised man.”

Qin Yi was also laughed aloud: “You rarely joke.”

“I said, because I don’t have so much energy. If I am still full of dreams like Qingjun, I will like to joke.” Li Qinglin said with a smile: “Who doesn’t want to laugh every day? Gloomy face, full belly It ’s not a good taste to worry about everything. ”

“Then you …” Qin Yi thought about it and asked, “Why did you choose such a taste?”

“People always want to have an ideal, and go ahead, otherwise they will follow the waves and live numbly, what’s the use?”

Qin Yi was startled, and remembered that the tassel said something similar to life at the banquet, but the two had very different views. One thinks that you can’t be free from unrestricted thoughts, what’s the use of living? One thinks you have no ideal in your life, just like a salted fish.

Thought the tassel would comment on this, but the stick was quiet and there was no response.

Li Qinglin said again: “What is Brother Qin’s ambition? Traveling under the forest, pine and bamboo as friends, not involved in the hustle and bustle of the world, free and easy?”

Qin Yi hesitated and replied: “Yes.”

Li Qinglin smiled and said: “Although I have different ambitions, I don’t think there is anything wrong. This is a person of high purity. The most fearful thing is to be busy all my life. Instead, I comfort myself.

Qin Yi’s face was a little bit hot, feeling like he was the latter …

But I also know why Tassel did n’t comment, because in fact there is no conflict between Tassel ’s words and Li Qinglin. In essence, they all have an ideal and a pursuit, the essence is the same, and there is no dispute that everyone pursues different things.

On the contrary, Qin Yi thought that he was born calmly, but it was actually a salted fish … because he didn’t know what he was after, even if he once told Li Qingjun to pretend to know what he was after, he didn’t know.

He finally asked back: “So what is Brother Li’s ambition? Nanli Daquan?”

“Huh …” Li Qinglin smiled dumbly, didn’t answer immediately, slowly extinguished the fire, and lifted the jug to add a glass of wine to Qin Yi, as if he was also sorting out the language.

Qin Yi didn’t rush, looked at him quietly.

“Brother Qin is my south away person, or a pharmacist.” Li Qinglin clutched the wine glass and looked at the wine in the glass deliberately. “The south away in your eyes is not a patient?”

“Hmm …” Qin Yi sighed: “count.”

“Father Wang wholeheartedly said to the state that he didn’t care about national affairs, and even the news of the invasion of Xihuang was not as important as his use of Danhua.” Li Qinglin slowly said: “In national affairs, listening to demon’s **** is better than listening to Zhongzhiliangchen, It ’s even better than listening to my son. The earthquake in the southeast was not the first to fight against the earthquake, but the first step was to climb on the altar; the invasion of the enemy country was not a stern battle, but a prayer to the sky. “

Qin Yi is silent.

“This is the case with the king, and his subjects even more. Above the court, he succumbed to Donghua, slipping his beard to shoot horses, no one was doing anything, and all learned the Dharma. Everyone dared to wear a robe, and the father not only did not think it was wrong, but he also wore it himself. It was like a joke. “Li Qinglin laughed and said:” Among the rivers and lakes, evildoers are rampant, everyone disrespects the king, and worships Taoism. The production of each family is deserted, the couple cleans up, the housework is discordant, and even the population has fallen. Brother Qin, this country It ’s not just sick, it ’s a fatal terminal illness. “

Qin Yi nodded slowly, he didn’t know much about the national economy and people’s livelihood, but Li Qinglin said this is obviously not false, if this is the case, the country is really at an end.

“When did all this begin? It was when the father Wang heard from Donghua that he began to ask Changsheng, this is the crux of everything.” Li Qinglin said: “I have also persuaded, and I have also ganged up, stolen and framed, trying From the political level, Dong Huazi was stepped down, but it was useless. I am just a second prince, and political capital is not enough. “

Speaking of this, he finally drank the wine he had held for a long time.

Qin Yi looked up and looked directly at Li Qinglin’s eyes.

“Big Brother, I let Ye Ling assassinate.” Li Qinglin calmly said: “He voted for his father’s favor, and he is also cultivating. This is fine. But he should not take this wind into the army. That’s the bottom line of my departure from the south. Since then, I suddenly thought out, in addition to him, I came to be the prince myself, maybe there is a rescue. You say I am power? Yes, I want this Power is not in this position and Nanli cannot be saved. “

Qin Yi sighed softly and drank a glass of wine in silence.

The tassel suddenly said: “You ask him what he would think if there is really a method of longevity in the world.”

Qin Yi asked. Li Qinglin thought for a while and smiled: “Brother Qin himself is an alchemist. I must believe this. No wonder I will ask this question … But I have said that the demon ghost has empirical evidence, and immortality is just a rumor. , I do n’t believe this. “

Qin Yi insisted: “I mean if, if there is any.”

Li Qinglin shook his head: “I am a prince, this is my country. My responsibility is to let the people live in peace, the country is prosperous, the life is prosperous inside, and the outside can resist the foreign prisoners. If it can, it can open up the territory and tremendously. The world, that made me die immediately and did n’t live in vain. Longevity? What’s the use of longevity ~ ~ Without my own responsibilities, I forgot my own ambitions, and the Fly Camp Dog lived for ten thousand years, It’s just a walking dead. “

Tassel smiled softly: “Interesting people.” But did not let Qin Yi continue to ask.

Instead, Li Qinglin asked Qin Yi: “Brother Qin, I haven’t listened to your story recently, but for your Journey to the West, I still listened to Ye Ling intermittently and recounted some. The ending must have been the mantra, did all Buddhas?”

Qin Yi nodded and said: “Each has its own duties, but Tang Seng and Wukong have become Buddhas.”

“So … I have a puzzle, I wonder if Brother Qin can answer?”

“What’s confusing?”

“The story of the six-eared macaque …” Li Qinglin said slowly: “Is the one killed the six-eared macaque or Sun Wukong?”

Qin Yi jumped in his heart, his eyes widened in surprise.

This stalk was indeed mentioned, but he never thought about it. Li Qinglin, who listened to some clips intermittently, would also think so, wouldn’t you wear it back?

“Why are you confused?”

“After the Six Ears, Sun Wukong judged that if they were two, there would be no wildness anymore, so there is this confusion. There is always doubt whether Sun Wukong has actually been killed by Rulai Keng in this battle, it is the six eared macaque monkey who took his lessons. . “

Qin Yi had to explain: “That ’s not a story I compiled. There are indeed original works. The titles of these chapters in the original works express the heart ape. Therefore, in general interpretation, the so-called six-eared macaque is actually the monkey ape of Sun Wukong. After being removed, Wild will be closed. “

Li Qinglin poured the wine silently and sipped it out.

“What’s wrong?” Qin Yiqi said: “Is there anything wrong with this plot?”

Li Qinglin said lightly: “I would rather believe that the Great Saint is dead, and I don’t want to accept the monkey king who sweeps the heavens and the earth and crosses his knees to be a Buddha.”

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