ASOIAF: I'm No Longer A Side Character

Chapter 10

News of the conversation between Rhaena and Androw spread like wildfire throughout the entire castle, with various versions that greatly exaggerated Androw's words. The knights who were assigned to keep an eye on Androw were particularly offended by his comments, as he had referred to them as "dogs," which wounded their pride as knights. Androw hadn't expected that his few words would turn the castle's servants and knights against him.

Up until then, they had shown some restraint because they respected Rhaena, but now they treated him like a nobody. Even when Androw asked them to do something, they would simply respond with, "We serve our Princess." That day, Androw felt more irritated than ever.

Unbeknownst to Androw, just as he could sense Baal's emotions, Baal could sense his. Androw channeled his frustration into an intense workout, fully aware that he was not invulnerable, despite his quasi-immortality, and he only had one dragon. It was crucial for him to remain composed and make the right decisions to preserve what he had worked so hard to build.

Little did Androw know that his time in the training grounds would become even more vexing.

As Androw arrived at the training area, the knights there began to indirectly insult him, making remarks about the actions of his previous self. They mocked, "Didn't that fool conquer all of Westeros?" One of them added, "Yeah, with his wooden soldiers." The knights shared a laugh as they made fun of him. But Androw paid no heed to their taunts.

He proceeded to the barracks to obtain a training sword, intending to test his potential ability in mastering weapons. When he tried to pick up a sword, one of the knights blocked his path, sneering, "Fools like you aren't worthy of wielding a sword." Androw's eyes turned cold as he pushed past the knight and retorted, "Then let this 'fool' show you what it means to be worthy of a sword." Drawing two swords, he made his way to the training ground.

The knight, feeling insulted by Androw, couldn't stand idly by and lunged at him, attempting to strike him in the face. But Androw was quick on his feet, skillfully evading the attack and responding with a swift counterattack, using the pommel of his sword to strike the knight's nose. The impact left the knight staggering back, clutching his bloody nose, while Androw continued his walk towards the training area.

As Androw arrived at the training area, he found everyone engrossed in their training sessions. He took a quiet corner for himself to practice, but his troubles were far from over. The knight with the broken nose, along with some of his comrades, soon entered the training area. They were surrounded by other knights who didn't witnessed the incident. The injured knight directed his anger and curses at Androw, blaming him for his broken nose.

Meanwhile, a servant from the training ground went to inform Princess Rhaena, who had gone to visit her dragon in the Dragon Cave. Seeing the situation escalating, Androw decided to step forward, carrying both of his swords on his back. The new castle commander approached Androw, intending to find out what had transpired. However, before the commander could speak, Androw boldly asked, "I'd like to know if a fool can wield a sword. Who's willing to show me?".

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