ASOIAF: I'm No Longer A Side Character

Chapter 3

Androw's hard work was beginning to show results. However, he felt that something was not quite right with his current body. Even though he used to get completely exhausted at first, he noticed that as the days passed, his body was producing an excessive amount of energy for someone who had only started exercising two weeks ago. His muscles were growing much faster than a regular person's, and within just two weeks, he had lost around 5 kilograms of weight all of a sudden. Androw suspected that this had something to do with the gifts from the unknown entity, but he didn't pay too much attention to it.

He worked tirelessly day and night, hardly finding time to do anything else. As the days went by, no one came to mock or laugh at him anymore, because they saw that Androw didn't pay much attention to their words. They even tried to disrupt his workout by bothering him or pushing him from behind, but Androw didn't react and kept focused on his goals.

Rhaena suddenly summoned Androw to the hall, as she often did. But this time, she sent one of her knights to bring him to her side instead of using servants. Androw had expected this to happen sooner or later. He followed the knight without saying a word, knowing they would use force if necessary.

When they arrived in the hall, Rhaena and her friends were waiting for him. Rhaena was a beautiful lady with lively lilac eyes, silver-gold hair, and striking facial features. If she were in his former world, she would have been considered a model. Androw, however, kept his head high and showed no emotion as he looked into her eyes. To him, she was nothing more than a stranger, different from the former Androw.

Seated on her Dragonstone throne with an air of authority, Rhaena spoke, "You've changed. It's unusual for you to look me straight in the eye." Androw remained silent, his gaze fixed on her.

Rhaena then asked, "Is there anything else you wish to say, Androw?" He felt like she was mocking him by summoning him just to ask that question. Androw replied expressionlessly, "I don't."

Rhaena noticed his weight loss and commented, "Have the servants not been feeding you well?" Androw replied, "They're doing their job, Rhaena." In his heart, he couldn't help but mock her, thinking, "Am I a puppy to you?"

Rhaena continued, "That's enough, Androw. I appreciate the effort you've put into your façade. I wasn't in a good mood to talk at that time, so you don't need to be upset."

Androw assured her, "I'm not upset, Rhaena. There's no reason for me to be mad at you." But when she asked why he had been avoiding her summons, he replied, "Because I'm not doing well." She chuckled and asked why he was spending time in the training ground and library when he wasn't feeling well. Androw answered with a hint of irritation, "Because I want to."

Rhaena then said, "So, you don't want to meet me, and that's why you're avoiding my summons." Androw showed a brief sign of annoyance, which Rhaena and her friends noticed. Before she could question him further, Androw said, "Why bother asking when you already know why I'm doing this?"

Rhaena's expression turned somewhat cold, but Androw continued, "I have things to do, Rhaena. I'm leaving." And with that, he started walking away from the hall. Rhaena called for him to stop, but Androw didn't halt until her knights did. Turning back slightly, he said, "Is this how you show gratitude for kindness?" His parting words struck a nerve. Gripping her chair, Rhaena finally relented and said, "Let him go." The knights released Androw, and he walked away.

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