Assimilate All Talents

Chapter 223: Light Sparring

Sol gave an abbreviated version of the story, skipping most of the important details like Orna. He focused primarily on what had happened to Lapis and his discovery of her blood’s latent power.

“We’ve already gathered most of the materials and found a skilled alchemist to synthesize it. The last thing we need... is the blood of priests.”

Sol paused, waiting for her response. Diana didn’t say anything at first. She calmly finished her tea, placing the empty cup on the grass.

“Asking for our blood... If I didn’t know you, I would have assumed it was for a dark ritual. Do you need all their blood?”

Sol shook his head. “No, a pint from each, at most.”

Even if he did take all their blood, effectively reducing the number of priests required to fifty, it wouldn’t work. To activate the latent power of rebirth in her blood, they needed not only quantity but also diversity, similar to the death of multiple gods. While the blood was coming only from Caela’s priests, it didn’t mean their talents were solely related to her laws—anyone could follow her doctrine and believe in her.

“In all my years serving Caela, this has never been done before. Even with my position, I’d face resistance if I don’t present a good reason. And if I do this, it can’t be for free,” Diana stated directly. Even with a clear purpose for the blood, many would still suspect it of being used for some nefarious purpose or dark ritual. A tangible gain might help in getting acceptance.

“Would gold suffice? If not, we can trade items from the Royal Knights’ merit store.”

She thought for a moment. She wasn’t particularly interested in gold, but the Royal Knights had many valuable items that even she desired.

“Perhaps, but we’d have to make it an official exchange between our church and the Royal Knights.”

Though possible, Sol was reluctant to pursue that option. It would raise too many questions, especially about why the Royal Knights and by extension, the Royal Family, were acquiring blood. The rebellious nobles might latch onto it and complicate matters further.

He considered other possible offers but realized he didn’t have much else. His first thought was the dragon scale, but it only responded to him. The rest of his items were unique, but not irreplaceable. As he grew increasingly downcast, he found the answer.

“What if I sell you back the boots?”

Diana’s eyes lit up, surprised by his offer of the Blessed Boots of the Sky, something she had originally given him.

“That... would definitely work. But are you sure?”

Sol nodded, glancing at the boots somewhat regretfully. ‘Though I didn’t use them often, they saved my life on a few occasions with [Wind Barrier]. But now I can replicate most of their effects through other means. [Polychromatism] can create a much stronger barrier, and with [Terra Manipulation], I can fly, technically.’

While the boots were a great item, they were no longer as important to him. But to the Church of Caela, it was an entirely different matter. They didn’t care what the boots did; if they were blessed by Caela herself, the church wanted them.

Before Sol obtained the boots, there was an ownership dispute between the church and the Adventurers Guild. But now that Sol was the true owner, he could give them directly to the church if he wished.

With his confirmation, Diana didn’t hesitate. “With those boots as motivation, the priests and priestesses will jump at the opportunity to donate their blood. You should expect it within two days.”

It would take some time to inform the priests and prepare the tools needed to drain and store the blood. Normally, such an operation would take five days to accomplish, but Diana knew they would mobilize as soon as possible to obtain the boots.

“Thank you. Do you want the boots now?” Sol asked.

She shook her head. “No, you can hand them to the representative we send when we collect the blood. If I take them now, a few bastards might try to avoid fulfilling our end of the deal.”

Diana knew well how some higher ranked priests were more shameless than thieves. If they saw an opportunity to gain something for free, they’d take it without remorse. She despised those types, but there was little she could do besides act in a way that prevented them from taking advantage.

Diana stood up and brushed off the back of her dress.

“I’ll get to work then. I’ll also get you a copy of the harbinger’s details. Try to break through as soon as possible; I’m unsure how long the paladins can delay it.”

Sol nodded seriously. “I will.”


After leaving the Church of Caela, Sol met up with Amber, whom he had promised to spar with.

They met on the 20th floor of Necropolis as usual and fought to their hearts’ content.

Sand scattered everywhere, covering the entire resting area of the dungeon. From the sand, soldiers began to rise endlessly, filling the entire area. Their individual strength wasn’t particularly high, only around peak C-Rank, but their numbers were frightening.

Sol stood alone as a sea of sand soldiers wielding scimitars began charging at him. He brandished his Lipon and activated it, releasing a water element axe. Sol then turned the dial, increasing the amount of energy consumed, which nearly doubled the size of the axe before rushing into the fray.

He used [Vorpal Blade Rush], swinging the axe rapidly in all directions. Even though he was being attacked from all sides, his axe destroyed anything that approached within ten feet, scattering sand everywhere. Each swing was not only fast but carried incredible might, and it only increased the longer he attacked.

As he continued taking down sand soldiers, a huge sand hand rose from the ground. It curled into a fist and moved to smash down on him. The sand soldiers between Sol and the fist were destroyed in the process, but instead of slowing down the fist, it only grew in size and power as it assimilated them.

Sol saw it increasing in power and decided to take it head on. He cranked the dial as far as it could go, tripling the size of the water axe, and used [Phoenix Dive]. He swung upwards, slicing the fist in half as he flew into the sky before turning the axe around and slamming it downwards with all his might. The axe fell directly on the split sand fist, sending a blast of pure force in all directions, destroying it entirely.

The attack was so powerful that the shockwave destroyed many of the sand soldiers in that direction. His axe was also destroyed, but only because the cartridge ran out of energy from him maxing out the dial.

At that moment, with Sol’s weapon depleted, one of the nearby sand soldiers suddenly leaped forward and morphed into Amber, who brandished her daggers.

Sol turned to face her and used [Mana Burst], sending a blast of pure mana in all directions to force her back. Amber continued forward, unperturbed, swinging her daggers upwards to create two sand blasts that met the mana head on. The two forces created a small explosion, causing the entire area to become clouded with sand.

Within the sand cloud, Sol covered his fist in compressed stone and swung forward. A clang echoed as his stone fist was blocked by Amber’s dagger. The two then exchanged countless attacks within the sand cloud, both unbothered. Both had ways to see through the sand, be it Sol’s [True Sight] or Amber’s [Sand Sense].

The two exchanged nearly a hundred attacks until Sol used [Unarming Blow] at the perfect opportunity to launch one of her daggers into the air. Before she could react, he punched her in the stomach, blasting a large hole in her chest.

Amber took a few steps back, looking down at the gaping hole with a blank expression. A nearby sand soldier deformed, and the sand composing it flew toward Amber, filling the gap in her stomach before turning back into flesh.

“You win.”

Though she spoke with a straight face, Sol could tell she was dissatisfied with her loss.

“Maybe, but you’re improving insanely fast. Two weeks ago, you could only create thirty sand soldiers, and they moved somewhat awkwardly. Now you can easily make countless soldiers, and their movements are like those of veteran soldiers. I also didn’t even know you were hiding as one until the very last moment.”

She nodded, saying nothing in response to his praise.

“By the way, how’s your progress with your law technique?”

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