Astrology Card Maker: Start with Pleiades Star Official

Chapter 53 Nine Executives Kill Evil and Destroy the Army

Chapter 53 Nine Executions to Punish Evil and Destroy the Army

"Three-and-a-half-star gourmet card [Nutrient Sandwich], increases strength and defense."

"How long will the effect last?"


Jiang Zhao nodded and silently put away the five sandwiches, "It costs a lot of money to buy so many at once, right?"

"It didn't cost any money. A friend of a friend specially sponsored it." Ruan Yunyun chuckled and said, "Let me help him collect some food-related materials for the new area."

"Do you still know the star soul master of the gastronomy department?" Jiang Zhao was surprised.

"That's necessary, and this guy not only has ordinary food cards like sandwiches, but also special food cards suitable for our mechanical department." Ruan Yunyun's eyes flashed with anticipation.

"What is this?" Jiang Zhao was stunned at that time, "A gourmet card suitable for the mechanical department, the kind that rolls iron screws?"

"What are you thinking~" Ruan Yunyun said angrily: "It's a special kind of cream called [Matcha Flavored Motor Oil]. After consumption, it can greatly improve the performance of mechanical cards, and it can also cool down the body."

Jiang Zhao nodded in confusion.

I just feel like this world is so crazy.

He could understand that mechanics needed to add engine oil, but what the hell was matcha-flavored engine oil?

Even if it’s matcha-flavored motor oil, it’s not something people can eat, right?

After all, Star Soul delicacies need Star Soul masters to eat them.

"Matcha-flavored engine oil?" Lu Qiaoqiao was surprised with a hint of surprise, "I heard that this is the birth card of a senior in the Mechanical Club. Yunyun is going to join the Mechanical Club?"

"Not yet, but the mechanical club does intend to win over me." Ruan Yunyun said.

"Then why don't you join?"

"Following the rules is too boring," Ruan Yunyun's mechanical belief was as ungrateful as ever, "By the way, Jiang Zhao, have you decided what club you want to join? Do you want to join me?"

"There's no rush~ I'm going to start a club of my own when the land reclamation in the new area is over."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

"What, you want to create a new club by yourself?" Ruan Yunyun made a fuss, her eyes gradually becoming excited: "That's right~ Why didn't I think of that?"

Compared to joining the mechanical club, starting a new club from scratch is definitely more interesting!

"Classmate Jiang Zhao is really..." Lu Qiaoqiao was surprised.

Luo Changfeng looked strange: "Do you know how troublesome it is to create a new club? It doesn't matter what you ask for at the beginning. Before you get the rankings and results, you won't be able to use the resources of the college, so why bother?"

"You know nothing!" Ruan Yunyun said with disdain: "That's why it's challenging. Anyway, I'm a member of Jiang Zhao's club!"

"Good intentions are regarded as the liver and lungs of a donkey."

Luo Changfeng hummed and shook his head, really unable to understand what these two people were thinking.

"Um...can we join?"

Zhang Yifan and Hu Dajun looked at each other and asked weakly.

"Of course." Jiang Zhao said without hesitation: "From now on, you will be the elders of the society."

"No, why can't you even see the shadow of the evil thing in the new area?"

A group of six people explored for a long time, but surprisingly they didn't encounter even a Yin soldier evil thing, not even an ordinary evil thing.

This makes the few people who are eager to try it have no sense of experience at all.

"Normally, there are many senior students in the inner circle. Even if there are evil things, they have been almost eliminated by the senior students." Lu Qiaoqiao said helplessly.

"It seems we have to speed up a little bit."

Jiang Zhao nodded thoughtfully and led the team to speed up.

Unknowingly, he had entered the inner circle of second-year students.

From time to time, you can hear the sounds of second-year teams fighting nearby.

"Quick, quick, this way~ this way~!"

Ruan Yunyun stepped on the power skateboard, and the sensor on her wrist beeped.

Jiang Zhao and others followed closely, and soon saw a few scattered Yin soldiers.

"Level three evil objects, but according to Teacher Mi's wishes, they must be treated as level four evil objects." Lu Qiaoqiao reminded.

"It's just a level four monster."

Luo Changfeng smiled disdainfully, and the Nether Centipede, which had been promoted to three and a half stars, swept through the poisonous mist and meandered past.

Click! Click! Click!

The scales on the Yin soldiers made a rattling sound as they were strangled by the Nether Centipede.

"It's more powerful than the previous evil things." Luo Changfeng was secretly surprised.

At the same time, Lu Qiaoqiao and others were not idle. They took out their cards and joined the battle.

The ghost-hand vines rise from the ground and twine wildly.

The lightning rat turned into electric balls and lightning and shuttled back and forth among the Yin soldiers.

Jiang Zhao then stood still and silently observed these dark soldiers who were full of "fellow countryman" atmosphere, so that he felt a little intimate with them.

On the side, Virgo shines in the holy light, and the holy light around her seems to have a certain restraining effect on the Yin soldiers.

"Hehe, it has to be my little beauty~!"

When Ruan Yunyun was proud, the mechanical arms wrapped around her arms with a burst of clicking sounds. The shoulders and clavicle of her upper body were also covered by the machinery, and the power was much higher than before.

In the blink of an eye, half of the scattered Yin soldiers were wiped out by everyone.

"Look, there are a few more evil things rushing out over there, and there seems to be an elite-level hard vegetable inside!"

Zhang Yifan exclaimed and reminded while controlling the Ghost Hand Vine.

Everyone heard the sound and went away, only to see a group of Yin soldiers and evil things not far away. A Yin soldier with a larger body and gorgeous scales was holding a long sword and attacking everyone with an astonishing momentum.

After Hu Dajun ate the sandwich, his strength and defense increased greatly, and he raised his giant ax to attack.


"Damn, it's so fierce!"

Hu Dajun was knocked over more than ten meters while screaming.

"Three-and-a-half-level elites must be treated as level-4 and a half elite evil creatures!" Lu Qiaoqiao exclaimed as a reminder. The lightning rat turned into a bolt of lightning to block the Yin Soldier Elite. The electric current surged around his body, barely blocking the footsteps of the Yin Soldier Elite. .

Ruan Yunyun raised her mechanical arm and smashed it, knocking back the Yin Soldier Elite several steps.

"Hey~ Why do you feel like you are competing with the commander level?" Ruan Yunyun was surprised and uncertain, "Is it possible that the level should also be treated as one level higher?"

For a moment, everyone felt like they were facing an enemy and started eating nutritious sandwiches one after another.

"Jiang Zhao, where is Master Chicken? Release Master Chicken quickly!"

Luo Changfeng directed the Nether Centipede to move forward and shouted loudly to Jiang Zhao.

However, they saw that Jiang Zhao did not release Chicken Master, but came flying over on the strange iron box.

Just when everyone is confused.


The sword box at Jiang Zhao's feet suddenly opened, and seven rays of sword light flew out, leaving several people stunned.

"Nine branches will kill evil and destroy the army——!"

Jiang Zhao stood proudly on the sword box, raising his hands to control it with his thoughts.

The seven flying swords emitted fierce light, with the shaking light sword as the center, and the other six swords hovered around the shaking light sword, gathering an astonishing force.


A dark golden sword shadow cut across the sky like a shooting star, hitting the Yin soldier elite in the forehead.

The helmet of the Yin soldier elite was torn apart in an instant, his head was penetrated by the sword light, and most of the evil energy in his body was dissipated on the spot.


Zhang Yifan and Hu Dajun's eyes widened in disbelief, and Ruan Yunyun and the other three also cast shocked looks.

"No...when did you create such a weapon card? Wasn't it a sword before?"

Luo Changfeng looked at the trembling Nether Centipede next to him, shocked and helpless.

"It was just recently made, and its power is pretty good."

Jiang Zhao smiled slightly and signaled everyone to hurry up and attack.

There is no doubt about the power of the move just now [Nine Executions to Kill Evil and Destroy the Army], but the mana cost is a bit high, and it feels similar to Ji Ye's Si Chen Cry.

Fortunately, his soul power is already very high now.

Seeing the elite Yin soldiers wielding their long swords to attack him, Jiang Zhao directly controlled the sword box to rise a certain distance and skillfully controlled seven flying swords to attack.


Seven flying swords shuttled back and forth on the Yin Soldier Elite.

Before other teammates could take action, the Yin Soldier Elite's spirit body had already disintegrated and scattered into broken scales on the ground.

"Okay, there's no need for you to take action anymore."

Jiang Zhao smiled bitterly and controlled seven flying swords to kill the remaining Yin soldiers.

In just a moment, the remaining Yin soldiers and monsters were killed by flying swords. It felt like mowing grass.

Looking at the people on the side, they were already dumbfounded and swallowed silently.

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