At the beginning of the comprehensive manga, Emperor Keke was drawn

Chapter 126

Chapter 126

“Spiral Staircase, Unicorn Fairy, Ruined Street, Fig Tower, Unicorn Immortal, Bitter Road, Unicorn Immortal, Special Point, Giotto, Angel, Hydrangea Fairy, Unicorn Immortal, Special Point, Secret Emperor!”

Father Pucci slowly read the fourteen code words recorded in Dior’s diary that he had seen from Jotaro’s memory, and after all these years, he finally felt the words of his best friend Dior again

The world in the priest’s body appeared at the same time as the white snake, and under the light of the new moon, the priest realized that he must abandon one of the avatars, and the other avatar would no longer be available until the avatar evolution was completed.

“dio! When I can do whatever I want, I will surely resurrect you! ”

The priest roared angrily and directly chose to abandon his white snake, which shattered without premeditation, and the world turned into a ray of light into the palm of the priest’s hand, fusing with the phalanges left by Dior.

The priest’s shape changed dramatically, a star mark appeared on his forehead, eyelashes and hair grew a lot, and suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his left shoulder, and he looked back and saw that it was a star birthmark unique to the Joestar family.

“New Moon!”

The priest whispered that he was close to heaven, and then he would go to the place recorded in Dior’s diary to wait for the next new moon.

A green stand-in appeared in front of him with the priest’s call, and the moment this stand-in appeared, the priest felt that the surrounding environment was distorted, and Mad San, who was still waiting in the ministry, felt something wrong at the same time.

In front of all the women, they each released their beasts, and a black giant sword and a black clock appeared in front of everyone.

“Gravity is affected throughout Tokyo!” Mad San and Yan San looked at each other, their expressions were a little solemn, they knew very well that this matter was not done by Shen Ming, that is, a mysterious strong man appeared in Tokyo again.

Mad San and Eye Three could feel through the beast, Shen Ming naturally also found out, and at this time, he was still in the Tianma Shopping Mall to accompany Nakano Erno to purchase.

To be precise, Shen Ming was observing an emerald brooch, which was almost identical to the one Violet gave him, and Shen Ming found a very familiar scarf not far away.

“Do you still have to wear a scarf at this time~?” When Shen Ming bought the scarf, Nakano Erno was still very surprised, but if this scarf was intended to be given to her, she would definitely accept it very preciously.

“It’s time, it seems that the priest is going to evolve today!” Shen Ming bought the brooch and took Nakano Nino’s hand and walked towards the dressing room in the mall, he felt that gravity had begun to change.

Seeing that Shen Ming was going to take himself to the dressing room, even if Nakano Nino had already guessed this scene, she couldn’t help but get nervous, it was too fast, she was not ready. However, to Nakano Jina’s surprise, the two obviously walked into the dressing room, but they took a step and came directly to the wilderness.

“Is this teleportation?” Nakano said excitedly.

“I’m afraid I can’t continue to accompany you next, this is already close to your home!” Shen Ming patted Ernai’s hair and said, he has also figured out a lot of things now, such as the vampire physique of the sisters under the snow, such as Violet.

“Are you going to do something?” Er Nai did not leave directly, but came to Shen Ming’s side.

Shen Ming did not insist on letting Er Nai leave anymore, directly took out two scarves and two brooches, and controlled the suspension in mid-air with his mental power, and what surprised him was that under the influence of gravity fluctuations caused by the priest’s evolution crescent, four items slowly rotated around Shen Ming and Er Nai, and a fluctuation that could affect time appeared on Er Nai’s body.

As the priest gradually fully mastered the ability of the crescent moon, he also discovered the crazy three or two who can affect gravity, at this moment the priest realized, the last condition for ascending to heaven has changed a little, and now there is a faster and better way! Father Pucci jumped straight down from Tokyo Tower and controlled his gravity towards Hidechiin.

The four items rotated faster and faster, and finally directly caused the distortion of space, forming a portal between Shen Ming and Er Nai, seeing this, Shen Ming knew that the time had come, but he didn’t expect that this matter would involve Er Nai.

“What’s wrong with this?” Er Nai was a little scared and directly hugged Shen Ming.

“Nothing, go, I’ll take you on a trip!” Shen Ming put away all the scarves and brooches around him, and then hugged Er Nai and jumped directly into the portal, and a thunder suddenly sounded between heaven and earth, and the distorted space returned to calm, but the figures of the two had disappeared.

The sisters under the snow and Violet seemed to feel something, and they all looked in the direction where Shen Ming disappeared, and a look of anticipation appeared on their faces.

Shen Ming can swear that this is the worst time he has experienced time and space teleportation, and it feels like the whole person has been stuffed into a drum washing machine and dumped for a day and a night. And the place where they appeared was also very subtle, unexpectedly at the edge of the atmosphere, at this height, Shen Ming could already see the shape of the earth, the air was also very thin, and Er Nai, who was unconscious in his arms, was breathing rapidly.

Then the two began to fall towards the ground under the influence of gravity, and the weightlessness of the rapid fall also made Erno wake up from the dizziness, and she immediately hugged Shen Ming tightly, constantly trembling in fear.

“Shen Ming, what to do, quickly think of a way!” Frightened by the weightlessness, Erno didn’t notice that the whistling wind around him didn’t affect the two of them in the slightest.

“Alas, this is bad, my vampire physique has been affected, and I can’t use any abilities!” Shen Ming said playfully, but he was not talking nonsense, he was regaining the personality of the Vampire True Ancestor, but it would not affect the ability to use it.

And there is no true ancestor in this world, only one thing that he really traveled to the past point in time, and then thought of the special experience of Violet and the sisters under the snow, he should have come to two years ago, so Shen Ming used his mind power to control the direction of the fall, he planned to see himself two years ago.

Hearing Shen Ming’s words, Er Nai was even more afraid, and then suddenly thought of something, and actually kissed Shen Ming directly, and at a height of 100,000 meters above the ground, Er Nai finally bravely showed his heart. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

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