At the beginning of the comprehensive manga, Emperor Keke was drawn

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Early in the morning, Shen Ming, Yukinoshita Yukino, Futaba Riyo, and today’s protagonist gathered in the Ministry of Service, today is already Friday, and the broadcast at three o’clock in the afternoon is the last step in the plan to save Mai Sakurajima.

“I have already contacted the student union, and today Shen Ming will directly take Mai Sakurajima at three o’clock and say that Futaba Riyo can go over!” Yukinoshita Yukino released the final division of labor.

“Futaba-san can’t see Mai-senpai now, that is, the identity of the observer of the experimental results, if Mai-senpai is found, it means that the classmates have also discovered the identity of the singer!” Shen Ming explained to the puzzled Futaba Riyo that he didn’t want to be blocked in the broadcasting room by his classmates.

“I see, I’m Schrödinger, now you’re going to take me to open the box!” Riyo Futaba quickly grasped the point.

“Okay, since that’s the case, then disband for the time being! Meet here after school! Yukinoshita Yukino announced that this was the first mission of their ministry and it had to be completed perfectly!

After disbanding, Shen Ming walked towards his class, and when passing by Class B for a year, he was entangled by Fujiwara Chika, and had to let Shen Ming admit in the eyes of the members of the board game department that he was willing to help Fujiwara Chika try her new board game.

Then Shen Ming felt that the gazes of those people looking at him changed, full of admiration and pity, and even some people directly gave him a thumbs up.

“Okay, go back quickly!” Fujiwara Chika, who was recognized, waved her hand to Shen Ming with satisfaction, she wanted to let the students in the board game department know that the school day game she created this time is definitely the most wonderful simulation game in the world!

For a moment, Shen Ming felt that he had made a wrong decision, but since he promised her, Shen Ming would not back down at this time, the game, the more you play, the more fun you have, even if the experience is worse, you can’t all play games have a bad experience, Shen Ming believes in his skills.

Today is already Friday, Shen Ming saw Tongshu Zhendong in class for the first time, and Tongshu teacher is worthy of being called the existence of Iceberg Teacher, as soon as she entered the class, the class immediately became silent.

This class is already the last class of the week, and in the afternoon it is basically self-study time, and as long as they do not leave the school early, the college allows students to participate in club activities in advance, which also facilitates the activities of the ministry.

Seeing that the time had come to half past two in the afternoon, Mai Sakurajima followed Futaba Riyo to the door of Shen Ming’s class C in the first year, and Shen Ming saw this and said hello to Hiratsuka Shizuma, who was watching the class, and walked out of the class.

“Let’s get moving!” Shen Ming took the lead and walked towards the broadcasting room.

In the first few weeks of the new semester, the radio on Friday was a good way to publicize the department, in fact, from three o’clock in the afternoon until school ended at four-thirty, the broadcast room was completely full, so at the door of the broadcast room, Shen Ming could see that people from other departments were already lining up.

In the midst of all the attention, Shen Ming opened the door of the broadcasting room, and then looked back at the people who were waiting.

“We only need to broadcast for five minutes! At three and a half o’clock the next department can come in! ”

As soon as Shen Ming finished speaking, he saw that the few people closest to the broadcasting room quickly nodded, and Shen Ming also nodded at them and closed the door of the broadcasting room with his backhand.

“We won’t be stuck in the broadcast room, will we!” Mai Sakurajima asked worriedly.

“Don’t worry, as long as you finish singing this song, you and Senior Sister Futaba can go directly to the Ministry of Service, as for the rest don’t think about anything, leave everything to me!” Shen Ming smiled, if it was before, he might have used the ability to pause time, but now he had a better way.

Although Futaba Riyo couldn’t hear Mai Sakurajima’s words, she also understood Mai Sakurajima’s worries, since Shen Ming said so, then follow his words.

Mai Sakurajima took out a USB stick with only one piece of music in it, and that was the accompaniment to the recently released new song of her sister’s group Sweet Bullet, which she had been practicing all this time, and she could already sing the song to her own taste, and anyone who knew her would definitely be able to recognize her voice from it.

After Shen Ming finished debugging, he nodded towards Mai Sakurajima, and turned on the radio at the moment when the minute hand of the clock on the wall pointed to twelve, and suddenly the surging music echoed on the campus.

“Alas, this is the song of the new group that has just become popular recently, alas, which department is broadcasting now, so bold and daring to play house songs in public!” Some discerners recognize the song just by hearing the accompaniment at the beginning.

“It’s too strange to just play the accompaniment!” Some people said suspiciously that music was also played on the radio before, but it was the first time that only the accompaniment was played.

“What a beautiful singing voice, it turned out to be that famous star!” There are smart people who begin to induce those around them.

“What, why didn’t I hear anything? What did you hear? ”

Some people asked the people around them suspiciously, but they were greeted by the doubts of others, and for a while this person also wondered if he had heard it wrong, and then listened attentively to whether the singing voice was really hidden in the accompaniment.

And the next moment!

“There really is! I heard it, it’s Mai Sakurajima! ”

And now it’s the turn of the actors who participate in the prank to act as smart people, and they feel as if they also faintly hear some singing.

Then they also looked at each other, and also saw doubts in each other’s eyes, sure enough, it was not an illusion just now, and there was really a singing hidden in the accompaniment.

They have already heard it, although this song is the song of a girl group, but there is only one person who sings, that is, the famous star of their school, Mai Sakurajima!

Chika Fujiwara must have colluded with each other, first only playing the accompaniment, and then when they fooled the others into believing that there was singing in the accompaniment, Mai Sakurajima began to sing, and it was they who were really tricked!

It really deserves to be Chika Fujiwara, this is the common voice of these people at this moment!

“Ah, I can see Mai-san!” Riyo Futaba said excitedly. And Shen Ming just nodded, and then took out the whiteboard that had been prepared a long time ago, and the content had been written on it a long time ago.

“Go on, after singing, the two of you leave from here and go directly to the Ministry of Service!”

After the two nodded, the figure of the platinum star appeared behind Shen Ming and directly launched the time deletion.

“KingCrimson! (King Crimson)”

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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