At the beginning of the comprehensive manga, Emperor Keke was drawn

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

“The fourth true ancestor is the strongest vampire ever created, the true ancestors are strong by the accumulation of memory emotions, and the fourth true ancestor can rely on taking the memories of others to strengthen themselves! And this is also the reason why the fourth true ancestor is known as the strongest vampire! ”

“What do you mean when you say that girl is one of the former Fourth True Ancestors, and are there other former Fourth True Ancestors alive?” Xiao Gucheng regained some radiance, and whenever he recalled that picture, he would feel a pang of heartache, he knew that that girl must be very important to him!

“There are still several people in existence, and the whereabouts of other targets are unknown, and the soul you saw before and the twelfth dependent beast live in Xiaojisha’s body!”

Shen Ming racked his brain to recall the plot, but he didn’t remember much, after all, his attention was attracted by something else at that time.

“How do you know so much!” Nangong Nayue looked sideways.

“Will she still have a chance to be resurrected?” Xiao Gucheng said ecstatically.

“With your current strength, it is absolutely impossible to do it! However, warm reminder, soul boarding is a great burden for both parties, and it is recommended to recover the twelfth beast as soon as possible! Its consciousness can be preserved in the host! ”

“What am I going to do?” A fire lit up in Xiao Gucheng’s eyes, he couldn’t remember what he had become the fourth true ancestor for, but he now had a good reason!

“It is recommended to activate the vampire ability first, and after fully controlling the first dependent beast, you can communicate with it through the dependent beast!” Shen Ming guided the transformation of Xiaogucheng’s thinking step by step.

“Kiki, it looks like I have to borrow your blood!” The ancient city cheered up, and regardless of the hot weather, he rushed directly to his home, and Shen Ming and the two followed behind him.

“How about it, maybe today one day can change his original thoughts!” Shen Ming said proudly to Nangong Nayue.

Nangong Nayue felt a little inappropriate, and directly pulled Shen Ming and said: “This is not good, I heard that vampires do not suck blood for the sake of sucking blood, but also mixed with other things during the period!”

“Blood sucking and drinking blood are not the same, but they can do the same thing!” Shen Ming said indifferently, sucking blood is to pounce on it, but letting the other party put some blood out is different.

When Xiao Gucheng returned home, Kiki Yase was already waiting at the door.

Seeing that Hao Jiyou was already waiting for him at the door, he directly opened the door and pulled him in, and then quickly closed the door.

“What’s wrong, Ancient City?” Yase Kiki had a sense of foreboding, Xiao Gucheng’s identity had been hidden for more than half a year, how could he suddenly confess.

“Base tree! You already know that I’m a vampire, and I have to suck blood to activate my power, so please let me take a sip! Xiao Gucheng begged.

“Uh, can’t you wait a little longer?” Yase Kiki asked with some hesitation, and the medium sent by the Lion King would arrive in two days.

“The sooner the better!” Xiao Gucheng immediately replied that this system that didn’t know where it came from only had a time limit of seven days, and it was better not to waste time.

“Oh, okay then!” Yase Kiki sighed helplessly, he had received orders to try to meet all his requirements while maintaining good relations with Kogujo.

Yase Kiki rolled up the sleeve of his right arm, raised his right hand, and touched his left hand into his pocket, wanting to take the knife and make an opening, but he didn’t expect Xiao Gucheng to be so anxious, and directly bit his arm.

I have to say that the blood of Yase Kiki is really very effective, just two or three mouthfuls of belly, Xiao Gucheng can feel that the beasts that ignored his love before are all vying to demand their call, and their attitude of not refusing to come with high-quality blood finally moved them!

After taking two breaths, Xiao Gucheng put down his good friend, and just now he had already felt the power that belonged to him, and it was really in his sister.

Powerful electricity surged on Xiao Gucheng’s body, and several dependent beasts in his body couldn’t wait to come out and breathe!

Nangong Nayue suddenly appeared in Xiaogucheng’s room, feeling the huge sense of oppression from Xiaogucheng, and couldn’t help but sigh that the fourth true ancestor deserved to be known as the strongest vampire, and he could have such a powerful power when he sucked blood for the first time.

“This is not the place where you unleash your power! Relax, I’ll take you to the right place! ”

Nangong Nayue directly cast spatial magic, and everyone present was transferred to an open space.

“Listen to me! Fast forward! ”

“Lion Gold!”

“Amber of the Minotaur King!”

“The depth of the double horns!”


“Mercury of the Dragon Snake!”

Several huge figures appeared in the sky, and a powerful aura enveloped the entire String God Island.

“Hey, how much blood did he suck you, how did he release so many dependent beasts!” Nangong Nayue felt a little headache, this time the game is big, maybe those true ancestors will end directly.

“I shared my memories with him!” Yase Kiki rolled up his sleeves, stood up tremblingly, and looked at the wanton Xiao Ancient City, his eyes were full of pride, and he also had a share in this strength.

“You guys are really crazy!”

Nangong Nayue somewhat regretted letting Shen Ming intervene in this matter, she originally just wanted to make Xiao Gucheng quickly stronger, and in turn protect Xianshen Island, but now it seems that without a few big battles, others will not recognize Xiaogucheng’s dominance.

“This is exactly what I want, now Xiao Gucheng already has the ability to retrieve the twelfth dependent beast, and that devoured memory and magic will also return to his body!”

Shen Ming’s words sounded in Nangong Nayue’s ears, and everything was developing in his favor.

“Next, you don’t want to provoke a battle between the true ancestors, do you!”

“Next, the major true ancestors will definitely send people to test the strength of the ancient city to find out where it has been, and the people sent here are also first-generation vampires before!”

“They will definitely not be Xiao Gucheng’s opponents, they will only be swallowed by Xiao Gucheng and become part of his strength!”

“Even if there is only one, it is enough to push Xiao Ancient City to the height of a veritable true ancestor!”

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