At the beginning of the comprehensive manga, Emperor Keke was drawn

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

“Good, good, very good!” Hiratsuka Jing stared at Shen Ming tightly, she did not expect that this mysterious oriental teenager was also a problem student.

“Hiratsuka-sensei doesn’t have to praise!” Shen Ming said lightly, he originally only accompanied Violet to school, but now he suddenly felt that it was good to be a problem student.

“You go back first, come to me after school, I have something to find you!”

Hiratsuka suddenly remembered another girl with a problem of hard and soft, and the two might collide with different sparks when put together.

“Hiratsuka-sensei, I said before that I have to go home at six o’clock every night!” Shen Ming frowned, he used to take turns cooking with Violet, and today it was just his turn, if he went back late, maybe Violet would come out directly and fully armed to find him.

“Don’t worry, today won’t delay you for too long!” Hiratsuka Shizune looked at the time again, it was almost time for the afternoon class, so he had to fool the day first.

Before Shen Ming left, he deliberately glanced at Hiratsuka Jing more before turning to leave, he always felt that Hiratsuka Jing seemed to have something to say.

Although Hiratsuka Jing really wanted to pull Shen Ming into the water and let him serve as a class committee, but under Shen Ming’s strong opposition, Hiratsuka Jing was not good at showing too partial, after all, the class committee of Xiuzhiyuan was also something that could be written into the file, far more weighty than the student council presidents of other schools.

The class was enthusiastic about the election of the class committee, but Shen Ming put all his attention on the card drawing system, especially the task he was about to perform, the melancholy blue cat.

If Shen Ming is not mistaken, this so-called melancholy blue cat should be the part where Tom pursued the beautiful cat and was crushed by the rich brother, and Shen Ming couldn’t do anything else, he could only help Tom prepare a few gifts, so that Tom could get the heart of the beautiful cat in advance, as for the things that followed, it was not within Shen Ming’s consideration.

And all Tom needs is a lot of flowers, expensive perfumes, sparkling diamonds and high-end luxury cars, and these summed up in one word, money!

Thinking of this, Shen Ming couldn’t help sighing, although Tom’s story is only a cartoon, but it is more realistic than reality, although he now has a little money, but I am afraid that he will not be able to meet Tom’s needs in a short time.

“There is no way, it seems that you can only turn to Hiratsuka-sensei! Remember she should be a rich woman! Shen Ming stared at Hiratsuka Jing, who was talking on the podium, and she seemed to sense something, and glanced at Shen Ming, and suddenly a shuddering feeling surged in her heart.

“Could it be that this kid is thinking of some bad idea?” Hiratsuka Shizuka forcibly endured the doubts in his heart and put Shen Ming aside, even if he had any problems, then leave it to others to deal with.

Soon it was time for school to end, the crowd in the class dispersed, and Shen Ming followed behind Hiratsuka Shizuma, thinking about how to open his mouth to her.

“Hiratsuka-sensei?” Shen Ming finally spoke.

“What’s wrong?” A smile appeared at the corner of Hiratsuka Jing’s mouth, she was afraid that Shen Ming would directly implement his idea without saying anything.

“Well, the teacher should be quite rich!” Shen Ming said hesitantly, he did not hesitate to speak, and more importantly, he did not know when the things he borrowed today would be repaid.

“What’s wrong, is there any difficulty at Shen Ming’s home? Can I sponsor some to you? And interest as long as you are honest and obedient! Hiratsuka Shizumi also breathed a sigh of relief, what can be solved with money will be easy to handle.

“But I’m afraid it’s a bit difficult to borrow!”

“Even if I borrow a house, it’s no problem, you must know that I can enter this Xiuzhiyuan, and the teacher ability is only a small part!” Hiratsuka said confidently that most of the faculty and staff in Hidechi-in have extraordinary backgrounds, and money has never been a problem for these people.

“Well, then I’ll borrow a luxury car, a set of high-end cosmetics, a gemstone necklace, and then help me order nine hundred and ninety-nine roses!” Shen Ming said his needs in one breath.

Hearing his words, Hiratsuka stopped and turned to look at Shen Ming.

“Which girl are you proposing to?”

“No, it’s a friend of mine, he needs these things, but these things are all on my head, maybe I can pay you back later!” Shen Ming said helplessly, these things are easy to solve with roses and perfumes, and the rest are not something Shen Ming can do in a short time.

“Luxury cars, cosmetics and roses I can help you solve, but you can only go to someone to borrow the last necklace!” Hiratsuka sighed, although she didn’t understand Shen Ming’s purpose, she was willing to believe him once.


“Actually, it’s also the person I’m going to take you to find this time, Yukinoshita Yukinoshita!”

Saying that, Hiratsuka Jing had already taken Shen Ming to the door of a classroom, and with a bang, Hiratsuka Jing directly pulled the door open.

“Hiratsuka-sensei, didn’t you say it before, I still hope you can knock on the door!” A cold voice came from the room, and Shen Ming suddenly felt a special breath, and the platinum star behind him appeared uncontrollably.

“And it’s better not to talk about me outside, especially with a strange man!”

“Anla, aren’t you short of people, don’t I just pull you a coolie!” Hiratsuka Jing ignored Yukino Yukino’s cold temperament that refused to be thousands of miles away, pulled Shen Ming, and directly took him into the room.

“And he also begged you, if I’m not mistaken, you should have a nice necklace!” Hiratsuka sat down opposite Yukinoshita with a big grin.

Shen Ming was a little nervous at the moment, he could vaguely sense that Xue Nai under the snow was not just a weak woman as he thought.

Just by glancing at Shen Ming, Xue Nai’s eyes turned red in an instant. Although it was really only a momentary time, it could not escape the eyes of the platinum star.

“Why, does Hiratsuka-sensei want to return my birthday present?” Or did he want to borrow it? Yukinoshita Yukino finally put away the book in his hand and looked at Hiratsuka Shizuma.

“It’s true, one by one, it’s not worrying! Xiao Mingzi, come and get acquainted, she will be your minister in the future, this is the interest I want! Hiratsuka felt that she couldn’t look directly into the eyes under the snow, so she turned her head and said to Shen Ming.

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