At the beginning of the comprehensive manga, Emperor Keke was drawn

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

The next moment, the classmates instantly cheered, did the first couple in the class appear so soon, and they experienced a kind of happiness.

“This time, I won’t let you run away again!” Mad San said proudly and sat directly next to Shen Ming.

“Ahem! In the future, you should still pay attention to the impact in school! Hiratsuka Shizune looked at Madsan’s actions and felt that he had been hurt again, and he regretted in his heart why this Shuchiin did not have an FFF group.

“Now that you know each other! Then Shen Ming, the task of taking the two of them to familiarize themselves with the school will be handed over to you! A mischievous pleasure arose in Hiratsuka Jing’s heart, she wanted to push Shen Ming into the Asura Field!

“No problem, but today after school I have to participate in club activities, I can only take them to familiarize themselves with the environment tomorrow!” Shen Ming glanced at Nakano Fifteen and said.

“It’s okay, just think of it as a task I entrusted to your department!” Hiratsuka Jing was even happier when she heard Shen Ming’s words, Yukino under the snow is not easy to mess with, if she is not careful, she will be stolen from the house, who can endure this, she made up her mind in her heart, she must go to the Ministry of Service after school to see a good show.

“Today at noon, you will take them to the cafeteria first!” Hiratsuka looked at the time and gave up the class to the teacher who had been waiting outside for a while.

At noon, because he wanted to take Mad San and Nakano Fifteen to the cafeteria, Shen Ming also gave up the bento he brought, put it in his bag and walked towards the cafeteria with the two women.

Everyone bought a portion of udon noodles at the cafeteria window, but Nakano Fifteen’s portion was much more than Shen Ming’s share, looking at the bowl full of fried shrimp fried squid, etc., Shen Ming remembered this Nakano’s feat in the ramen restaurant.

The co-author family was just going to eat a normal meal at that time, not a big stomach king challenge at all, and challenging the passivity of others with the limit of ordinary people is really a little contemptuous of people.

After being silent for a while, Shen Ming took out his own bento and placed it in front of Nakano Fifteen.

“Thank you!” Nakano Fifteen looked at Shen Ming and Mad San beside him again, and finally accepted this kindness.

“In other words, Nakano-san’s name is so strange, Nakano Fifteen, I used to know someone named Fifteen!” After eating, Shen Ming said intentionally or unintentionally, he carefully analyzed this mysterious Nakano classmate, and there were still many doubts on his body.

First of all, the super large amount of food that exceeds the ordinary number of people, and then the dull hair on her head beyond common sense, she is still a famous actor who suddenly became popular, coupled with the rumored excellent athletic ability, and also has super good academic performance, Shen Ming is a little doubtful that the other party also has a system.

And the most suspicious is the other party’s name, Nakano Fifteen, this kind of name generally has a special meaning, for example, a certain fifty-six is his father Lao Dang Yizhuang gave birth to him at the age of fifty-six, if the name Fifteen is the same, then he may have to consider whether to call the police and arrest her parents in one.

“Although this name is very strange, this is what our mother gave us on purpose!” Nakano Fifteen was a little unhappy, anyone who heard someone arrange their name would be angry, and the angry Nakano classmate puffed up a bun face.

“You?” Mad San got to the point.

“What us?” Nakano Fifteen, however, did not notice the slightest abnormality.

Shen Ming and Mad San looked at each other, it seems that this Nakano classmate is really problematic.

“Sorry, I was rude just now!” Shen Ming quickly apologized, and Nakano’s face finally looked better.

“I just feel that such a number-based name has a very Sengoku feeling, and I’m a little embarrassed to say it, in fact, I’m very sorry for that section of the village chief’s weapon… Ahem, that stirring history is quite interesting! ”

Shen Ming lied without blinking, but Nakano Fifteen was immediately attracted to interest, and gently put his hands on his chest and said: “Actually, I am also quite interested in the Warring States!”

Nakano Fifteen’s movements were a little strange, but when Shen Ming’s brain made up for the headphones hanging around her neck, everything became normal, and her movements couldn’t help but hold her headphones under shyness.

And beyond Shen Ming’s surprise, Nakano Fifteen actually forcibly endured shyness to discuss with him about the Warring States martial generals, to be honest, he was not actually interested in the village chief’s fight, fortunately, he also had a knowledgeable mad three by his side to relieve him.

“Another puberty syndrome!” Shen Ming made a judgment in his heart, and the other party’s name was already obvious, fifteen, why fifteen, from one to five is fifteen.

That is to say, the Nakano classmate in front of her is likely to be a combination of the five sisters, so she gathered all the characteristics of everyone together and directly elevated them to the top level.

As for why the five sisters became like this, it is very simple, it is nothing more than the sisters working together, and their profits are broken, and they will be together forever in a similar mood.

However, she does not seem to be aware of her own situation now, and when the five sisters’ respective interests and behaviors conflict, it is likely to develop schizophrenic-like symptoms in the future.

“You also heard it when Mr. Hiratsuka asked me to take you through the campus before, I am a member of the Hidechi-in Service Department, so if you encounter something incredible or difficult to solve after coming to Hidechi-in, you can come to the Ministry Department for help!”

Shen Ming suddenly said to Nakano Fifteen, but this sentence seemed to trigger something, and Nakano Fifteen’s temperament suddenly changed.

“Allah, is Shen Mingjun so helpful? I’m a weak girl, it’s dangerous to go home alone after school, I don’t know if you can help send me off? Nakano Fifteen’s eyes were full of cunning, and she was now full of thoughts about teasing Shen Ming.

“Okay, no problem, as long as your home is quite big, I’m completely OK!” Shen Ming said with a smile, blocking the opponent’s attack in one fell swoop.

“Shen Mingjun gave me today’s bento, then tomorrow’s bento will be handed over to me!” Don’t look at me like this, my cooking skills are very good! “Nakano Fifteen Gu said that he was only meeting for the second time today, although it was more chatty, but it was not so intimate, and the mad three on the side also cast a look that wanted to eat people, this kind of face-to-face stealing is better not to do.

Nakano Fifteen left in a hurry, leaving Shen Ming and Mad San alone time.

And as soon as Nakano Fifteen left, Mad San unfolded the City of Eclipse Time, covering all surveillance, and then, from her shadow, four identical Mad San came out.

“Hehe, they have been arguing to come out to meet since they met!”

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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