At the beginning of the comprehensive manga, Emperor Keke was drawn

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

“Last Friday, I was going to let her wear it to sing, but I was afraid of causing a sensation, and I still wore the school uniform in the end, and I didn’t take it away after that, so I kept it here!” Yukinoshita nodded, walked to the cabinet in the activity room, and pulled a small package from the drawer, which was Mai Sakurajima’s bunny girl suit.

“What’s your plan?” Futaba Riyo asked, all she was thinking about now was feeling that the problem of Toyohama and Hana was solved and she quickly solved the problem of her own division.

“Let’s wait until Senior Mai comes back here!” Shen Ming glanced at Mad San when he heard this, it would be too slow if he used ordinary methods.

Mad San immediately understood Shen Ming’s thoughts, ten bullets that can transmit memory, as long as each person comes with a shot, keep the two of them connected to each other’s hearts, and adolescent syndrome should not heal itself.

“Senior Sister Mai still has to wait for a while to guess, let’s deal with your affairs now!” With Shen Ming’s words, everyone focused on Futaba’s body again, if Shen Ming didn’t say it, they really didn’t know that Futaba also encountered a problem.

Futaba nodded and said, “My problem is division, now I am the absolutely rational part, and all my emotional parts are hiding at home now!”

Yukishita was also interested: “What caused your split?”

Rational Futaba said without blinking: “It should be because of online violence!”

Yukishita Yukino seemed to have suddenly thought of something, took out her mobile phone and looked through it, held it up to Futaba and said to her: “This person won’t be you~!”

Shen Ming secretly glanced at it, not bad, very colorful photos, ten points, Shen Ming can score nine, and the last point is deducted on the real face that cannot be seen-.

“Yes, it’s me!” Riyo Futaba said calmly.

“What the hell happened?” Yukinoshita asked, glancing at the date the photo was posted, when school had not yet started.

“You also know that I am the only member of the scientific research department, and although I am interested in all kinds of research, I have always been alone!”

“So I also wanted to make some friends in the past, and I also wanted to be noticed and valued, but after walking around, I didn’t make good friends who could talk freely, most of them were just nodding their heads!”

“So some time ago I had the idea to upload my photos to attract attention on the Internet, and I did so! Although reason told me that I shouldn’t do it, sensibility drove me to upload photos, and indeed after seeing the comments on the photos, I felt satisfied! ”

“After Mai-san’s problem arose, she came to me, which made me feel needed, and after joining the ministry, I never uploaded a picture again!”

“But my photos were still seen by people in the school, and then posted on the school forum, and some people have even guessed about me based on my size!” And my photos were also abused! ”

“So as you can see, I am now divided into two parts, and now I represent reason, and I at home represent sensibility!”

“Rational I naturally don’t care about other people’s eyes, but emotional I just want to escape!” Futaba said slowly, she knew how the situation in her body came about, but she couldn’t solve it, now her psychology had changed, and she no longer craved attention.

“That is to say, your situation is essentially caused by its own contradictions, rationality suppresses sensibility, and finally cannot be suppressed, rationality and sensibility are separated!” Shen Ming concluded, this is a little complicated, other people’s puberty syndrome, either affect the whole world, or can also pull other people into the water, how come you start crazy internal friction.

“That is, the rational side and the emotional side must understand each other to solve the problems in her?” Yukinoshita Yukino also felt a little headache, rationality and sensibility are inherently relative, how can they understand each other.

“What about the photos on the Internet? Did you delete it? Shen Ming asked.

“Deleted, but it’s useless, someone has long saved it, and it has begun to spread everywhere, and even some people have begun to maliciously speculate whether the person who sent the photo is for aid…” Yukinoshita Yukino looked through the school forum again.

“Isn’t there any movement from the people above?” Shen Ming said suspiciously, something like this that affects the reputation of the academy should be disposed of soon.

“No need at all, the high-level of Xiuzhiyuan knew the truth from the beginning, so this is just a small test for them!” Yukinoshita Yukino is well aware of the thoughts of the people above.

0 ask for flowers

“The problem now is that because the comments on the Internet have gradually been linked to reality, so the emotional I just want to escape, I think as long as this turmoil is calmed down, it should be fine!”

Rational Futaba put forward her own opinion, but she could not put this matter to rest on her own, she already had a hunch that this matter would only intensify, and someone had already begun to send obscenities to the account where she uploaded photos.

“Then delete all the photos of you circulating outside, and then delete all the memories about your photos, so that this thing will seem like it has never happened, and your emotional side does not have to escape!” Shen Ming thought about it and said, it just so happened that he hadn’t tried the ability of the Fourth True Ancestor to devour other people’s memories into magic before.

“You are too arrogant to say this in front of me, the person in charge of Tokyo!” Yukino couldn’t help but complain. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Shen Ming smiled when he heard her words and asked, “Will you stop me?”

“Not really!”

“Isn’t this the end of it!” Shen Ming shook his head and took out his mobile phone, this matter also needed to trouble a friend he knew before.

“You make a call and let the sensual you come here, my friend is very fast!” Shen Ming reminded that in what way the two double leaves will become one, it is better to gather together.

Futaba nodded and called herself directly, she still trusted her friends in the Ministry of Service, since Shen Ming said that it could be solved, it must be fine.

And Shen Ming finally dialed his friend’s phone.

“Hello? Ryunosuke? ”

“Well, Shura?”

“Well, it’s me, don’t call my code name anymore, just call my name Shen Ming, I sent you a photo over, you help to download all the accounts that have downloaded the exact same photo as this photo to send me your photo again!” Please, I’ll go find you for a good chat in a while! ”

“Send photos to the account that downloaded them, huh? No problem! ”

Shen Ming put down the phone, and then he only needed to wait for a few minutes!

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