At The Beginning Of The Three Thousand Dao Scriptures, I Became A Saint

Chapter 199


Chapter 199 Five Elements Five Elements

After a few greetings, everyone discussed the topic of setting up a shantang .

“It is not difficult to set up a shantang, as long as you have money, you can easily do it. What is difficult is the follow-up management. How can we ensure that the management of the shantang will make an all-out effort, and focus on the adoptions? Babies are good, and there will be no mistreatment of children.”

“My Zhao State also has a shantang, which was set up in the name of the Imperial Family, and many orphans were adopted in it. The management of the church is not bad, it can be regarded as making an all-out effort.”

“But over time, the phenomenon of harsh treatment of children often occurs, and it is common to not give food. What’s more, he beats and scolds children at every turn, and if something goes wrong, he takes his anger out on the child.”

“This matter is repeated over and over again. Members of the Imperial Family have visited in the past, and they cannot prevent this from happening.”

“This is still the case at the foot of the imperial city, let alone the rest of the place. Church, those homeless children at least have a place to go. But if there is no good hall, those children really have to wait to die.”

“The same is true in my Tang State…”

The people are either from the Imperial Family or from a large clan, and they are very knowledgeable about Shantang, speaking of which clear and logical. Because of this thing in Shantang, all countries have it. It was specially set up by the Imperial Family in order to reflect their kindness.

If you want to open a shantang, there are two key points.

One is to have money, a lot of money. Because only in this way, can we support a large group of children’s daily expenses. eat, drink, shit and piss, clothes and housing, these all cost money.

No one needs to consider this point. The most important thing for cultivators is the yellow and white things, as many as you want.

Secondly, in addition to money, the management of the shantang is also extremely important. The net worth must be clean and the conduct must be beyond ordinary people, and they must not abuse children.

The management personnel are not good, and the influence is very great. If you can’t say good things, you will turn into evil halls, become a place for shelterer evil people and accept wrongdoing, and lose the original intention of being good. Most importantly, it will destroy the child inside.

This is what worries everyone. In the shantangs of various countries, if there is no problem, the problem is basically in the hands of the management personnel.

“Ai, it’s still a matter of Transmission Formation. If there is a Transmission Formation, why would it be so troublesome, and there’s no need to set up a shantang outside. After finding the child, bring it directly back to the Zixu Palace.”


“My Zixu Palace has Outer Sect Disciple several millions, inner sect disciple hundreds of thousands, and taking care of some children, isn’t it a matter with no difficulty?”

Li Qingzhao sighed, some helplessly said .

She has a very good idea. She doesn’t need to set up a shantang outside. She only needs to arrange staff outside to receive the child, and then bring it back to the Zixu Palace to raise it.

Compared with the management of Shantang, it is obvious that the character of Zixugong Disciple is more trustworthy. At the very least, the Disciple of Zixu Palace, even the Outer Sect Disciple, has to pass the test of Daofeng before getting started. Generally speaking, there is no problem with character.

Even if there is a problem with character, the Disciple of Zixu Palace will not take action against children, because it is not worth it.

The Outer Sect Disciple of Zixu Palace may be nothing in the sect, but out of the sect, walking in the secular world, no matter where he goes, he is a figure that everyone admires.

That is to say, even if the Outer Sect Disciple of Zixu Palace has no hope of cultivating and returns to his hometown, he can still become a rich man.

Infant abuse, it can be seen from the character, it must be disliked by immortal dao. There is no need for Zixu Palace Disciple to ruin its great future because of this little thing, it is not worth it.

Therefore, it is the best choice to bring the children back to Zixu Palace to raise them, without worrying about them being mistreated. Moreover, raising these children in Zixu Palace is itself a way of cultivating Disciples. If someone shows the innate talent of monasticism, they can be directly included in the door wall.

It is a pity that although this method is good, it does not have the conditions for its implementation. The Eastern Continent is too big. Without the Transmission Formation, the distance would be thousands of miles, and it would be a hassle to travel.

“The cultivator has the ability to split the soul, I can leave a mark on the shantang, and monitor the situation of the shantang from time to time. If someone does evil, I will kill them with the thunderous method to deter others. .”

Jiang Chen thought for a while and then stated his solution. It’s nothing more than to work hard and take care of the situation of Shantang.

“This method is not bad. Having Senior Brother take care of it can really prevent this from happening. But will this move affect Senior Brother’s Cultivation?”

“ If only Senior Brother was a Grade 5 realm, Holy Manifestation expert can manifest Divine Vestige in Holy Manifestation in the world, to collect incense and wish to strengthen himself, with all kinds of incredible powers.”

“When the time comes, Just set up a temple in the shantang and worship the Senior Brother with incense, and then the Divine Sense of the Senior Brother can be invited to come and monitor all things.”

“This move replaces the consumption of the Divine Sense with the power of incense. , but there is no need to consume Senior Brother’s own Spiritual Qi, thus affecting its own cultivation.”

After listening to Jiang Chen’s idea, everyone couldn’t help nodding that this method is indeed feasible.

But at this time, another problem appeared in front of everyone. Jiang Chen’s strength is not Grade 5, so he divided his mind to monitor Shantang, which undoubtedly involves his own energy and affects the cultivation. This is a bit of a loss. .

“It’s okay, although I’m not Grade 5, I can use incense and willpower cultivation, but I have my own secret technique, which can separate my mind and monitor the external situation without wasting my energy.”


Jiang Chen laughed, so everyone doesn’t need to worry, he has his own way of breaking the game.

Grade 5 Holy Manifestation, this is a very special realm, which can increase cultivation base with the help of external force, and the most commonly used external force for cultivator is incense wishing.

This is transformed by the thoughts of all living beings, and it is extremely mysterious. With the power of incense and will, cultivator can show many means beyond the conventional.

As long as the incense and willpower are sufficient, even if they are separated by thousands of miles, they can also manifest their own projections and use various means to cut down Monsters and eliminate Demons.

It can be said that Eastern Continent temples are mostly built by cultivators to collect incense and wishing power.

If Jiang Chen is Grade 5, he can let his thoughts and incense will merge into Avatar and live in the world. In this way, he can use Avatar to take care of the situation of Shantang, and he does not need to be distracted and involved.

It’s just that Jiang Chen is not Grade 5 yet, so he can’t collect the incense and wishing power, so it’s difficult to do this. That’s why everyone was worried about him, for fear that he would be distracted and delay Cultivation.

But people don’t know Jiang Chen’s methods. Although he can’t collect the power of incense and wishes, he has a divine orifice in his body, giving birth to the god of Innate. Among Heaven and Earth Furnace, there are four stars that can provide him with endless power.

Jiang Chen’s idea is to leave a mark of the Sun God and keep him immortal with the power of Supreme Sun Star, so as to monitor the situation of Shantang for him.

“Senior Brother has a solution? Could it be that Senior Brother can incarnate and walk outside with an incarnation?”

Everyone heard this and immediately guessed that Jiang Chen should have an incarnation. What External-Body Incarnation Art, can condense an avatar to walk outside instead of the deity.


Jiang Chen laughed and didn’t explain too much. Maintaining a mysterious feeling is also a way of doing things.

“Junior Brother Junior Sister, have you ever met the Imperial Family of the Dali Dynasty? If you set up a shantang in someone’s place, you should at least say hello to the host’s family.” Turning off the topic, Jiang Chen asked again.

“Senior Brother, don’t worry, the founding father of the Dali Dynasty is the descendant of a certain elder in the sect. Before we came, we had already communicated with that elder, no matter what Senior Brother did. , the Dali Dynasty will fully support.”

Li Qingzhao assured that before coming, sect had already dealt with everything.

“Well, that being the case, I would like to ask you Junior Brother Junior Sister to do another favor to Senior Brother and help find some suitable people.” nodded, Jiang Chen said.

“It’s natural!”

Everyone came for this reason, and naturally they would not refuse. Immediately, after talking to Jiang Chen, everyone left and took action.

At the same time, Jiang Chen also left and rushed to an open space in the Northern Part of City, where he personally cut stones and logs to build a shantang.

Shantang, as a gathering place for children, should be guarded not only by people, but also by demons. Demons like to eat people, especially babies and young children. Therefore, places with many children are the easiest to attract demons.

If Jiang Chen sets up a shantang, it must be guarded by Formation, otherwise it will be a big disaster when the demon comes.

Now, what Jiang Chen is doing is at the mercy of Formation, Innate Five Elements, and build a house by the way.

The cultivator builds houses, which are naturally different from ordinary people. In just a few days, groups of houses are formed in Jiang Chen’s hands, enough to accommodate nearly 10,000 people.

This sanctuary was built by Jiang Chen based on Five Elements. It contains a set of Innate Five Elements array, which can not only evolve Five Elements Divine Lightning to defend against enemies, but also Absorb Spiritual Qi from all directions and nourish the life inside.

Innate Five Elements are self-contained, among which the orient is wood, which contains a lot of vitality and can be used as a place for children. Jiang Chen spent the most time here, building thousands of rooms, which can theoretically accommodate three or four thousand children.

The second is the north. Five Elements belong to water, which can purify all things. Jiang Chen has set up a huge sewage pool here, and everyone in the shantang eats, drinks, shit and piss. , will be discharged here and purified by the strength of Water Element.

The south belongs to the fire and is the kitchen…



For this shantang, Jiang Chen is Really put his heart into it, the Innate Five Elements array can be said to be one of the strongest Formations he has mastered, and it has infinite magical effects.

With the protection of this array, the living beings living in this place will be nourished by Five Elements Spiritual Qi day and night. There are great benefits.

Of course, even if Jiang Chen takes into account everything he can think of, there will be various problems when it is actually running.

But it doesn’t matter, he didn’t care about the place after he established the shantang. Even if he leaves, he will leave behind an avatar to take care of this place.

The difference between the incarnation and the main body is that apart from the difference in power and absolute obedience to the orders of the main body, the rest is no different from the main body. If there is a problem, Jiang Chen’s avatar will take care of everything.

“The Innate Five Elements Array is the highest Innate Array. It is a Dao-carrying array that can carry the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, even if the Formation I set up is just a touch of the original. , but it is enough for mortals, enough for them to benefit endlessly.”

After the formation, Jiang Chen thought for a while, then suddenly pointed out a finger and pointed towards Formation.


In an instant, the dazzling lightning burst out, rushing from the void, showing colorful colors, one by one toward Jiang Chen.

This is Innate Five Elements Divine Lightning, which is issued for the five-sided formation to run Innate Power of Five Elements, and the formidable power is on top of Jiang Chen’s Five Elements Divine Lightning.

“Very good, there are five groups of Five Elements, and the Grade 5 demons are here, and if they force their way into it, they can’t escape the fate of being destroyed by lightning.”

Test With the formidable power of the big array, Jiang Chen is satisfied.

In order to build this formation, the Five Elements spiritual object he got from the heavenly demon battlefield was basically used up, but fortunately, the formidable power of the big formation did not disappoint him.

“It is rumored that if you want to maximize the formidable power of the Innate Five Elements array, you need to use the Innate Five Elements flag as the object of the array.”

“Unfortunately, among the five flags of Innate, I only have one northern Xuanyuan-controlled water flag, and I have no clue on the other four flags for the time being, so I have not maximized the formidable power of this formation.

” If not, as long as the imprint of the Innate Five-square Flag is left, the formidable power of this formation can go further, enough to resist the Grade 4 powerhouse. “

Innate Wufang Flag, this is also a top-level Innate Supreme Treasure. Unfortunately, Jiang Chen has only made one northern Xuanyuan water control flag, and the other four flags need to be developed by him. The Four Great Apertures can only take shape.

Of course, they are only beginning to take shape, and there is still a long way to go before becoming the top Innate Spirit Treasure.

“Junior Brother Junior Sister that On the side, the manpower should be almost there, let’s go there and take a look. “

With a move in my heart, Jiang Chen’s silhouette disappeared and returned to Guo’s ancestral hall. There, Li Qingzhao and the others had already returned, and they brought back hundreds of people.

Most of them are women, most of them are forty-fifty years old, even if there are occasional young women, they are all in their thirties and their faces are full of wind and frost, and their living conditions are obviously not very good. p>

Take care of children, it is indeed better to leave it to women, and when they grow up, find some old scholars to teach them how to read and write.

“Senior Brother, you Look at these people, are you satisfied? “

Seeing Jiang Chen’s return, Li Qingzhao stepped forward and asked.

These people are all innocent people, and they have a good reputation among the neighbors. They have been selected for a long time. Just selected.

Jiang Chen glanced at these people and saw that the air above their heads was rising, and there was no turbid air. Senior, he doesn’t know and doesn’t understand, but he definitely didn’t do anything bad. Otherwise, the air above his head is not clear, but dirty.

“The person chosen by Junior Brother Junior Sister, Senior Brother is naturally at ease. “nodded with a smile, Jiang Chen said to Li Qingzhao and the others.

Then, he turned his head and looked towards the women, after a long silence, he said softly: “I am looking for you all, everyone. You should already know that, right? ”

(end of this chapter)

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