At The Beginning Of The Three Thousand Dao Scriptures, I Became A Saint

Chapter 2


Chapter 2 Natural Disasters and Memories of Past Lives

Seven years ago, Qi State suffered a sudden natural disaster, several tens of thousands of li were flooded with fire and water, it is said There was True Dragon and Deity fighting there, and it affected mortals.

The Jiang Chen family was originally a Great Family, located on the border of Qi State, but a group of Heavenly Fire fell, directly burning the huge family to ashes.

Xu is God has the virtue of good life, can’t bear to see Jiang Family whole family die out, just when Heavenly Fire is about to burn Jiang Chen, True Dragon is injured, dragon horn is broken, a drop of purple dragon marrow drops It fell, and it happened to fall on Jiang Chen.

Dragon marrow into the body, not only saved Jiang Chen’s life, but also changed his fate.

In a coma, Jiang Chen accidentally awakened his past life memory. In memory, he lived on a planet called Earthstar.

This planet is completely different from the world where he is located. The earth and the stars are not popular, but the technology is extremely prosperous, which is just the opposite of this world.

When Jiang Chen woke up, everything he had experienced in his previous life was as if engraved in his mind, so clear that he could never forget it.

Before it was too late to check the physical changes, Jiang Chen woke up, kowtowed three times to the ruined Jiang Family old house fiercely, and followed the fleeing crowd.

Tens of millions of refugees fled, all the way to the ground, hungry and corpses, and at night, Earth Ghost fires all over the wasteland, and even more monsters rode the billowing black fog Corpse Qi came, in the middle of the night. Break into the refugee pile to find the living people to eat.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and he has the ability to save his life. Otherwise, on the way to escape, relying on his strong blood, he will either be eaten by monsters or collected by Banshee. made up.

The addition of dragon marrow makes Jiang Chen’s qi and blood as conspicuous as a bonfire in the dark night, and has a fatal attraction to monsters.

If it wasn’t for True Dragon fighting Deity and scaring away all the experts around Qi State, how could Jiang Chen escape to Jing State alive.

That’s it, Jiang Chen’s journey has been uneventful. He encountered several dangers and almost died.

Later, Jiang Chen found a cultivation technique from the memory of his past life, and he was able to hide the dragon marrow breath from his body, and then he settled down.



Jiang Chen was just out of the field, and there were soldiers around immediately, holding the warm water that had been prepared, respectfully He handed it to him and said, “Young master, you are tired. Come on, take a drink and sit down for a while.”

Jiang Chen was not surprised, took the tea, thanked him, and drank it. And do.

These soldiers were arranged by the county governor of Linjiang County to protect Jiang Chen from being attacked by gangsters.

Since Jiang Chen doubled the production of rice, the county governor of Linjiang County wanted to treat him as an ancestor, for fear of any accident.

If Jiang Chen had an accident in his jurisdiction, not to mention the Imperial Court would not let him go, even the people of Linjiang County could scold him to death.

Therefore, the county governor of Linjiang County was both happy and scared to Jiang Chen. I am glad that Jiang Chen is here, and it will not be difficult for him to be promoted in the future.

What I am afraid of is that if Jiang Chen has any accident, let alone promotion, he will lose his head directly.

In the heart of the governor of Linjiang County, Jiang Chen’s safety is much more important than his own. The soldiers sent to protect him are the elite of the elite.

Returning the kettle to the soldier, Jiang Chen said, “You have worked hard.”

The soldier took the kettle and replied with a smile: “It’s not hard, compared to the son, we How can this be considered hard work?”

In Linjiang County, whoever mentioned Jiang Chen wanted to give a thumbs up? For nothing else, just because Jiang Chen can keep them full.

The people are still simple, and they thank whoever can satisfy them. Unlike some unscrupulous grain merchants, now I can’t wait to eat Jiang Chen’s flesh and drink Jiang Chen’s blood.

Because of Jiang Chen’s research on new rice, food prices plummeted and they suffered heavy losses. They hated Jiang Chen to the extreme.

The reason why the county governor sent people to protect Jiang Chen was because of them. Some people can do anything for money.

After a short break, Jiang Chen set off again and headed home. And those soldiers followed behind him not far or near.

Under the sun, Jiang Chen’s exposed skin, instead of being rough, exudes a sheep-fat white jade-like luster, shining brightly.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers behind him began to discuss in a low voice.

“In such a hot day, the young master has been working on farm work for a long time without breaking a sweat at all. His Martial Arts Cultivation Base has become more and more sophisticated. Eighty percent of him has already shed his mortal body and cultivated into an Innate Body.


“I don’t know what the Sir County Guard thinks, let’s protect the son, just the son, the Martial Arts Cultivation Base, if it really encounters danger, who will protect who is not sure, we can’t Is it just a burden?”

“If it’s because I waited for the young master to fall into the trap, then our sin would be a big one.”

The voices of discussion from behind were small, but Still heard by Jiang Chen. laughed , he didn’t say anything. Moreover, even if he said it, everyone would not necessarily believe it.

If he told everyone that he was neither an Innate Martial Artist nor a degenerate Martial Artist, but a just entered Body Refining Martial Apprentice, no one would believe him.

The body is like white jade without a single flaw, which is obviously the mark of Grade 7 Innate Martial Artist. Jiang Chen said that he is the Body Refining Martial Apprentice of Grade 9. Isn’t he talking nonsense with his eyes open?

Although it is ridiculous, this is the reality. He Jiang Chen is a little Martial Apprentice who has just entered the product.

In this world, there are not only immortal dao, but also Martial Arts, both of which also have nine realms, divided by Grade 9, among which Grade 9 is the weakest and Grade 1 is the strongest.

Martial Arts Grade 9, from low to high, is divided into nine realms: body refinement, transformation, Innate, Divine Storage, Unity, Nirvana, True Spirit, Dharma Phase, and Divine Opening.

immortal dao Grade 9, from low to high, is divided into Qi Refinement, Yin God, Night Tour, Day Tour, Holy Manifestation, Thunder Tribulation, Yang God, Dharma Phase, Earth Immortal Nine Realms.

Martial Arts focuses on body refinement, while immortal dao focuses on soul refining. The immortal dao is the most expensive of the two, because the threshold of the Immortal Path Sect is high, and those who are not talented can not enter.

And Martial Arts, there is almost no threshold, as long as you can be patient with toughening the flesh, everyone can get in.

Immortal dao is taking the elite line, Martial Arts is taking the popular line, it seems, naturally immortal dao is noble.

In fact, the same is true, immortal mostly look down on Martial Artist and denounce him as a fighter.

What is a Lux?

It’s just that you have a bunch of strength, but you don’t know Heavenly Dao, you can only use it for people to drive.


The abnormality of Jiang Chen is all because of True Dragon dragon marrow.

The influence of dragon marrow completely cut off Jiang Chen’s path of cultivation, and neither cultivation nor martial arts.

Seven years ago, when Jiang Family was still around, Jiang Chen was the Body Refining Martial Apprentice. But seven years later, he is still the Body Refining Martial Apprentice.

In seven years, realm has not changed at all.

Of course, this is not to say that seven years have passed and Jiang Chen has gained nothing. After seven years of hard work, that drop of dragon marrow was somewhat refinished by him.

So, although Jiang Chen’s realm has not changed, his qi and blood has become more and more terrifying. With all his strength, even Innate Martial Artist can suppress it.

ps: Newcomers and new books, please collect them.

(End of this chapter)

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