At The Beginning Of The Three Thousand Dao Scriptures, I Became A Saint

Chapter 9


Chapter 9 Western Mountain

Under the baptism of dragon marrow, Jiang Chen has long been an Innate Body, and his whole body is full of pulses All through, of course, you don’t need to go through a transformation, and this is the only way to step into Innate Realm.

Martial Arts Cultivation, hard work is important, but having a strong Old Ancestor is equally important.

After Martial Artist’s strength reaches Grade 3 Spirit Realm, bloodline will transform. If a child is born, it will be Innate Realm.

If Grade 1 Divine Opening Martial Artist, its offspring will be stronger, and may have Divine Storage or even Unity’s realm at birth.

The first two realm of Martial Arts, body refinement and mortal transformation, this is a realm unique to mortals, the heirs of those Martial Arts powers have completed the cultivation of these two realm in the womb.

There is nothing fair or unfair, reincarnation is a skill, you can’t learn it, you can’t blame others.

The dragon marrow on Jiang Chen’s body is at least from a Grade 1 True Dragon, which contains extremely powerful power.

If he can refinish all these powers, he may be able to directly enter the Grade 6 Divine Storage realm, or the Grade 5 Unity realm.

But unfortunately, Jiang Chen stopped after the strength reached Innate Realm, no longer continued to break through, but sealed the remaining Innate vitality.

Speaking of which, after Jiang Chen refined the dragon marrow, the oven that he visualized in his body seemed to have a substance and did not disappear, but slowly sank into the dantian. , turning around.

Visualization Technique breakthrough!

With the help of refining dragon marrow, Jiang Chen’s Visualization Technique made a breakthrough and achieved a permanent state. Even without deliberate visualization, Heaven and Earth Furnace will spontaneously take shape, tempering astral in his body. qi.

However, the efficiency of spontaneous operation, of course, is not as good as deliberately motivated, but it is better than nothing.


“No more breakthrough!”

“Above Innate, is Divine Storage. The so-called Divine Storage is to open the treasure in the body and release the human body Potential, thus giving birth to various mysterious Divine Ability, with power beyond ordinary.”

“When Martial Artist reaches the Divine Storage realm, it is completely different from ordinary people. Beyond the ordinary, it has a bit of the power of Divine Immortal.”

Going further, Innate breaks through to Divine Storage, which is a qualitative change, and there will be a natural phenomenon. Now Jiang Chen The environment in which it is located should not make too much noise.

So, he thought about it, stopped the cultivation, and waited for another day to find a quiet place, and it was not too late to do the breakthrough.


“It’s so sticky!”

After the cultivation, Jiang Chen realized his situation, his body was covered with blood, and his clothes were Blood dyed red. There was even a lot of blood on the ground.

This is the old blood he got when he changed blood. He was addicted to cultivation before and didn’t realize it. Now he came back to his senses and immediately noticed that something was wrong.

The body, clothes, and ground were all covered with blood. In this case, Jiang Chen couldn’t ask someone to come and clean it up, but there was no water in the house, so he couldn’t take a shower. How to clean it was also a hassle.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Chen’s mind moved, and Innate Astral Qi poured out from the pores in his body, and with a slight shock, the blood that was attached to his body was shaken off.

Innate Astral Qi is an advanced version of True Qi. It condenses and does not disperse. It can be attached to objects, and can simulate all things.

At this moment, Jiang Chen covered Innate Astral Qi on his skin, and with just a little force, all the blood on his body was shaken out.

After the bloodstain flew out, it did not spill, but was wrapped by Jiang Chen with Innate Astral Qi, condensed into a ball, and fell into the vase in front of him.

Jiang Chen’s blood is a good thing, even if it is the old blood that is exchanged, it cannot be wasted.

Next, Jiang Chen followed suit, shaking off the blood stains on his clothes. I have to say that Innate Astral Qi is really easy to use. Looking at Jiang Chen’s clothes, it is cleaner than washing.

After packing up his clothes, Jiang Chen crouched down and began to collect blood on the ground.

Everything related to dragons is treasure.

In “Journey to the West”, the little White Dragon once said: “If I urinate in the water, the fish will eat Jackie Chan; if I urinate in the mountain, the grass in the mountain smells delicious and becomes a Spirit Mushroom, Fairy children harvest longevity. How can I be willing to leave it lightly in this vulgar place?”

Although the words are not pleasant, the meaning is quite clear, and the dragon’s body is full of treasure.

Jiang Chen certainly can’t compare with the little White Dragon, but he is also full of treasures, but the medicine efficacy is not as good as the little White Dragon. But for the ordinary person, he is still a rare treasure.

Because of the waste and the fear of being found out, Jiang Chen has tried his best not to hurt himself or to sweat for the past seven years.

Well, Jiang Chen seldom eats, and he won’t eat whole grains until it is a last resort. The purpose is to reduce the number of toilet visits.

Jiang Chen works with caution everywhere, which is why he has lived a very tiring life these years, but he has not shown any clues, and he has lived a safe and stable life until now.

Fortunately, Profound Yellow World is a Transcendent World, not to mention not sweating all year round, even if you don’t eat all year round, there is no problem, and it will not cause suspicion.

If it is placed in Jiang Chen’s previous life, then the problem will be big, people can stop sweating, but how can they not eat or go to the toilet?


After Jiang Chen packed everything up, it was already five o’clock, and the sky was slightly brighter.

Jiang Chen stepped forward and opened the window, letting the wind in and blowing away the fragrance in the study.

Yes, the scent!

Others will wash the marrow and exchange blood, and the impurities in the body will be excreted together, and the natural stench is incomparable.

But Jiang Chen’s body has no impurities, not only that, but there is also a strand of dragon marrow in his blood. Once it flows out, it will emit a special fragrance.

This is also the main reason why Jiang Chen doesn’t let himself get hurt. The blood is scented. As long as you are not a fool, you can guess that there is a problem here.

When the fragrance dissipated, Jiang Chen picked up the bottle containing his old blood, put it close to him, and turned around and left the study.

At the 5th watch, the guards in the house were already awake. It was not surprising to see Jiang Chen come out. The reason is that Jiang Chen is very different from before. The luster on his face is more crystal clear, like a good sheep-fat white jade, giving people a feeling of warmth.

It’s just that the sky is dark and everyone doesn’t dare to look up at Jiang Chen, but no one notices his change.

“en!” nodded responded, Jiang Chen said gently: “I’ll go to Western Mountain to take a look, you don’t have to worry about me.”

After saying that, Jiang Chen just said Out of the gate, walked towards the Western Mountain at the head of the village.

In this regard, everyone is not surprised. For five years, Jiang Chen would go to Western Mountain every day when the sky was slightly bright, and sat down on the top of the mountain facing the rising sun.

At first, everyone was surprised, but over time, everyone got used to it.

(End of this chapter)

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