At This Moment, the World Has Entered the Era of Terror

Chapter 106

Chapter 106

110 Amazing! Amazing guess! The key ghost painting! (3.4) Please subscribe

In the golden room, the light shines on the golden wall, is reflected, and is printed on the painting, making that painting also covered with a layer of gold.

Lin Feng looked at the painting silently and didn’t say anything.

He was waiting for the Lord of Silent Light to speak first.


The Master of Jizhao Nunnery spoke up.

“What do you think a ghost is?”

Asked by the master of Jizhao Nunnery.

Lin Feng did not expect that the master of Jizhao Nunnery discussed this issue with himself.

What is a ghost?

If it is according to some concepts before transmigration, ghosts are formed after death by some people with obsessions and resentment.

But the ghosts in this world are completely different from the ghosts before the time-travel.

Lin Feng pondered for a while and said, “What do you think of the nunnery master?

This is a good way of coping, throwing the problem on the other side.

Because Lin Feng is worried.

The answer he answered by himself did not meet the expectations of the Lord of Jizhao Nunnery, and then the conditions for the next step could not be triggered.

If the current master of Jizhao Nunnery is a real human…. Lin Feng would definitely be willing to express his opinion.

but not.

The current master of Jizhao Nunnery represents the successor of the nun in white fifty years ago. Lin Feng’s answer is not good… Maybe he will be passed, and there is no way to find out the truth.

Jizhao Nunnery heard Lin Feng’s words, and then she closed her eyes.

Following her movement, a shadow came out.

This shadow, dark, looks extremely dark, and although the face is a female face, it looks extraordinarily distorted.

Twisted, and evil.

Those eyes that were clearly expressionless, just looking at them would make people shudder.

“Is this a ghost controlled by the nunnery master?

Lin Feng asked.

The Master of Jizhao Nunnery said: “Yes, this is the ghost I control, I have controlled three ghosts in total, and this is one of them.

Lin Feng said: “The nunnery master controls… are all evil spirits?”

The Lord of Jizhao Nunnery said: “Yes.””

Having said that, she stretched out her hand and stretched out the body of the shadow.

With her movements, Lin Feng saw that her hand… quickly formed a layer of ice.

Also became bloodless.

Then she withdrew her hand.

“I have been studying ghosts. From 40 years ago to now, there have been more than 100 types of ghosts in this world. 35

Jizhao Nunnery’s main road.

Lin Feng nodded slightly and did not answer.

The Lord of Jizhao Nunnery raised his hand and said: “Look, this is the ghost I control, but just touching her, my hand is like this, if she wants to kill, as long as she touches/touches, anyone , Including me, will die instantly, there is no room for resistance.

Lin Feng said “um”.

“So, I have been curious, what is a ghost, is it a special kind of energy, or does it represent a kind of law, or a special kind of ‘field’

Jizhao Nunnery’s main road.

Lin Feng finally spoke up: “Master, I think there should be all three types of ghosts.”

The Lord of Jizhao Nunnery said: “There are indeed, but the real threat to us is actually a certain type of ghost. I have been studying the composition of that kind of ghost. Of course, this issue may be too deep for you, and, I didn’t fully understand it myself, so we won’t discuss this today.

Lin Feng said “um”.

What you say is what.

Lin Feng was not ready to argue with her.

The Master of Jizhao Nunnery continued: “I called you here today, mainly because I want you to see this painting. 35


Lin Feng’s eyes turned to the painting.

Above, nothing.


Only the white scroll.

The Lord of Jizhao Nunnery looked at Lin Feng and said, “Did you see anything?”

Lin Feng pondered for a while, then decided to tell the truth.

He shook his head: “I didn’t see it.

“did not see?”

The master of Jizhao Nunnery pointed the scroll to herself strangely, and then she raised her hand and touched it lightly.

Then she saw that with her touch, a portrait of a woman appeared on the painting.

This woman looks quite delicate, and looks somewhat similar to the master of Jizhao Nunnery.

However, the difference is that there is hair on her head.

It was a beautiful long hair, like a waterfall draped over her shoulders.

“Is this the nunnery master?”

Lin Feng asked.

The Master of Jizhao Nunnery said: “No, this is a distant cousin of mine.

A distant cousin?

Lin Feng showed a hint of doubt.

Because, according to the news that Zhuo Ling inquired, the master of Jizhao Nunnery was an orphan who was adopted by the previous nunnery master.

An orphan, a distant cousin.

“She was discovered by me in a base city. Since she was somewhat similar to me, I asked her where she came from, and thus determined my possible identity and relationship with her.”

The quiet voice of the master of the silent light nunnery sounded.

Lin Feng understood, he nodded, and then asked, “What about her?”


Jizhao Nunnery’s main road.


“Yes, in the base city, some ghost hunters found her and wanted to sully her. She would rather die than give in and commit suicide. Unfortunately, when I arrived, she was already helpless, and only told me a few words, completely dead.

The voice of the master of the shrine was as calm as ever.

Lin Feng felt that she should have hidden anger.

The time when the Lord of Jizhao Nunnery existed was fifty years ago. Although there was an alliance of ghost hunters at that time, in some base cities, there were still many ghost hunters who acted indiscriminately.

It is only in the last 20 to 30 years that we have really attached importance to ordinary people and started to protect the rights and interests of ordinary people.

The rapid growth of the population has also occurred in the last two or three decades.

However, Lin Feng also didn’t understand what the Master of Jizhao Nunnery was trying to say.

Take out a painting of a dead… distant cousin….

What is this for?

Perhaps for a month, Lin Feng was particularly calm now, following behind the master of Jizhao Nunnery to see her habit of knocking on wooden fish.

He was not in a hurry, but patiently waited for the master of Jizhao Nunnery to reveal the mystery.

Lin Feng said: “It’s a pity.

The Master of Jizhao Nunnery said: “It’s really a pity, but fortunately, my research on ghosts has been very deep, and there were some very suitable conditions at that time, so I used this painting to turn her into a ghost. .

hear here…

Even Lin Feng.

I almost squinted my eyes!


If it weren’t for the “heart cultivation” for the past month, Lin Feng’s expression management would have failed!

The Master of Jizhao Nunnery… turned her dead cousin… into a ghost!

The ghosts here… are also not the kind of people who died as ghosts before Lin Feng crossed!

But the real ghost in this world!

To know.

Lin Feng learned the knowledge of ghosts in Liucheng base city from a young age and learned it from a young age.

After getting to know President Yan, I learned a lot of powerful ghost knowledge from President Yan.

And as Lin Feng continues to grow stronger.

The level of his contact has also become incomparably high, and the number of powerful ghost hunters he knows is also increasing.


Lin Feng has never heard of it.

Someone can create ghosts!

Even the birth of ghostly things has many coincidences.

No matter how powerful a ghost hunter is, don’t say ghosts, they are ghosts, and don’t even try to create them!




The Master of Silent Lighting Temple actually said…

She turned her dead cousin into a ghost!

Isn’t this what a ghost is?

Maybe it was because he knew what he said was too amazing.

The Master of Jizhao Nunnery paused for a while before continuing: “There are many prerequisites, and the timing is also very important. This kind of thing, probably for me, can only happen once, but this time I have really gained a lot. , which made my research on ghosts more profound.39

Lin Feng didn’t answer.

He was thinking.

The Lord of the Jizhao Nunnery is indeed a genius.

Other ghost masters only think about how to control ghosts.

but she.

Ghosts are already being studied.

Study the composition of ghosts, study the laws of ghosts, the reasons for their formation and so on.

This golden house may be where she studies ghosts.

Maybe, she has even “dissected” some ghosts to study.

In terms of her knowledge of ghosts…she is probably already at the forefront of all her contemporaries.

If you don’t die…

Then her achievements may be incomparably astonishing.


Nothing is if.

Even if Lin Feng’s current Jizhao Nunnery feels so amazing to Lin Feng.


The ghost nun who had been knocking on the wooden fish in front of the big white wall for an unknown number of years told Lin Feng.

The Lord of Silent Light.

already dead!

Still “alive”.

Just a ghost nun!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng looked at the gaze of the master of the shrine in front of him, and couldn’t help but feel a little sad.

The Lord of Jizhao Nunnery seemed to have noticed Lin Feng’s gaze, looked at Lin Feng with some doubts, and said, “The purpose of this month’s test for you is very simple, my ghost spirit has reached a balance, and I am afraid I will not be able to do it again in a few years. Increase, otherwise it won’t get out of control. So, I hope you can join me and help me control this ghost painting…. That is, the ghost my cousin became.”

Help her control this ghost painting?

Lin Feng looked at the ghost painting.


Only now did he seriously look at this ghost painting.

This ghost painting is not a sketch.

Nor is it a realistic painting.

It seems to be in the style of Chinese painting, but it is quite realistic.

Intentional, but not lacking in truth.

It is equivalent to combining the artistic conception of Chinese painting with the realism of Western modern painting.

Moreover, this fusion has no abrupt sense of closing point.

Anyway, it seems very harmonious.

The person who painted this picture must be a master of painting!

Decades after the resurgence of terror, all artistic creation ceased, because art had no role in fighting ghosts.

So Lin Feng is curious, there are still people who go to learn painting.

“This should be drawn by the nunnery master?”

Lin Feng guessed and asked the question in his heart.

Hearing Lin Feng’s words, the Lord of Jizhao Nunnery still nodded his head although he was surprised by the focus of Lin Feng’s attention.

“Yes, I drew it.


She can also draw.

It is indeed a clear stream of this world.

The information I learned from the sea city master is that the Jizhao Temple fifty years ago was extremely powerful and did not join any forces, but no one dared to provoke it whether it was the Ghost Fighter Alliance or the base city.

If the powerful Lord of Shizhao Nunnery….but he can still draw.

Lin Feng pondered for a while and said, “The ghost your cousin turned into…is it a good spirit or an evil spirit?

The Lord of Jizhao Nunnery said: “Evil spirit, and it is very powerful, in fact, it is not accurate to say that I created her, I just created some suitable conditions, timing, and used some suitable tools to make her at just the right time. She has a chance to get a second life, although this one is not really a life. R

After finishing speaking, she looked at Lin Feng and said, “My cousin’s name is Caiwei, but the name doesn’t matter, she is just a ghost painting now!

I’ve been studying her, and even though I’ve ‘created’ her, I’ve found that I’m still far from understanding her. In order to study her better, I have been looking for a special ghost to devour her and make her stronger, but recently I found that she is showing signs of losing control. Your arrival is just right. ”

Signs of getting out of control!

After Lin Feng absorbed this information, his head turned quickly.


Since it was a back-hand set up by Jizhao Nunnery several decades ago, then, in all this experience now, every word spoken by Jizhao Nunnery may contain some key information.

Every thing the Master of Jizhao Nunnery does, it must have something to do with her backhand, and it cannot be random.

Therefore, Lin Feng wrote down every word she said, every action, and even the expression on her face when she spoke.

The enhancement of his physical quality is a comprehensive enhancement, and this comprehensive enhancement is all-round.

The strength will be greater, the physique will be better, the recovery after injury will be faster, the bones will be harder, the skin will be more delicate, and the five senses such as vision, hearing, smell and so on will be sharper.

Even lifespan will be enhanced.

Another point, now his memory is also quite excellent, it can be said that he never forgets it.

If you travel back to the original time, with this unforgettable ability, it is more than enough to be a super scholar.

“々`The master of Jizhao Nunnery can’t come up with a ghost painting for no reason… In the real world fifty years ago, there was no me, but now she has left behind this ghost painting.. …signs of loss of control …. I’ll go, City Lord Hai said, Jizhao Nunnery was destroyed 50 years ago … Couldn’t it be made by this ghost painting?”

Lin Feng’s head turned, and suddenly, like a flash of thunder, such an astonishing thought came out!

This idea is indeed a bit surprising.

Moreover, based on the information obtained now, it is also mostly guesswork.

But inexplicable.

Lin Feng suddenly felt….perhaps the idea of guessing…maybe it is the truth?


Why did the master of Jizhao Nunnery specially take out this ghost painting?

What I’m experiencing now feels real, but it can’t be real!

It’s just in the ghost nun’s ghost, it may be the second level of the double ghost, or even more strange than Xuanhua’s double ghost.

I specially took out this ghost painting, explained the origin of the ghost painting, and invited Lin Feng to control this ghost painting… Be prepared to tell Lin Feng all the characteristics and characteristics of this ghost painting… .

Very meow.

This ghost painting is the key wow!


Before that, the master of Jizhao Nunnery also put Lin Feng through a month-long test.

This month’s time should be the key to touch the back of the master of Jizhao Nunnery.

If another person comes, 100% can’t stick to it.

What’s the matter? On the first day I went, the master of Jizhao Nunnery knocked on the wooden fish for two hours without saying a word… This is another ghost, who would sit silently behind her and wait?

Especially knowing that she is a ghost nun?

Lin Feng estimates that on the first day, as long as Lin Feng has the slightest expression of impatience, or moves, or makes a sound… For example, because of impatience, he took the initiative to ask the master of Jizhao Nunnery.

I’m afraid, nothing will happen today.

The Lord of Jizhao Nunnery will not bring Lin Feng here.

The most likely thing is that this special mythical creature disappears and will never be open to Lin Feng again, and Lin Feng will not be able to come in if he wants to.

Then Lin Feng and Zhuo Ling and Zhuo Yu will return to the Jizhao Nunnery where the ghost nun is located. Although there may not be any danger, but… never want to know the real secret of Jizhao Nunnery!

And after Lin Feng’s own persistence and various coincidences triggered the conditions of the backhand left by the master of Jizhao Nunnery, he was finally able to enter here.

Only then did I have such a conversation with the Lord of the Shrine.

Since there are so many restrictions (okay), it’s quite difficult to get in here.

Then, after entering here, the thing that Master Jizhao Nunnery took out must be the key thing she left behind.

This is the source of Lin Feng’s speculation.

“So, fifty years ago, Jizhao Nunnery was most likely destroyed by this ghost painting created by the master of Jizhao Nunnery himself.

The more Lin Feng thought about it, the more likely it was.

Ghosts cannot be viewed with common sense.

No matter how powerful the ghost hunter is, it may be attacked by ghosts.

The ghost hunter is actually playing with fire, dancing on the tip of the knife, and if he is not careful, his life will be at stake.

Even if the master of Jizhao Nunnery is such an amazing and talented person… who has created a ghost alive, although she said that there are many accidents… but to create is to create.


She still hasn’t escaped.

Or killed by a ghost of his own creation!


Ghost nuns will no longer exist!

And even though this ghost painting was created by the master of Jizhao Nunnery with her cousin as the prototype…it doesn’t show mercy at all when it comes to killing people.

“Ghost painting is the key.””

Lin Feng thought for sure.

“This ghost painting seems to be the study of the master of Jizhao Nunnery, which has caused it to become stronger and stronger, and because it was created, the master of Jizhao Nunnery seems to have carried out many transformations and enhancements on it, and its ability is probably incomparable. Terrible… But things have already happened, and now the backhand left by the master of Jizhao Nunnery, do you want me to learn about ghost paintings, so that I can meet…. can compete?

Lin Feng thought again.

“Will you help me? 35

At this time, the voice of the Lord of Jizhao Nunnery sounded again.

Wake Lin Feng from his thoughts.

This time.

Lin Feng didn’t hesitate and said, “Okay, I’ll try it and see if I can control it.”

Now this ghost painting is definitely not real…

This can be seen from the fact that Lin Feng couldn’t see it at all before.

The real ghost painting probably didn’t know where to go after killing everyone in Jizhao An as early as 50 years ago.

Therefore, it is definitely impossible to control, but in this process, the master of Jizhao Nunnery can definitely tell Lin Feng the secrets of a lot of ghost paintings!

PS: There are too many things today, there are only two chapters, tomorrow will restore 3 to 4 chapters! Words count!.

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