Athena in Tower Defense Game! [LitRPG]

0022 – Grim Reaper from Flame City

The jarring alarm quickly echoed throughout the area, and the soldiers swiftly sought shelter and began their defense duties.

Athena positioned herself in the rear, firing cold arrows amidst the continuous bombardment and thick smoke.

In the Sun City, the Snowstorm Beasts lacked their environmental advantage; here, it was sunny with no trace of snow or wind. Despite the intense barrage on their side, the sheer number of Snowstorm Beasts was overwhelming.

Looking down from the city walls, the Snowstorm Beasts appeared countless, seemingly endless, with occasional interspersed figures of Snowstorm Beast generals.

As the enemy forces approached, dozens of artillery pieces were mounted on the city walls, each equipped with magical inscriptions, while soldiers armed with crossbows took aim below.

Athena spotted a figure on the city wall, clad in silver armor, raising a heavy sword and swinging it fiercely downwards, prompting the soldiers to open fire.

Snowstorm Beasts fell in droves below the city walls, engulfed in the barrage, disappearing from sight.

At the forefront, the mages chanted incantations unintelligible to Athena, and a massive magic circle appeared above them. Successive enormous fireballs shot forth from the magic circle, leaving nothing in their wake.


A loud roar echoed from the distant sky. Athena followed the sound and looked up to see a Snowstorm Dragon, with its massive, wide back and sharp claws capable of shredding any prey.

Its snow-white scales glistened in the sunlight, yet emanated an extreme chill.

Despite the concentrated firepower directed at it, it seemed unaffected, only further infuriated. It unleashed a storm from its gaping maw, mixed with biting snowflakes.

The circular defensive magic formation on the wall activated, forming a protective barrier around the people on the wall.

"You, come here!" the armored figure pointed at Athena on the tower and called her down.

Athena felt helpless. Was she being regarded as a deserter? Little did she know, as soon as she descended, the figure delivered a heavy blow to her shoulder.

With utmost caution, he said to her, "I'm entrusting these children from the Flame City to you. Please ensure the mission is completed."

Identity Card Conditions Activated
Introduction You are a veteran sent from Flame City to assist in defending the Sun City, possessing rich experience and familiarity with the weaknesses of Snowstorm Beasts.
Sun City Camp Mission: Charge
Introduction: It's impossible to eliminate Snowstorm Beasts solely with artillery; there will inevitably be bloodshed in battle. Lead the soldiers behind you in a charge, ensuring their safe return.
Mission Completion Condition: Eliminate over a hundred Snowstorm Beasts, rewards based on the final enemy kill count!
Mission Failure:  Deduct 3 attribute points each, Sun City camp reputation decreased by 50.
Special Reward Distribution: Mastery in Horsemanship!

Athena glanced at the hand still resting on her shoulder and nodded.

She hadn't led troops before; now was not the time to reveal that fact. If her identity fraud were exposed, she might end up in a dire situation, especially considering the armored warrior's superior attributes and their home advantage.

Behind her were a group of young soldiers, including mages, swordsmen, and mercenaries, but notably lacking healers. They were led to the city gate.

Alongside them were dozens of similar squads. The armored warrior's roar echoed from the wall as earthen barriers rose outside, separating the mass of Snowstorm Beasts.

Those Snowstorm Beasts unable to evade were pinned in mid-air and dispersed upon impact.

The city gate slowly opened, revealing a passage deliberately left by the earthworks. The leaders of each squad, wielding whips and riding horses, charged ahead.

At the moment Athena and her companions charged in, the earthworks shifted again, placing them in front of the Snowstorm Beasts.

Athena reluctantly brandished her last axe, cutting through the beasts like a hot knife through butter. Soon, the area around her was clear of Snowstorm Beasts.

The younger mages in the group waved their staffs, casting fireballs.

When one Snowstorm Beast targeted Athena, she leaped halfway off her horse, narrowly avoiding its attack. As it passed, she swiftly regained her footing with a push, delivering a blow.

Astonished, a mage turned to a nearby swordsman, asking, "Is our captain always this fierce?" The swordsman, elegant yet formidable, didn't forget to answer amidst his battle.

"Her? She's the Grim Reaper from Flame City. Would someone like her apply for a border outpost like ours?"

"...I see."

The swordsman, somewhat strained, continued, "Stop daydreaming; lend a hand!"

Even in life-and-death situations, it was just another day for them. Athena killed the Snowstorm Beast in front of her, then turned to assist the mage and swordsman. A female mercenary beside her caught her attention; her mastery of pistols made Athena's help unnecessary.

As the monsters were almost wiped out, the earthworks shifted again, releasing another wave of Snowstorm Beasts. These beasts had clearly been scorched by the artillery fire outside, with singed fur.

Yet, this didn't stop them from charging forward, and the exhausted fighters resumed the battle once more.

During the earlier assembly, Athena keenly felt the Sun City's shortage of troops. Hence, someone like her, who volunteered from the outer city, was highly valued.

However, she hadn't anticipated the extent of the shortage, leading to their group facing multiple waves of Snowstorm Beasts without rotation. This would greatly increase casualties, but letting the beasts breach the city walls would cause even more harm.

Watching them chatting and laughing, Athena couldn't help but interject, "How old are you?"

There was a momentary freeze in the air. Since their arrival, their captain had been solely focused on killing enemies. Her demeanor clearly warned against approaching, showing no intention of conversation. Suddenly, Athena's question caught them off guard.

The mage hesitated before hastily replying, "I just turned 16 this year!" He sounded proud.

Athena's expression grew colder. The mage, sensing he may have spoken out of turn, tried to rectify, "Uh, my parents... they're out." His forced smile didn't quite match his answer.

Seeing his discomfort, Athena chose not to pursue further. "What's your name?"

"I'm called Max Ryder!"

Athena simply nodded, indicating she understood. In truth, she knew better than to form close bonds on the battlefield. Asking an extra question was only because this boy seemed to possess more potential and vitality.

It must be said that those selected were elite; despite enduring prolonged intense combat, they didn't complain and remained highly effective.

"Ah!" It was the swordsman; due to the nature of his weapon, like Athena, he needed close combat. He looked weary, a chunk of flesh bitten off his arm by a Snowstorm Beast.

Athena rode over, eliminating the beast before gathering everyone and shielding him at the center. However, this didn't stop the bleeding; the wound, revealing bone, continued to pour blood, threatening his life.

Gritting her teeth, Athena tore off a sleeve from her own arm and handed it to a more experienced mercenary nearby, asking her to help with a makeshift bandage.

As the mage and Athena continued to resist the relentless onslaught of Snowstorm Beasts, the swordsman, his wound bandaged, charged back into battle.

With the swordsman and mercenary's addition, the pressure on Athena and her group significantly eased.

The mage looked at the swordsman, still bleeding profusely, and ultimately chose not to say anything... they still needed him.

It wasn't until this round of attacks was about to end that the earthworks finally stopped shifting, and the outside artillery fire ceased.

The chanting grew louder, accompanied by the increasingly resonant roars of the Snowstorm Dragon. The city gates opened, and someone waved them back to the city urgently.

"Back to the city!" Athena swiftly commanded as the gates opened.

But in an instant, the swordsman collapsed, and before he could respond, Athena, flying past on her horse, grabbed him by the collar and pulled him onto her mount.

The mercenaries behind also took hold of the swordsman's horse, and everyone hurried back to the city at breakneck speed.

Even as the horses bucked wildly, the swordsman showed no reaction whatsoever.

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