Athena in Tower Defense Game! [LitRPG]

Chapter 119: Feathers

Recently, the Eagle Claw Agency had tightened its regulations, leading to a significant reduction in their activities and preventing excessive damage. However, many of their operations had recently moved into the open due to the involvement of high-profile figures.

For these influential individuals, as long as their own interests were not threatened, the lives of commoners were inconsequential. Sometimes, even riots in the slums were welcomed, as they allowed for the elimination of many restless souls. Moreover, external pressures on the border and the movement of numerous military lines towards the battlefield had plunged the empire into turmoil.

Desperate people began losing faith in their empire and instead placed their belief in obscure, fabricated ideologies. Adopting a facade of faith, many desperate individuals were willing to serve them.

Thus, no matter how much the empire oppressed or suppressed them, it was only a temporary setback. It wouldn’t be long before they would rise again.

Newcomers were not typically introduced to the council so early, but Ilinaya was different. She had offered so much that the rules were bent in her favor. Given sufficient benefits, no rule was too sacred to break. They allowed her to participate in the meeting, but she was still kept away from the crucial parts.

Ilinaya found this normal. With Athena’s formation of a temporary team, she had also acquired a temporary system panel, though it only allowed her to view the status within the team. Typically, only leaders or top-tier individuals within a faction, such as the Goblin Chief or the Queen of the Giant Bees, had access to such panels. For those at their level, the system was no longer a secret; instead, the Third World’s panel had become a symbol of status.

Initially, this mysterious object had frightened them, but as time passed and its benefits became clear while its dangers remained obscure, they adapted to it. They marveled at the Third World’s wonders and its power.

While they had certain functions of the system panel, they did not have the full range. Due to its special nature, Ilinaya had been given a temporary panel. Despite its small size, it symbolized that everything was improving, and she could hardly contain her excitement. She had already examined the so-called team functions.

As a mere ordinary team member, her functions were minimal, and the sole positioning function had been disabled by Athena. She suppressed her impatience; as long as Athena did not disband the team, it meant that the function would eventually be activated. After all, Athena still needed her to understand the world's principles.

The "rats" shifted their battlefield once more. Deep within the underground world, there was a hidden passage. Following the passage, they traversed cramped, narrow tunnels and finally arrived at a door.

Opening the ancient, intricately crafted door, they did not find the expected meeting room but instead a lake. The passage connected to a lake beneath a cavern outside.

The leader adjusted his hood and leaped into the lake. The others followed in quick succession, diving in like dumplings.

They swam deeper and deeper. While the water monsters were comfortable, the other monsters began to struggle. Ahead, the leader released a few bubbles that expanded and formed helmets over the monsters behind them.

At last, they reached the lake's deepest point. Here, several tables were firmly anchored to the lakebed, each with a human corpse nailed to it. Unknown symbols were etched beside them, representing both atonement and defiance.

Beneath the surface, another world awaited. They arrived at a sunken ship and opened the cabin door. The cabin was remarkably dry due to automatic water-repelling features.

They finally removed their hoods and gathered around a round table. The leader took the main seat, his face obscured and unclear throughout the meeting.

His voice was husky and indistinct as he asked, “How is Number Eight’s preparation coming along?”

Number Eight, now unmasked, had shed his disguise. His flesh was peeling away, dense fur sprouting wildly, and a long, hairless tail emerged behind him. He was a ratman. “Of course, my companions are scattered throughout the empire’s sewers. Recently, I’ve fed them well. They even thanked me for helping to expand their numbers.”

He spoke with a cunning, lecherous grin, his rat-like teeth quivering as if eager to devour something.

“Number Thirteen!”

Thirteen still maintained his humanoid form. Seated lazily, he awoke at the mention of his name but remained indifferent. “Ha~ I really don’t get it. What’s the point of these meetings? Just give the order and charge out!”

“Cut it out. Don’t look at me like that. I’m far superior to you useless lot.”

“Those guys address me as the Holy Son. Even the humans I summoned cheered for seeing a divine being right until the moment I consumed them!”

He spoke with an excited, eerie tone, yet there was a calmness, as though he was a benevolent Holy Son embracing everyone.

He then reported a series of matters. Once it was confirmed that there were no mistakes, the meeting finally concluded.


In the office, a desk lamp was always on. Its dim light was sufficient for Athena to review the documents. After painstakingly going through the thick files, he discovered a secret in the bookshelf. Among the new books, there was nothing unusual, but the old, dusty ones held a surprise.

When opened, the center of the old books was hollow, containing various items: evidence of a certain official’s crimes, bizarre collectibles, and valuable artifacts.

Athena found a feather among them. It was made of metal, with serrated edges at its base, resembling a key. He quickly extracted a nearby book, revealing a map between its pages—a map of the entire imperial city.

The only marked location was a church. This sect had been entrenched in the empire for years but was considered illegitimate and relegated to the sidelines. The church’s emblematic holy object was also a feather.

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