Athena in Tower Defense Game! [LitRPG]

Chapter 125: The Hideous Beast

The creature's disguise was laughably poor. Even if it hadn’t been Athena standing there, anyone with a bit of sense could see through the facade. Such arrogance and overconfidence—this creature truly believed that every human who laid eyes on it should either pity it or worship it as a divine being.

Just like those soulless beings in the chapel, this creature expected to be revered without question. He slowly rose from the cold, stone floor, the chains of cold iron around his limbs clinking ominously with every movement. Desperate, he tried to inch closer to Athena, but another arrow from her bow stopped him in his tracks, this time landing just at his feet.

It wasn't that Athena intended to show mercy, but rather that the chains binding him had become his weapon, deflecting her arrow with ease. The once-beautiful and delicate boy before her began to reveal his true form. His mouth split open, far wider than any human’s should, stretching grotesquely as he unleashed a shrill, ear-piercing scream.

The sound was unbearable, threatening to shatter her eardrums. The sight was even more horrifying—a beautiful face twisted by a monstrous maw, the sheer incongruity of it all surreal and nightmarish.

Seeing that his attempts to manipulate Athena had failed, the creature decided that killing her would suffice. He launched himself at her, his movements imbued with a ferocious speed. His feet barely touched the ground, propelling him with an explosive force. In a heartbeat, he was in front of her, swinging his chains toward her neck.

Athena retreated, her bow vanishing as quickly as it had appeared, replaced by the gleaming edge of her black abyss axe. The axe's blade was sharp and deadly, reflecting the dim light with an ominous glint. She skillfully caught the chain with her axe, twisting it around the weapon’s handle with a swift movement.

With a powerful yank, she pulled the chain taut, the tension causing it to creak under the strain. Her eyes were cold, unyielding, and filled with the determination to obliterate her opponent. The boy had clearly underestimated her; instead of fleeing from his attack, she had willingly moved closer, throwing him off balance and triggering a deep sense of unease within him.

He hesitated, his instincts screaming that something was wrong. Yet before he could react, Athena charged forward with blinding speed, her attack unstoppable. The black abyss axe sliced through the air, aiming straight for him.

Trapped by the short distance, he couldn’t escape. As the axe neared, his face contorted grotesquely once more. His head swelled, the refined features vanishing into a mass of writhing muscles. Three enormous eyes bulged out from one half of his face, while the other was consumed by a mouth that seemed large enough to swallow the world.

The black abyss axe was caught in that gaping maw, the impact sending tremors through his jaws. His skin split upon contact, blood seeping from the wounds, yet he managed to stop the axe’s advance. Despite the pain, he grinned, his hideous smile stretching even wider.

Athena stared at his monstrous head, still perched atop a human-like body. "Utterly repulsive," she declared coldly, her words cutting deeper than any weapon.

The creature’s smile faltered, momentarily frozen by her harsh judgment. But his shock quickly turned to rage. He bellowed a deep, guttural roar, preparing to launch an all-out assault. No longer able to maintain his human form, he underwent a full transformation. His body expanded, muscles bulging as massive wings sprouted from his back. His limbs thickened, exuding an aura of terrifying strength.

The wooden floor beneath them cracked and splintered under the weight of his enormous feet, and the two of them plummeted downwards from the dome’s hidden compartment. The creature saw an opportunity—Athena was vulnerable midair, while he remained in control.

But before he could capitalize on his advantage, the chain he had wielded earlier was flung back at him. In a swift motion, it wrapped around one of his wings, yanking him downwards. Unable to maintain his balance, he lost his chance to escape.

As they fell, Athena clung tightly to the chain. The creature, grounded by the tethered wing, flailed desperately, his remaining wing beating frantically. His plan had backfired, but he wasn’t ready to give up. Aware of her formidable close-combat skills, he decided to use the gathered crowd as a shield.

These people, long stripped of their souls, sat mindlessly in prayer. The sight of the creature stirred a faint spark of recognition in their empty eyes, and they scrambled towards him, eager to prostrate themselves before their would-be savior.

Without hesitation, the creature grabbed two of the closest worshippers, holding them up as human shields. "Go ahead, use your axe! These are living, breathing humans!" he taunted, his three grotesque eyes glaring at Athena with twisted delight.

But Athena was unfazed. She had no intention of sparing anyone who stood in her way. With a flick of her wrist, she tossed aside the hapless worshippers as if they were nothing more than ragdolls.

The creature’s smugness evaporated in an instant. Though he hadn’t harmed the worshippers, he couldn’t resist a cruel smile. His hands wrapped around the necks of the two people he’d grabbed, ready to snap them as a final threat.


He never finished his sentence. Athena moved even faster, rushing toward him with deadly intent. Even as he crushed one of his captives' necks, she didn’t falter, aiming to cleave him and his hostages in half with a single, merciless strike.

Realizing that he was outmatched, the creature’s bravado gave way to panic. He wasn't built for combat; he thrived on the fear and worship of others, on watching people destroy themselves for his amusement. Now, faced with the reality of his situation, all thoughts of grandeur fled his mind. He desperately wanted to escape.

But there would be no retreat. The chain still bound one of his wings, preventing him from taking flight. He clawed frantically at it, trying to free himself, but Athena was relentless. Her black abyss axe bore down on him, forcing him to retreat again and again.

Every time he tried to counterattack, she was a step ahead, exploiting his openings, leaving him battered and bloodied. His strength waned, and he knew the battle was nearing its end.

Just as all seemed lost, a figure burst into the room—Yuris, galloping back into the fray on horseback.

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