Athena in Tower Defense Game! [LitRPG]

Chapter 133: The Standoff

The tense atmosphere was palpable as both parties formed a standoff, with Athena at the heart of it all. Though the situation was fraught with danger, she had wisely refrained from openly breaking with the emperor, knowing full well that her position remained precarious. Her guards, ever vigilant, stood closely around her, their eyes keenly focused on the threat ahead.

While they harbored some doubts about Athena, their priority now was to face the monstrous creatures that loomed before them. These ferocious beasts, though terrifying, stirred no fear in the hearts of loyal warriors. Gripping their weapons tightly, they braced themselves for the impending clash.

The barrier’s shattering was like a signal, heralding the start of a brutal conflict. Both sides sprang into action, fully aware that this battle would be a test not just of might but of strategy.

On one side stood the feral monsters, each more hideous than the last, charging at the human line with reckless abandon. On the other, human warriors met their advance, resolute and unyielding, their weapons glinting as they prepared for the onslaught.

It was a fight to the death.

The monsters howled, spewing flames that threatened to engulf the humans. One of Athena's guards quickly rallied his comrades, raising shields to ward off the firestorm, before launching a counterattack. Swords clashed, cries of battle rang out, and the scene descended into chaos.

Amongst the mayhem, a ratman lay ensnared at the rear, its life precariously hanging by a thread, while a butterfly-like creature hovered over it, tirelessly working to heal its wounds, battling the mysterious force that surged within the ratman.

Athena acted swiftly. She pulled from her robes a half-primed firebomb, her gaze fixing on the oncoming wave of monsters. With a firm grip, she hurled the bomb into their midst, feeling the immense power it held.

The bomb arced through the air and detonated upon impact, unleashing a deafening explosion. Flames and shockwaves radiated outward, engulfing the creatures in a storm of destruction.

Startled by the blast, the monsters scattered, scrambling to escape the flames, but the inferno spread with alarming speed, consuming everything in its path.

Though the bomb’s power had already been immense, its repeated failed detonations had compressed its energy further, making this final explosion even more devastating.

The ratman perished instantly. The remaining monsters and the emperor’s guards lay broken and defeated, many too injured to continue. Though Athena had stood at the furthest point from the explosion, even she felt the heatwave wash over her, the burning sensation momentarily overwhelming. But she quickly regained her composure.

[ You have obtained the Ratman Card! ]

The explosion had inadvertently damaged a magical formation in the royal gardens. In the distance, the emperor’s palace began to crumble, revealing a familiar figure emerging from the ruins, supported by others.

It was the crown prince, carrying a corpse slung over his back – the body of the emperor.

The prince, his lungs choked with dust, coughed violently as his eyes scanned the battlefield. The moment his gaze met Athena’s, her brow furrowed.

That look in his eyes… Was this truly the prince who had inherited his father’s mannerisms, or had the emperor somehow taken his place?

Athena suspected the latter. She vividly remembered their last encounter, and no amount of time could explain such a drastic transformation in the prince’s demeanor.

"Kill them all," came the cold command. The prince’s voice was low, but the intent was unmistakable. Though his own guards were wounded and weakened, the monsters had been fewer in number to begin with. Now, with the tide turning, it was the perfect moment to deliver a fatal blow. And by "them," the prince clearly included Athena.

The explosion she had triggered had been too great a threat for him to ignore. He could sense the danger she posed.

As the prince’s guards moved toward her, Athena reached into her bag and pulled out another firebomb. The prince’s expression immediately shifted.

“Mind the Director,” he ordered, though his eyes remained locked on the deadly device in her hand.

Surely, he thought, such a powerful weapon couldn’t be anything but a rarity. How could she possibly have another?

The monsters, originally there to rescue the ratman, now found themselves trapped, forced to fight for their own survival. They cursed their ill fortune, cursing also the shadowy figure they had followed to this place.

In the midst of the chaos, Ilinaya made her move. Before Athena could fully react, something small latched onto her leg. A cat, with an air of familiarity. Ilinaya immediately recognized it as one of Athena’s creations and quickly followed it, slipping away unnoticed.

To avoid suspicion, she continued to duel one of the guards, leading him farther from the fray. The second firebomb exploded behind her moments later, but thanks to her swift retreat, she was spared any serious injury.

Her eyes now fixated on Athena, watching her every move. No wonder she hadn’t been able to locate her earlier – Athena’s appearance had changed. But, upon closer inspection, Ilinaya could still discern the features she knew so well.

The two would not harm each other, bound as they were by a mutual agreement. Ilinaya had already gathered a fair amount of the world’s energy, and she was ready to hand it over to Athena when the time came. However, if anything were to happen to Athena now, their contract would be nullified, and chaos would surely follow.

As Mikmik disappeared into the shadows once more, it circled Athena’s feet before slipping into the basement. It had been here before, though its last visit had triggered a trap, and someone had been present.

That cane-wielding old man, with his irritating habit of treating Mikmik like a mere cat, had made it sniff something out last time. Foolish humans.

But now, with no one around, Mikmik was free to rummage as it pleased. It soon found a small shard, unsure of its significance but careful nonetheless as it picked it up.

Meanwhile, outside, the palace echoed with the sounds of collapsing stone and bestial roars, the once-steadfast guards now uneasy and fearful.

Yet Babron remained unmoved. He stood his ground, waiting in silent anticipation. Time passed, and still, he waited, unflinching.

Finally, Babron and his men moved forward, entering the palace without hesitation, though not before reassuring the uneasy crowd gathered outside.

Among the people, a figure slipped unnoticed. He had just returned from outside the city, discarding his previous attire to assume the guise of Babron’s son.

None of the common folk knew of the capture, and Babron’s son was still a highly regarded figure. His presence alone restored hope among the people, calming their fears once again.

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