Athena in Tower Defense Game! [LitRPG]

Chapter 137: Return

The old emperor was no saint, and neither was Babron. Their generation had been led astray by these two decrepit figures. The so-called 'heir'—the prince—was nothing more than the leader of another monstrous faction. Though they held each other in check, unable to move against one another, it was inevitable that one day this fragile balance would shatter, exposing their mutual deceit.

As the light from the teleportation array grew brighter, Athena stepped forward without hesitation. Her figure was instantly swallowed by the dazzling radiance, and Mikmik quickly followed her into the array.

Ilinaya, who had been watching from the side, was drawn forward against her will by the sheer force of the array.

In the blink of an eye, she, too, was transported.

The journey was smooth, without the slightest jolt or discomfort. When Athena opened her eyes, she found herself in familiar surroundings. The water that had previously protected her base had completely receded, leaving behind only a few lingering aquatic creatures, forced out of the depths.

[ Teleportation successful. You have returned! ]

[ Mission settlement in progress, please wait… ]

Sunlight broke through the clouds, illuminating the entire base. The trees in the surrounding forest swayed gently, their leaves rustling in the breeze, restoring the world to its original peaceful state.

No sooner had Athena arrived than Ilinaya was unceremoniously flung out of the teleportation array, landing heavily on the ground. Her previous injuries reopened, and blood oozed from the wounds.

Meanwhile, Witty and Paopao were busy outside the base, moving the remaining aquatic monsters. When they saw someone suddenly appear in the courtyard, they were startled.

Witty, quick as ever, rushed back inside. Paopao, halfway through the task, suddenly grew in size and dragged back the fish monster Witty had left behind.

Mikmik, upon returning, immediately darted into the bathhouse, just as he always did.

Ilinaya's condition wasn’t promising. Given that she still owed her a debt, Athena considered bringing her inside to tend to her wounds. However, before she could act, Ilinaya touched the pendant around her neck, pulled out a pill-like object, and swallowed it.

A bubble of water suddenly enveloped Ilinaya, cocooning her as she closed her eyes, allowing the water to soothe and heal her wounds.

The two small creatures raced toward Athena, eager to leap into her arms, but she hastily stopped them. Given Paopao’s current gigantic form, a full-body tackle could leave her with internal injuries.

Paopao was carrying the grotesque fish monster—a hideous creature beyond imagination. Its twisted, snarling face was enough to make one's skin crawl, its body covered in knobby scales that glistened with a nauseating sheen. In the center of its head was a gaping hole, from which a green liquid continuously oozed.

The foul green substance left eerie trails on the ground, emitting a noxious stench that filled the air with waves of nausea and dread.

Athena couldn’t help but wonder if these little creatures had eaten her out of house and home and were now resorting to this monstrosity.

“Do you plan to eat that?” she asked. Being plant-based creatures, perhaps they didn’t mind consuming such things? Or perhaps she had simply never noticed.

Mikmik shook his head, while Paopao nodded, attempting to drag her toward the bathhouse.

It seemed the water bubble surrounding Ilinaya wasn’t going to dissipate any time soon. When Athena tried to push it, she was surprised to find it moved easily, so she maneuvered it into a corner and left it there.

Upon entering the bathhouse, she noticed her usual large water reservoir now housed a musical-note dolphin, its cramped quarters leaving it looking rather pitiable.

When it spotted the fish monster that Paopao had brought, it let out an excited squeal.

After a brief moment of sadness at seeing Ilinaya in the bubble, it quickly turned its attention back to the meal, devouring the fish monster in just two bites, despite its size.

It was clear the dolphin wasn’t full yet.

This was no ordinary creature but a veritable ‘gold-eater.’ Mikmik, meanwhile, was frolicking in a smaller pool, clearly disdaining the blood-soaked water in the dolphin’s reservoir.

Athena made a mental note—she would have to demand compensation for food and lodging from Ilinaya.

Once everything was in order, Athena left the bathhouse, surveying the courtyard. The unsettling stillness in the air was all too apparent.

It was not the usual peaceful quiet, but an eerie silence. Walking to the edge of the courtyard, she gently touched the once-lively thorn vines, now still. She brushed her hand over their delicate flowers, but they remained unresponsive.

Her previously calm mood grew unsettled once again. With a furrowed brow, she hurried to the vegetable garden, only to find that the once-thriving crops had all withered in her absence.

Even her five plant sprites were curled up on the ground, encased in faint golden spheres of light, fast asleep, with none of their usual lively energy.

Athena tried to lift them but quickly realized the golden spheres were highly unstable, forcing her to place them back in the soil, where the light became steady once more.

Normally, Prince and Princess would have leaped three feet high upon seeing her, but now they merely sat listlessly by the door, guarding it with their heads drooping. Even after seeing her, they couldn’t muster any excitement.

Something was clearly wrong, though Athena couldn’t yet determine what.

The only ones unaffected seemed to be the three smallest creatures, the most unique and highest-level of them all. Even Witty and Paopao hadn’t noticed anything amiss.

Suddenly, she caught the scent of food coming from inside the house. Gripping her Black Abyss Axe tightly, she burst through the door with lightning speed, startling the person inside.

It was Grey.

Seeing this, Athena relaxed, though she still found it odd. Grey was never around the base during the day and usually roamed outside. Yet here she was, cooking lunch.

The anomalies were becoming impossible to ignore.

Grey, startled by Athena’s sudden entrance, dropped her ladle into the pot but quickly fished it out.

“What's going on?” Athena asked. If anyone could explain what had happened, it would be Grey.

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