Athena in Tower Defense Game! [LitRPG]

Chapter 93: Berry’s Evolution

Passing through the transparent barrier, they arrived at the Yellow Giant Bee's domain.

Normally, pursuit would have ceased upon reaching this point.

Unfortunately, this was not a normal situation. The unspoken truce between them had no effect now that they had breached the protective barrier. They could clearly see the surrounding black mist, though the supply from the Black giant bees had ceased on their side.

However, remnants still lingered.

Undaunted, Agasi pressed forward.

The once passive barrier suddenly stabilized, emitting a radiant yellow glow.

Its waves of light rippled out, gradually dispersing the surrounding black fog.

Wave after intense wave, the light attacked until all the fog dissipated.

Agasi finally returned with Athena, followed closely by scattered yellow giant bees.

Some yellow giant bees did not return; Berry had not forgotten her promise to Athena, and they were midway back to the tree monster's location.

The towering tree monster, stripped of its Dark Fruit, had lost its former splendor the moment the dark fruit were plucked.

Its bark, its leaves, all immensely useful and plentiful.

Everyone thought they could definitely get a share.

They relentlessly began their assault, and despite its formidable defenses, the players eventually broke through.

Some yellow giant bees even turned back, joining their ranks. Clearly experienced, they skillfully and swiftly harvested its bark and leaves.

But soon enough, the tree monster seemed lifeless, shrinking from its towering form back into a sapling, then a seedling, and finally into a seed.

As it reverted, the giant bees withdrew. Those without strength left first, leaving only a few players guarding the seed.

Agasi charged straight to the main hive. Knowing the protective shield's attack pattern couldn't last long and would consume substantial energy.

Without needing further urging, when Athena's feet touched solid ground, she stepped forward.

She showed the Dark Fruit, casting it directly toward the Hive Queen without hesitation.

The Dark Fruit hovered in the air, then was swiftly taken by the Hive Queen straight into her mouth.

It was a complete Dark Fruit, in one piece!

Mission Completed!
Yellow Giant Bee Faction Respect Level Raised to Reverence!
Permissions Unlocked, System Contribution Store Reorganized and Open!

The Hive Queen didn't have time to utter a word. The moment the Dark Fruit entered her mouth, a massive energy surge within the protective shield caused its territory to instantly expand.

It pushed the surrounding black giant bees further and further back.

Berry was enveloped by a yellow, liquid-wrapped sphere materializing out of thin air within the hive itself.

Covered in yellow fluid, it began to transform.

From a massive bee, gradually taking on a humanoid form, with changes occurring in its wing structures as well.

It was evolving.

As the shield's territory expanded, the encapsulated hive inside began self-repairing, growing more resilient and beautiful, gaining many new functions.

Agasi and their wounds began to heal gradually, a biological evolution across their entire group.

Athena witnessed this miraculous moment, never having experienced vitality so directly.

Yet now, she could feel a life force around her—unseen, untouchable, yet enveloping her.

These energies incessantly caressed her body, mending her injuries, integrating her into the Giant Bee family.

Her once ash-blonde hair grew anew, becoming lustrous black. Damaged panels on her body started to regenerate flesh and blood. She even sensed ongoing internal transformations.

Unlike the pain and alteration caused by system attribute boosts, this power was gentle, comfortable, devoid of any suffering.

It felt like being in the earliest moments of life.

Suddenly, the established order shattered as the Hive Queen, Beta of the Black giant bees, defied her confinement, breaking through the barrier with sheer brute force and power.

Like a fired projectile, unstoppable and unshakeable, hurtling towards them.

The outer black giant bees sensed their Queen's rage, trembling uncontrollably.

Around the Hive Queen, an endless black mist swirled, her eyes inscrutable depths of cold indifference and fury.

Gradually, the surrounding mist morphed into monstrous forms. At this moment, she was more terrifying than any other creature, her misty jaws gaping as if to devour everything.

The once-expanding protective shield unexpectedly halted its expansion.

Two forces clashed relentlessly, even as Berry within the yellow fluid began to writhe.

Due to Special Circumstances, Regional Battle terminated early!

Players, Please Prepare; Transfer Will Commence in 30 Seconds!

The abrupt turn of events cut short what was supposed to be another day before the regional battle's end, now instantly concluded.

Athena hastily accessed the System Contribution Store, which could only be used while within the area.

Without time to scrutinize the items, she quickly glanced at her contribution points.

Many zeros. Ignoring these details, she clicked to generate the first page, attempting to purchase items, only to find herself unable. She flipped through the pages, frantically clicking to buy.

She continued clicking until all her points were spent.

Once again, she and Mikmik felt the dizzying sensation of being tossed into a washing machine, this time even more violently during the system's transfer.

It almost felt retaliatory.

Athena and Mikmik were unceremoniously thrown out of the transfer array.

As she lay on the familiar floor, Athena half-rose, rubbing her throbbing head. The immense dizziness mingled with nausea.

Was the system intentionally doing this?

Inside the room, the other two immediately pounced on her, pressing her back down.

Looking at the tree monster leaf in her left hand and the bark slab in her right, only a handful's worth, but enough.

Berry, sensing she would be teleported away, directly used part of her power to transfer something from the yellow giant bees to Athena.

Previously, she couldn't have achieved this, but now, she had successfully evolved.

A divine-like figure, fair and translucent skin, perfect proportions, golden eyes complemented by a mane of golden hair, and transparent wings behind her.

She flew out to confront Beta directly, this image burned into Athena's final impression.

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