Athena in Tower Defense Game! [LitRPG]

Chapter 95: Rewards

At dawn, Athena realized she had fallen asleep in the reclining chair last night, a thin blanket draped over her, and her hair already dry and loosely tied up.

The three little ones were still asleep, huddled together. She gently removed the blanket and placed it back on the bed without waking them.

Sitting on the bed, she opened her system panel. Her backpack interface was now filled with many new items she had acquired on this trip.

Her mailbox was also overflowing with packages from the system.

Red dots were all over her system panel, indicating many unread notifications from last night.

[Congratulations to player [ Big Dream ] for securing first place in the regional battle!]

[Rewards have been sent to your mailbox. Please collect them!]

Regional Battle Rewards:

    • First Place: Redemption Earrings (Equipment), 5 Silver Packages, 3 World Stones

[Region 003 surviving players: 37. Your faction's surviving players: 49. Calculating...]

Regional Subsidy: 5 Flashing Blue Packages, 6 White Packages, 106 Silver Coins

[Congratulations to the players for completing the faction's hidden mission. Rewards have been sent to your mailbox. Please collect them!]

Hidden Mission Reward: Berry's Image

Berry's Image:

    • Category: Card
    • Attribute: When encountering danger, summon an ally’s image for 30 seconds with 30% of the original's combat power.
    • Quality: Rare
    • Durability: 11

Athena carefully claimed all these rewards, laying them out on the floor. Among them were 5 Silver Packages, 3 World Stones, 5 Flashing Blue Packages, 6 White Packages, and 106 Silver Coins.

This was the first time she possessed so many packages, yet she refrained from opening them immediately. Instead, she reviewed the items she had traded from the yellow giant bees.

  • Giant Bee Honey: 10kg
  • Giant Bee Stingers: 50
  • Temporary Giant Bee Wings: 3 pairs
  • Temporary Giant Bee Shield: 1 use
  • Yellow Hive Queen's Private Precision Instruments: 1 set
  • Yellow Hive Queen's Private Contract Papers: 30 sheets
  • Yellow Hive Queen's Skill Extraction (Common): 1 use

Athena never expected to find even the Hive Queen's private stash in their warehouse, which she managed to steal.

What intrigued her most was the Yellow Hive Queen's skill extraction item, which allowed her to extract one of Berry's skills. Unfortunately, the extracted skill would be of much lower quality, only at a common level. However, considering it was a Yellow Hive Queen's skill, it undoubtedly had great growth potential.

As she fiddled with the items, the three little ones by the fireplace slowly woke up. They ran over to her, eyeing her packages with envy. Previously, the packages they obtained from defeating monsters were all ordinary white ones, which Athena let them handle. If they found food, it became their private stash; if they found building materials, they stored them in the room.

These three had developed a liking for opening packages, but she held them back.

"No, you can't touch these packages," she said, though she handed them six of the white packages. The three dragged them off to the other side.

Looking at the remaining packages, Athena felt a heavy weight. Last time, her luck had been exceptional, but luck couldn't always be on her side. She suspected she had used up her good fortune in her previous attempt.

She decided to try her luck with one of the flashing blue packages. With a nervous heart, she opened it, but it didn't flash. Her heart sank.

[Defense Turret Blueprint - Basic 1]

She was familiar with this blueprint. Taking a deep breath, she asked the system, "System, why didn't the flashing package flash?"

[Flashing packages have a high probability of containing rare items of the tier, but it is not guaranteed.]

She could only comfort herself, thinking it was just a fluke. After a mental pep talk, she opened another flashing blue package.

[Defense Turret Blueprint - Basic 1]

She remained silent.

"It's okay, just building up my luck," she thought, "Bad luck can't last forever."

She opened another package...

[Defense Turret Blueprint - Basic 1]

Life always seems to challenge disbelief. She opened the fourth package, which finally contained something different, though not much better.

[Wood: 150, Stone: 150, Weeds: 300]

Four consecutive packages without a single rare item! Her luck was indeed extraordinary, albeit in the wrong direction.

She stopped opening packages and put everything away. Noticing the curious eyes of the three little ones, she nonchalantly stood up from the bed, pretending nothing had happened.

Today was clearly not a good day for opening packages.

She opened the door to go outside and get some fresh air, but noticed bloodstains on the ground. The scattered drops led to the workshop. This was her territory, and she knew Grey had returned. Assuming she was resting, she hadn’t disturbed Grey. However, seeing the blood, she guessed Grey was badly injured.

She rushed to the workshop, knocked on the door, and received no response. Pushing the door open, she found Grey lying on the floor, looking worse than when she returned from the regional battlefield yesterday.

Athena hurried to help her, but heard her steady breathing, not typical of someone severely injured.

She was just fast asleep. Although her body was covered in blood, there were no wounds. She wore a green bracelet similar to the goblin bracelet Athena had previously acquired, though with a different function. Grey's father had obviously equipped her with many good items, relieving Athena unnecessary worry.

Even in deep sleep, Grey woke up to find Athena standing beside her, startling her into jumping up.

"You're back? It was too late last night, so I didn't disturb you. How did things go?" Athena asked.

"Not bad," she replied.

Though they lived under the same roof, they didn’t share many common topics. Athena noticed the room filled with bows and arrows, Grey's hard work.

Seeing Athena's gaze, Grey proudly placed her hands on her hips.

"While you were away, I didn’t slack off one bit! There are 50 bows here, each equipped with 50 arrows!"


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