Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

117 – The Queen and the General

Chapter 117 - The Queen and the General

Queen Agnes:

I was in the palace, having tea in a cozy room. Ryan stood by the window, watching as some of the knights trained the young Asalons to fly. Asalons are creatures that need to get used to carrying a person while flying to improve their aerodynamics and withstand the weight of the rider.

"And the prince’s gift?" he asked me, still looking outside.

"It should have reached him by now, and soon Duncan will take care of that 'cub'," I replied.

"Cub?" he laughed. "That thing’s way too big to be called a cub."

"It’s just a small gift for him. Soon, my son will be heading to the Academy in Apsalon, and we want to show our power to others. That’s an animal worthy of a king."

Ryan paced around the room a bit before sitting at the table.

"What did you think of the High Elf’s opinion?" I asked, curious.

"About his magic? Hard to say. That woman is from a strange and reclusive race."

"She told me it’s rare for someone to awaken three elements. I asked if there was anyone his age more talented in magic than my son, and Adrihna... just shrugged."

Ryan let out a laugh.

"Only a High Elf could shrug off a question from the queen," he said, chuckling.

This time, I couldn’t help but laugh. He had a point.

“I asked her to examine his gem with her eyes. I wanted to see if there was even a glimmer of hope that he might possess the Special Eyes… but it amounted to nothing,” I said, letting out a sigh.

My brother lowered his shoulders, resigned.

“He’s already too old. If the cultivation process hasn’t begun by now, there’s no chance left,” Ryan stated firmly.

“That would be asking for too much,” I murmured. “This family has already been blessed enough in this generation.”

He regarded me, thoughtful.

“Do you think the High Elf knows the true secret of the Special Eyes?”

“I doubt it,” I replied, a trace of hesitation in my voice. “Only the Founding Emperor knew the truth, and the secret has been kept within our branch of the family. Luckily, she only has one special eye, and her case is unique, being a twin. But even so, only we know the true power of that eye. It’s unfortunate… I might leave this world without ever witnessing one in its full potential… or claiming it for our family.”

Ryan’s gaze sharpened as he studied me.

“You didn’t bring that elf here just for that,” he said, suspicion edging his voice.

I offered a sly smile, neither confirming nor denying his accusation.

"I just wanted to send a subtle message to the elven kingdom."

"A subtle message?"

I took a sip of tea, savoring the moment.

"I’m a woman who plays the long game... I have a dream, and I think my son can realize it for me. The message I sent is just to let them know how talented he is. He might be the only one on the entire continent with the three natural elements. I want to make a move..."

"What move, sister?"

"Power is power... My son is the most talented mage on this continent. I want to unite the elven kingdom with ours and conquer the rest of this continent under one banner."

Ryan choked on his tea, shocked.

"Sometimes you scare me. Even the emperor didn’t dare take the other half of the continent."

"That’s why I want to finish what he couldn’t. We are descendants of the emperor; it’s in our blood to rule these lands. I want to reunite this divided family and marry my son to the elven king’s daughter."

He sighed, concerned.

"Agnes... you know the elven kingdom doesn’t work like ours. The arranged marriage culture is different; the final decision always rests with the couple. And I doubt that family would agree to unify with us."

I smiled confidently.

"The elven king’s daughter will also be studying at that Academy, and that will give us more access to her parents without the need for a diplomatic meeting, which would make everyone nervous. In Apsalon, we’re on neutral ground. We are a powerhouse in magical tools and military strength, and my son is the most talented mage of this generation... I feel he’s destined to finish what the Founding Emperor started. For that, we need them to recognize the superiority of the royal family even more. Our motto is 'Superiority and Power'. There can be no one more powerful than us in our lands; we are territorial. If we unite with the elven kingdom, we’ll crush any fool."

Ryan scratched his head and sighed again.

"Don’t say shit like that in front of the Dukes, or you’ll make my job harder, haha."

"Why would I need to explain the obvious to them? My plan is simple: all the small countries that call themselves kingdoms on this continent... they will all carry our banner. They will all be subdued."

"I imagine you’re thinking long term..." Ryan said, evaluating the situation.

"That’s my play, and it will all depend on the relationships we forge. For decades, royal families have had no direct contact, only communicating through representatives or meeting with an army of diplomats surrounding us. I can’t execute my plan based on a superficial relationship. That’s why I need a powerful marriage to take this continent and recreate the Founding Empire."

Ryan paused to analyze what I said.

"This is very bold."

"Boldness is the attribute of winners. I’m launching an even bigger plan that will involve all the duchies."

"What plan?" he asked, curious.

I just gave a simple smile.

"If we want to subdue the other kingdoms, we must start with those beneath us and close to us. I want everything from the duchies."

"I don’t understand... what are you talking about?" he asked, confused.

"Our plan needs guarantees, and we need more power. I want all the best weapons, the finest soldiers, every enchanted relic, all the powerful domesticated beasts. I want from them everything that can be useful. It’s simple to understand. I’m taking a dangerous step, and I can’t afford to take risks. I want every form of power I can seize."

Ryan looked at me, a bit perplexed.

"You’re going too far, Agnes. I doubt anyone will willingly hand over these things."

"Who are the king and queen of this kingdom? Do I need their permission for anything? I’ll be a good diplomat and reward those who cooperate, but... I’ll be prepared to deal with anyone bold enough to give me a ‘no.’"

"That’s dangerous, it’s not something simple to pull off."

"That’s why I want a partnership with the elven kingdom. If we have them as allies, no one will stand in our way."

The door burst open with force.

"MOTHER!" My son ran toward me.

"You’re sweaty, champion. Were you training with the sword?" Ryan asked.

"I was, but I need to know... is that mine!? That magical creature?"

I smiled.

"That’s a rare Asalon Manticore, born once every 100 years in a litter. There’s only one at a time, and it’s always destined for the king. We’ve trained it in secret, but now I want you to build a bond with it."

My son rushed to hug me, and even sweaty, I accepted him.

"How big does it get? It looks different from the other Asalons."

"Of course it’s different," Ryan said. "The Asalon Manticore can grow to reach 5 meters. It’s the largest flying mountable creature that has ever existed."

Duncan’s eyes widened.

"It can get that big?" he asked, surprised.

"It’s the largest ever. No other flying creature can surpass that size. It was with this animal that the Founding Emperor led armies. It’s a beast worthy of a king," I explained.

"But I’ll be going to the Academy... I won’t be able to train it."

Ryan approached him.

"It’s precisely for you to use at the Academy. You are a king, and you must start showing your power. Everyone studying there with you, from all the kingdoms, will see our strength. We are the only ones in the world who possess dominion over the skies," I said.

My son is destined for greatness. A prodigy in magic, and now with the bond of a powerful, intelligent creature. Through him, we will accomplish what the Founding Emperor failed... our generation will revive the Empire and rule with absolute power.

"So, my magical creature is stronger than the others?" he asked, his eyes gleaming.

"The Asalon Manticore is the definition of superiority. It’s fast and has brute power. When you go to the Academy, you’ll show everyone that you are a king above all others," I said, reinforcing the importance of his position.

My son smiled even wider.

"This Asalon is also more intelligent, capable of understanding commands in a way no other magical creature can," added Ryan.

"I’ll truly be the King of the Skies," Duncan said, happy.

"No..." I corrected him. "You will be the Emperor of the Skies!"


Nathan Evenhart:

I lay next to Cylla, feeling a deep happiness at finally being able to hear her voice. After thinking I had lost her that night, being able to be by my phoenix friend’s side again brought me peace.

"Wait! All those times I complained about you giving me those crushing hugs... what were you saying to me?" I asked, curious.

She turned her face, trying to hide.

"Secret..." she murmured.

"No secrets! And when you were licking my face and my hair?"

"Another secret..." said the phoenix, hiding behind her wings.

I sighed.

"I’m probably better off not knowing, it seems."

"I-I agree..." she said, shyly.

"Good thing you’re not that big right now..." I teased, remembering the times she almost squashed me.

"That form was the assimilation of my progenitors’ traits. I was beginning to enter the incubation stage, and now their three traits are merging inside me to create my beast form."

"Can you tell me more about the beast form?" I asked, intrigued.

Cylla seemed to reflect for a moment.

"My other version, Sisika, told you a bit. The phoenix is our hatchling form. Actually, I belong to a race that received the powers of three great beings that helped us long ago. The traits of my beast form come from a giant quadruped that towered over mountains, a bird so large it darkened the sky, and a sea serpent that created tsunamis when it moved."

I listened closely, trying to imagine each of these colossal creatures.

"You inherited parts of them?"

Cylla nodded.

"I inherited traits from the three World Destroyers."

World Destroyers... Could it be related to that creature sleeping in my eyes?

"What happened to these World Destroyers?"

"They died while helping my species, thousands of years ago."

So, it can’t be the creature inside me... I think.

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