Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

120 – Lord of the Titans vs The Mage Gang

Chapter 120 - Lord of the Titans vs The Mage Gang


The boy snapped his fingers, launching a gigantic fireball into the air, which exploded into hundreds of smaller fireballs. The men shielded themselves with magic, and I quickly conjured a stone shelter to protect myself and a few others.

He’s using advanced fire magic! I’ve seen him use thunder and other elements! And now these damned golems! How is this possible?!

“Let’s kill this bastard!” I shouted, stepping out of the stone shelter and conjuring a powerful forbidden spell.

“Have fun!” he said to the golems with a cruel smile as the elemental golems began charging toward us.

We were at least 40 soldiers, half of them mages, against 5 golems and the boy.

The golem, shaped like a stone woman standing 3 meters tall, leaped into the fray, her arm morphing into a flaming stone blade. She crashed into the middle of us, delivering devastating kicks and plunging her fiery blade into the chest of one of the men.

“Damn it!” the soldier beside me shouted, fear evident in his voice.

I looked ahead and saw the monstrous dog-like creature made of plants rushing toward me. Immediately, I raised a spiked stone barrier and sent it charging toward the beast. The monster leaped, shattering the barrier, and its body was covered in roses that shot out thorns.

One of the soldiers charged the plant golem with a flaming axe, but tendrils shot out from the creature’s body.

“Bastard!” the soldier yelled, swinging his axe and cutting through the tendrils. However, the monstrous dog opened its mouth, spitting out several seeds that burst into more tendrils, grabbing the soldier and ensnaring him. The monstrous golem pounced on him, its mouth full of spiked teeth ready to devour him.

What the hell!

The man was being eaten alive, screaming. I tried to help him, but saw many of the other soldiers struggling against the golems. The largest one stood about 4 meters tall, a knight made of yellow light wielding a massive flaming stone sword, fighting off five men at once.

“This… this is a real battlefield…” I muttered, stunned by the sheer intensity of the battle.

The men launched their spells, and I saw fire and water explode together against the golem.

“We need to kill the golem summoner!” someone shouted.

“Wall of thorns!” I conjured, making countless walls sprout around us, sending thorns in all directions, hoping to hit the monsters attacking us.
Suddenly, the golem of dark clouds leaped into the middle of them, and a powerful wind sucked up all the thorns that had been launched.

‘ROOOOAAAR!’ the dark cloud golem roared, sending the thorns flying back at the men, while the water golem beside it swelled up and exploded, jetting itself toward the soldiers with a powerful force.

“Where’s the boy?! We need to kill him! If he dies, these damned golems will disappear with him!” I shouted, running through the chaos.

Amidst the mayhem, I spotted the boy and was stunned by what I saw. He was sitting on a large stone chair, like a throne, resting his head on his fist as he watched the chaos unfold around him.

Seeing him like that sent an inexplicable chill through my body. The boy, sitting on that throne, exuded an eerie presence, as if I were being stared down by a beast.

“Coward!” I shouted.

As soon as I said that, all the golems froze. They deactivated their magic and stood still like statues, leaving the soldiers in utter confusion.

The golems turned their gaze toward me all at once, and a wave of dread washed over me. Suddenly, they exploded and vanished.

The boy rose from his stone throne and began walking toward me, drawing his sword.

“For your sake, it would’ve been better if you’d faced the golems,” he said, his voice cold and dripping with menace.

“Prepare ranged spells and overwhelm him in close combat! Let’s kill this bastard!” I shouted, as some men rushed toward him while others started focusing mana for advanced spells.

How does this kid have so many elements?

I charged at him, but as I got close, an intense fear gripped my body, forcing me to retreat instinctively.

“What the hell is this?” I muttered, stopping as I watched the other men press forward.

He launched himself at high speed into the crowd, grabbing one soldier by the head.

“One down!” he said.

‘BAM!’ Something burst inside the man.

“AHHHHHHHHH!” the soldier screamed as roots sprouted from within, exploding his body. The boy hurled the man’s mangled corpse aside, where it lay twitching, impaled by a massive flower growing from the roots.

The other soldiers froze in shock, paralyzed, unsure how to react.

“What’s the matter? You’re only tough against little girls?” the boy taunted, fury clear in his voice.

“Kill him! Kill him!” I screamed, raising earthen pillars that shot spikes as the men leapt at him. Behind them, a squad of mages prepared a massive fire explosion spell.

The boy darted with incredible speed, wind propelling him as he deflected a sword. In the midst of his spin, he struck with the palm of his hand, generating a vortex of wind that hurled a few men away.

“Wall of Thorns!” I yelled, making walls rise and hurl spikes in his direction.

Fuck it! If I kill some of my own men, at least this kid will die with them.

He drove his blade into a soldier’s skull and leapt toward another, grabbing his neck.

“AHHH!” the man screamed as he was used as a shield, taking the spikes in the boy’s place.

“Come on! Amuse me!” the boy shouted, tossing the corpse at the others before jumping forward again.

A soldier lunged at him with a flaming axe, but the boy dodged to the side and, with a thunderous strike, impaled the man with his hand.

“Great fire wave!” the mages shouted, completing their spell.

A massive wave of flames surged toward him.

The boy stomped the ground, and a gigantic tsunami of water rose, swallowing the flames.

“Impossible! We’re six mages!” yelled the soldier next to me, his disbelief palpable.

“Shut up and prepare another spell, damn it!” I yelled, wasting no time.

More soldiers rushed at him, and he countered with his sword, which flew from a corpse back into his hand. The boy spun the blade and, with a lightning-charged kick, shattered a soldier’s leg. Taking advantage of the imbalance, he grabbed the soldier’s head with one hand and unleashed a surge of lightning, sending what remained of the man flying.

Other soldiers charged, but the boy unleashed bolts of lightning, blasting them away. One tried to shield himself with a stone barrier and rushed to attack. The boy locked the man’s axe with his sword and slipped beneath it. In a swift motion, he drove his sword into the soldier’s body.

I seized the opportunity and hurled a heavy spike at him. The boy noticed and dodged backward, raising a semi-transparent yellow barrier that blocked the attack.

How the hell does he have this many elements?

"How do you have this many elements?" I asked, disbelief washing over me.

He shrugged, as if it was nothing.

"Kill him!" I shouted again, making the ground tremble as spiked stone orbs shot up from the earth, flying toward him.

"This is the reverse stone rain!" I announced, concentrating.

Hundreds of spiked orbs launched in his direction as he darted and dodged. Leaping into the air, he formed something resembling a bolt of lightning in his hand and drove it into a soldier’s gut, causing the spear to explode.

A water mage attempted to ambush him from behind with a powerful jet of water, but the boy reacted swiftly, charging forward with a large stone spike floating ahead of him, cutting through the water’s pressure. With an agile burst, he surged ahead, driving the stone spike through the mage’s stomach.

"AHHHHH!" the mage screamed, coughing up blood as he collapsed to his knees.

Without hesitation, the boy raised his hand and delivered a punch that erupted in searing flames, burning the soldier’s head and ending his life instantly.

Another soldier tried to strike him, but the boy did something that shocked me.

“Damn! You blocked the blade with your finger!” the soldier shouted, realizing the boy had coated his finger in a wind armor.

He grasped the sword and his hand glowed blue, shattering the blade into pieces. The soldier was thrown back, but before he could hit the ground, the boy launched forward and kicked him against the wall, smashing him with a wind-enforced foot, crushing him to death with sheer pressure.

Another soldier attempted to attack him from behind, but his sword was stopped by a yellow barrier. The boy turned to face him, and a stone pillar in the shape of a fist descended from the ceiling, slamming into the soldier and knocking him to the floor.

More soldiers rushed in.

The boy spun with his sword, slicing the neck of a kneeling soldier.

"Let’s make you useful," he said to the fallen man, delivering a devastating palm strike.

The soldier’s body was hurled violently, growing plant-like spikes, but then abruptly stopped mid-air, pulled back by a yellow cord that wrapped around him like a serpent.

With a fluid motion, the boy swung the cord, using the soldier’s body as a projectile, hurling it toward the advancing men. They were struck by the spiked corpse and fell to the ground, only to find themselves ensnared by rapidly growing roots that sprouted from the body, immobilizing them.

The boy dashed toward them and, with a stomp of his foot, massive stone spikes erupted, racing toward the soldiers. I saw the panic in their eyes, but before they could react, they were impaled by the spikes.

The remaining soldiers started charging up powerful spells.

‘Tsk,’ the boy clicked his tongue.

"This is taking too long..." he said, impatient.

The mages were preparing their strongest attacks, and he was too far away to reach them in time.

"You're dead! Use everything at full power!" I yelled, sure that victory was within reach.

He looked at us with his cold, calculating blue eyes.

"Do not mistake my mercy for weakness, mortal!" he said, and an overwhelming fear seized me. My body froze, and even my magic faltered. I collapsed to my knees as I heard those words. His voice didn’t sound human.

The entire area was consumed by a black cloud, and we were all trapped within it, surrounded by thunderclaps erupting all around. In the midst of the chaos, the boy advanced slowly, the black mist parting before him as if it feared him.

I swallowed hard as I faced the boy, a chilling terror coursing through me, like I was standing before something far beyond my understanding.

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