Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

125 – Athena Decides to Take the Exam

Chapter 125 - Athena Decides to Take the Exam


We were guided into a gigantic room that almost looked like another auditorium. Each level of the room had rows of large desks, each with a chair arranged in a semicircle, with a board in the center where the professor would presumably give lessons.

“We’ve randomly assigned seats for all of you, please find the one with your name,” said an elf.

I said goodbye to Chloe and began searching for my seat.

“I’m feeling a little tense,” Athena said, laughing next to me.

I glanced over and saw the goddess dressed in a school uniform.

How did she get that? That shouldn’t be possible.

“You’re seeing a dead goddess, and you’re worried about her clothes?”

I decided to ignore her and focused on finding my place.

“Nathan Evenhart…” I read the nameplate and sat down.

Now she’s really making me tense. This crazy woman somehow managed to sit next to me. Where did she get that chair?

“I want to take the test with you too,” Athena said.

Ignoring the apparition, I focused on the elf who was clapping to get everyone’s attention.

“We’ll now be collecting any magical items you may have, including storage bracelets,” the elf announced.

The elf monitors moved along the rows of desks, holding a black metallic object that resembled a pen.

“That’s a magic item detector,” said the elf, pointing the black pen-like object at me, and I quickly handed over my storage bracelet.

I took a closer look at the black pen.

Is this to prevent cheating on the test?

Although higher nobles were guaranteed spots, there was still a grading system that evaluated both academic and magical performance. Other nobles also competed for a place, meaning they needed good grades. The commoners had a special quota, allowing them a chance to enter without directly competing against someone who had been educated from a young age.

The elf stopped and looked at me for a moment.

“That’s strange… you’re a bit different from other humans,” he said, then continued walking down the row.

Can everyone sense it? I’ve only ever been around people who’ve seen me grow up. It’s not a problem that my skin is pale, but these higher elves are more ‘elegant’ or ‘beautiful’ than regular people. Maybe that’s what makes me stand out? It looks like I'll really have to dye my hair...

“Pay close attention to what I’m about to say. Part of this test will ask questions about your personality. Don’t lie when answering, understood? You’ll be evaluated based on your responses, and we’ll know if you try to fake anything. Always tell the truth,” the elf explained, and we were given permission to begin.

I flipped the page, and the first part asked questions to learn about our personalities.

‘Do you consider yourself a good person?’ was the first question.

I think so. As long as no one harms me, I’ll always try to be good.

I answered the question and moved on to the next.

‘What do you hope to achieve at the Apsalon Magic Academy?’

I paused for a moment to think. Honestly, I’d never really thought about it deeply. Ever since I received these eyes from Sisika, a part of me has been worried about the future, and what I wanted most was the power to protect the people I care about.

The Academy can’t teach me how to master the 6 Celestial Aspects... but it can help me further develop my elemental powers.

That question brought back memories of Sisika and the moment I discovered she was Cylla.

Whatever place she came from... I won’t find those answers here. But here, we can set aside those mysteries and just be normal people.

I looked at the question again.

To live the normal life of a student at the academy.

I answered sincerely. Above all else, what I wanted most was to be fully human and live a peaceful life.

I glanced at the next question.

‘What do you like the most? If there’s more than one thing, you can write them all.’

I smiled.

That’s an easy one! My family, and only them.


Chloe Evenhart:

I had said goodbye to Nate and went to find my seat. A part of me was nervous, but I had calmed down after seeing Professor Adrihna. During this time, I had exchanged letters with Kinue, and she told me that the exam was manageable, as long as you studied the materials they provided.

"Chloe Evenhart," I read the nameplate and sat down.

I was seated in a higher section of the amphitheater, but I could still spot Nathan in his seat, a little ways away.

"Who is that handsome boy?" a girl nearby whispered.

"I don't know... he doesn't dress like a commoner, so he must be a noble too."

Handsome boy? Haha, there's only one handsome boy in my world, and I couldn’t care less about the others.

"Can you see the name on the back of his chair? I can't see from this distance," the girl murmured.

"Nathan Evenhart..." whispered the other.

"WHAT!?" I blurted out in surprise, realizing who they were talking about.

The girls glanced at me, and I felt my face flush with embarrassment.

"We’ll now be collecting any magical items you may be carrying, including storage bracelets," announced the voice of the elven monitor.

I ignored the girls and refocused on the monitor standing at the center of the room.

I'm doomed... if Nathan’s already drawing attention, imagine what it'll be like over the five years at the academy.

I always knew he was good-looking... but to me, he’s always been good-looking, so I never thought others saw him the way I do.

I took a deep breath to calm myself.

I need to take action... if I wait for this oblivious idiot to notice my feelings, I'm in trouble. I have to overcome my shyness and confess my feelings... even though I’ve let it slip a few times already.

I decided to push my conflicted emotions aside for now. I had to focus on the exam.

"This is a device that detects magical items," an elf said, pointing a black pen-like object at me. I handed over my bracelet.

It made sense that he explained it. Pointing something at a noble without explanation would be quite rude.

Afterward, he continued on his way.

"Pay close attention. The test will include questions about your personality. Don’t lie in your answers, understood? You’ll be evaluated based on how you respond, so if you try to fake anything, we’ll know. Always speak the truth," the elven monitor explained, and we were given the go-ahead to begin.

I took a moment to focus and flipped the page. I was surprised to see that the personality section came first.

I think they’re starting with these questions because if they left them for the end, our minds would be too exhausted.

I read the first question.

‘Do you consider yourself a good person?’

I paused for a moment.

Definitely yes, that one was easy.

I answered and moved on to the second question.

‘What do you hope to achieve at the Apsalon Magic Academy?’

I stopped to think for a bit. My goals had changed over the years, but my passion for magic remained the same. When I discovered I could summon ice element creatures, I was overjoyed, so this was another easy one for me.

Become an excellent ice mage!

I answered confidently and moved on to the next question, but I froze when I saw it.

‘What do you like the most? If there’s more than one thing, you can write them all.’

I reread it, then glanced in a certain direction.

This can’t be real, right? Do I actually have to answer this?

I looked over to where Nathan was sitting.

Do I write Nathan? Should I just put ‘family’?

I tried to write, but my hand stopped as soon as the pen touched the paper.

What do I do? They said not to lie. I love my family, and Nathan is part of my family, but the first thing I thought of was him... What do I write? I can’t lie.

I took another deep breath.

I can’t believe this test is already hard on the third question… I’m doomed.

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