Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

68 – The High Elf Professor’s Gift (Part 1)

Chapter 68 - The High Elf Professor's Gift (Part 1)


"You can bet that if anything like that happens, they'd rather your side handle things... because if the Evenhart Legacy has to get involved... I won't even leave ashes behind," my aunt said with a smile.

I know she's my aunt, but sometimes she's a little scary...

The three of them continued discussing matters I didn't understand, using terms I wasn't familiar with. The only thing I caught was that there were some people who wanted to meet me and that at some point, I would have to go see them.

I decided to leave them to their conversation and went over to a small girl with golden fox-like features who was trying to stay hidden.

"Kinue, are you going to leave without saying goodbye to me?" I asked.

"N-n-no, it's not like that!" she replied nervously.

She lightly patted her cheeks, which seemed to calm her down a bit, but she still stayed put.

"Then I'll do it for you," I said as I walked up and hugged the little golden fox.

She seemed surprised.

"Y-you're too close!" she stammered.

"That's how hugs work," I said, playfully messing with her ears.

Kinue jumped back.

"D-don't do that... my ears are sensitive."

"Sorry, my bad... I was just curious..." I said, feeling a bit awkward.

"Ahem!" Chloe cleared her throat as she appeared beside us.

Kinue looked nervous again.

"I'm going to miss you, Nate." The little fox jumped up and hugged me. I glanced to the side and saw Chloe looking irritated, turning her face away and huffing.

"Thank you so much for the advice you gave me. I've decided that I'll get stronger to protect the people I care about," she said confidently.

I'm glad Kinue has become less shy.

The little golden fox was indeed less shy now, but the problem was she took a while to let go, and Chloe pinched me. In the end, everything worked out, and we agreed to exchange letters. Chloe even offered to pick up the letters I wrote for Kinue and make sure they got to her.

But that's too nice an offer coming from the little hothead; I think she's planning something...

"By the way, Nate. Where's that other woman? She's even shyer than I am," Kinue asked.

"Another woman? What are you talking about?"

"The woman I sometimes see in your room," Kinue said.


I looked around, trying to spot that person, and saw Athena in the distance, walking through the garden with a smile before disappearing into a part of the forest.

"Time to go," Adrihna suddenly said as she appeared.

What should I do? Should I ask more?

Professor Adrihna appeared and nudged both me and Chloe.

She turned her face away slightly, and it was the first time I saw the High Elf looking embarrassed.

"It's tradition for me to give something to my students. So, I have a gift for each of you," she said, handing us each a box.

"A gift? I hope it wasn't something expensive," Chloe said, taking her box.

Chloe's box was flat and wide.

"Don't worry... it's something every one of my students receives. Kinue also got something unique when it was her turn."

"Wow, what is this?" Chloe said in awe as she pulled out what seemed to be a tiny white rod with blue details.

"That’s a wand. It's made of a special sapphire that helps a summoner mage draw more mana from the atmosphere. Since your Secondary Category is Summoner, you only have half the mastery in that mana category. With a wand, it will be much easier for you to cast summoner category spells," the professor explained.

Chloe hugged her tightly. "Thank you so much, you… you’ve made me really happy."

"Alright, no need to squeeze so tight," Adrihna replied, clearly embarrassed.

I took my box, which was small, but as soon as I touched it, I felt something special resonating with me.

"Is this what I think it is?" I asked, shocked.

The High Elf nodded. "I might not be here when your eyes awaken, so I’m giving you a pure elemental stone that will help you conduct another test."

When I opened the box, I saw the black stone inside.

It's Akonium! She really gave me this? Isn’t it something so rare that it’s only created every hundred years?

"Professor, I can’t accept this," I said.

"Call me Adrihna, as I told you."

"Sorry… Adrihna," I corrected myself, "but what does this have to do with my eyes?"

She put a finger to her chin, thinking. "Let’s just say that your advanced anomaly, which has surpassed an elemental restriction, might be preventing the elemental stone from detecting if you have another nature element. In that case, I want you to conduct a second test if you truly do have the Special Eyes."

So it’s possible I have another element? This… this is interesting, but I doubt it. I haven’t felt anything inside me during the time I’ve been conducting tests to read my mana, and I’ve even applied some Aura fundamentals. The only things I feel are Thunder and the weak elemental mana of Wind, but it’s possible that, just as I didn’t initially feel the Wind mana, there might be another hidden element.

"Adrihna, I’ll return this stone to you when my eyes awaken. I can’t keep it," I said.

She shook her head. "I’m not just giving it to you for that reason; it’s a gift, and I’d be sad if you returned it."

I looked at the pure Akonium stone, likely priceless due to the rarity of the mineral, and then at the High Elf standing before me.

"I’ll treasure this gift with all my heart. People say High Elves don’t feel emotions, but I’ve never met anyone ‘without emotions’ who was so kind and gentle… and a bit peculiar as you. I’ll never forget your teachings," I said, hugging her.

"You’re squeezing me too tight…" she said.

"It’s okay; I know it’s nice to get a hug sometimes," I told her, and in the end, the High Elf accepted it.

"Just ease up on the sentimentalism about treasuring the gift. That’s not why I’m giving it to you," she said.

I made a confused face. "Then why are you giving it to me?"

The High Elf laughed. "You’re smart, and I know you’ll find a way to turn that Akonium into a weapon or something that can help you in battle," she said, winking at me.

"I don’t know how yet, but I’ll find a way to turn this stone into a weapon," I said to Adrihna.

"I’m counting on you, so surprise me."

After that, she gave us some advice about the Apsalon Magic Academy and mentioned to my mother that I might meet the group of people who wanted to see me when I went to take the Academy exams.

Adrihna was about to get into the carriage with Kinue, but something struck me as odd.

"Adrihna, where are the horses? How does your carriage move?"

The elf let out a laugh and snapped her fingers. "Did you forget that I’m a Summoner?"

As soon as she said that, two large yellow horses made of light appeared in front of her carriage, complete with glowing harnesses that attached themselves.

"Goodbye, children. I’ll visit you from time to time, but until our next visit, don’t forget to keep getting better at magic," the elf said, closing the carriage door as the light horses quickly took off.

"GOLEM!?" I exclaimed in shock.

"Two golems, to be exact," Chloe corrected me.

"I imagine creating two golems like that isn’t something just anyone can do…" I murmured.

"What she did was create two sentient golems… that’s on another level. But one day, I’ll do that too!" Chloe said, full of determination.

We watched the professor depart, while my mom and Aunt Margie headed back to the castle.

"Being a Summoner is really impressive," I said to Chloe.

"You’ll praise me even more when I manage to create a fused ice golem," she said, laughing.

"Show-off…" I teased.

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