Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

73 – The King of Humans (Part 2)

Chapter 73 - The King of Humans (Part 2)

Nathan Evenhart:

We had entered the grand hall of the mansion, and the place was enormous. There were multiple tables draped with expensive, gold-embroidered cloths. The hall had beautiful windows with spaces for balconies and a staircase that led down to a garden, but it was off-limits due to the guards on watch.

The ceiling of the hall featured a large, white globe that served as a magical light crystal, illuminating the entire space. The hall was stunning, even the floor was different—a polished marble with a slight pink hue.

Many people were engaged in conversation while servants moved around with trays of wine, simple drinks, and food. I grabbed some water and was surprised by the quality of the glass they used just for water. We settled at a table near a window, with my mother chatting with some people and my aunt.

On the opposite side of the hall, there was a raised area with a massive wooden table adorned with precious stones. This place was called the ‘Royal Platform.’ The table was close to the wall, with several beautiful red chairs on the other side, and in the center of those chairs was a larger one. That’s where the king and his entourage would sit. They would dine there while observing the rest of us.

I wandered over to a giant table where we could serve ourselves if we wanted. Some servants were placing dishes on our tables, but we were also free to take what we liked from the buffet.

“There are quite a few good things here... and some I didn’t even know existed,” I mused as I looked over the options. I was used to eating the typical food from my duchy, and I noticed that the feast included various dishes from all over the kingdom.

“They even have these fancy sandwiches... how posh,” I thought as I picked up a sandwich with a toothpick and a small paper flag representing the symbol of the duchy where it originated.

“I highly recommend the meat; it’s excellent,” said a voice behind me.

I turned around and saw a beautiful red-haired woman.

She placed her hand on my back and pointed to the meat.

“I’m a bit tired of meat…” I replied.

Thanks to a certain phoenix, I had gotten used to eating meat every day…

The red-haired woman let out a small laugh.

“Don’t I know you?” I asked her.

The woman leaned in closer to my face.

“I have the feeling I know you too, little boy. Could it be that you’re the commoner I helped once?” she asked.

I studied her for a moment, and then it hit me.

The knight! She was the woman from the day of the kidnapping.

“I think you’re mistaken…” I said, trying to deflect.

I couldn’t afford to have any connections linking me to that event with the baron, and she had seen me… gods, she had seen Kinue! I just hoped she’d never cross paths with that baron again…

She placed a finger on her chin, deep in thought.

"If I also saw you on a certain day when I didn’t reveal myself… I would prefer to keep my presence a secret as well," she winked at me and walked away.

I watched the beautiful redhead disappear into the crowd as she headed down the corridor.

If she doesn’t want to be identified that day either, who am I to argue? I’ll go with the flow.

I made my way back to the table where Chloe and Kinue were chatting.

"I hope no noble tries to flirt with our mothers," I said to my cousin.

I sat down next to them and began eating. They had a variety of different foods on their plates. Chloe, dressed in a blue gown, was being extra careful not to spill anything on herself.

"I don’t want that to happen either, but it’s common in these circles," my cousin replied.

If some son of a bitch does that...

I had to rein in my anger when I noticed the glasses on the table trembling slightly.

Calm down… I need to stay calm.

I had gotten better at controlling my Killing Intent, but the downside was that once you master it, you have to keep your emotions in check or risk causing some unintended accidents. It was challenging to control my emotions while stuck in the body of an 11-year-old.

"Do you want me to grab anything for you from the buffet?" Kinue asked.

"No, I just came back."

"Could you get me a dessert? Anything you pick is always perfect," Chloe said.

Kinue nodded and happily headed to the buffet table.

I’m glad that scared little fox girl I once met has finally come out of her shell and lost her fear of the world.

I noticed a group of girls heading our way.

"Hello! My name’s Alice," one of them greeted us.

"Hi, it’s nice to meet you," Chloe responded, standing to greet them, and I followed her lead.

They seemed like a small group of noble ladies.

"You’re the Evenharts? I tried the salmon from your duchy at the party—it’s delicious," another girl said, approaching us.

"Our signature dish is always a hit," I replied.

"I’m Chloe, and this is Nate… I mean, Nathan."

"I’m Alice Asalon. You probably know my father; he’s the Grand Duke who handles your duchy’s affairs."

Oh! She’s royalty? The little girl is Ryan’s daughter.

"Should I make a formal bow now?" I asked Chloe.

"No need for that," Alice reassured me. "Soon we’ll all be friends at Apsalon, where there are no noble titles or ranks—just apprentice mages."

This girl is actually pretty polite.

"Do you have a dance partner?" Alice asked me.

"A dance partner?"

Do I really have to dance here? Those lessons were a pain…

"He does!" Chloe quickly chimed in.

Alice let out a small laugh.

"I don’t remember… Do I?" I asked, genuinely confused.

I hadn’t planned on this. I don’t want to dance.

"You do!" Chloe insisted, smiling, but my back felt a sharp pinch.

"Okay! I do!" I said, rubbing the sore spot on my back.

Just as Alice was about to speak, a high-pitched sound echoed through the hall.

"Silence!" a voice commanded.

A knight in white armor with a winged horse emblem spoke, holding a stone.

That stone amplifies his voice? Damn… I thought I’d invented that.

I managed to pull off a similar trick, mixing in a faint electric crackle from a thunderclap with the wind element, and the result was a loud voice.

“The king will now give his speech!” the soldier announced loudly, holding the stone close to his mouth.

We all paid attention, and the young ladies returned to their places.

Kinue came over with a plate in hand and stood beside us.

“Is the presentation about to start?” she asked.

“Looks like it. We need to get in position,” I replied.

Finally, I’m about to see the human king! He must be the pinnacle of power in this society. The king should be the purest essence of magical power, above everyone else. What will he look like? Maybe something like Hercules? Or perhaps less muscular but more imposing, like Zeus?

“Good evening, my dear friends…” said a man with a crown and a red cape, stepping up to the higher platform.

What the fuck? That fat guy is the king?

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