Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

82 – The Underground Transport (Part 2)

Chapter 82 - The Underground Transport (Part 2)


We were boarding the ship.

Even though there were only eight massive tunnels, the circulation of ships was high due to the number of people traveling from the duchies to the capital, where they could then catch a ship to another duchy. There were also ships dedicated solely to transporting food, supplies, and resources from the duchies. This way, it was safer to transport large quantities, while on the surface, transport was usually handled by local businesses, families, and companies.

Each ship had five rooms reserved for nobility, with the rest being seating areas for passengers.

I'm glad my family is noble.

I threw myself onto a bed to rest, and Chloe sat beside me. Kinue, who loved ships, had stayed on the upper deck to watch as we departed from the port, but she would soon come down to have lunch with us.

A thought crossed my mind, and I decided to clear up a doubt.

"Does the Norfolk family manage the production of Red Liquid?" I asked my aunt, who was sitting in an armchair.

"They're one of the families that manage it. There's a division of neutral families from the three kingdoms that have no ties to the royal families and handle that. The liquid is expensive and valuable, so the kingdoms agreed not to monopolize it and to work together to produce it."

A few years ago, I learned how medicine worked in this world. There were special mages with healing properties. These mages could have the element of water, plants, or light. Not every mage had the ability to heal; those with such a gift were rare. Another option was the Red Liquid, popularly known as ‘Healing Potion.’ If you applied this liquid to your wound, it would accelerate your body's healing process and close the wound. If a soldier were stabbed, all they needed to do was apply this special liquid.

The healing potion wasn’t absolute and didn’t heal bones, at least not quickly. If you broke a bone, you’d need to set it in place, immobilize it, and allow the healing potion to enter your bloodstream near the broken bone. It was a lengthy process, but a very useful magical solution in battle.

I know a certain someone who can heal a broken bone or wound quickly... a magical bird.

The kingdoms controlled the circulation of healing potions to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands, like gangs and criminal organizations. Establishments that sold them had special authorization from the royal family of the kingdom. To purchase in large quantities, only a Duke could do so, and an evaluator had to visit the territory and assess the need before sending the authorization to the royal family for approval.

“How is the healing potion made? And why is it so hard to come by?” I asked, curious.

My aunt was an expert in knowing everything about any subject—such was the burden of being a Duchess. She needed to understand the workings of even the smallest screw, where it came from, who made it, where the metal came from, and even who mined that metal and from which mine. Aunt Margie was incredibly intelligent, and I admired her for that.

“The healing potion we have access to is precious and should only be used in true emergencies. It can’t be wasted on minor issues. I have restrictions on how much I can buy and store in our territory, and this even includes the healing potions sold within it. There's a strict circulation limit,” she explained.

Something that could be used in battle to heal a soldier... it’s understandable why someone would worry about the potential threat of rebellions.

“That potion is made from a crystal,” my mother added.

“Crystal? Like the light crystals?” Chloe asked.

I sat up to pay closer attention to them.

My aunt laughed.

“It’s not like the light crystals; it’s more akin to a stalactite crystal found in caves. These crystals are produced by a Guardian Ent of the Depths, a monstrous SS Rank tree that only exists in the elven kingdom,” my aunt explained.

I was surprised. “Like the Akonium stone I have?”

My stone also came from a monster.

“You could say that,” Aunt Margie replied. “This tree produces special red crystals to attack its enemies. These crystals are imported in collaboration with the demi-human kingdom, who have a special method of breaking them without destroying the pearl inside. This pearl is very delicate, and if it breaks or the liquid inside becomes contaminated, it’s rendered useless.”

Chloe and I listened, picturing a giant tree with a terrifying face.

“And how do the demi-humans know how to break the crystal without destroying it? Why only them?” I asked.

“Because of a special tribe of catfolk, these people have incredibly sensitive hearing. By tapping lightly on the crystal, they can locate the pearl and break the crystal without damaging it. This pearl is then transported to Apsalon, where it’s processed in a factory run by families connected to all three kingdoms.”

It was a lot of information to take in, and I began to grasp the immense logistical effort involved. First, they had to get the monstrous tree to produce the crystals, then transport them to the demi-human kingdom, and only then take them to Apsalon for the final process.

“Does Martin and his family handle the final part?” I asked.

My aunt nodded. “They’re one of the families involved, as none of the kingdoms want to monopolize the production of healing potions. This is a collaborative benefit for all, and thanks to the factory in Apsalon, that city has a thriving economy.”


“How is the final step done to create the potion?” Chloe asked.

Aunt Margie seemed to think for a moment. “Through collaboration with the human kingdom, the factory can break the pearl without contaminating the liquid, and they begin the process of creating the healing potion by generating the red liquid. Half of the factory’s monthly production is divided among the royal families of each kingdom, and the other half is sold commercially by the kingdoms,” my aunt explained.

My mother sat down beside me.

“They say there’s a diluted version sold, while the real one is more potent, but even it can’t perform instant miracles. Having a healing ability is something everyone desires,” my aunt said as she looked at me and my mother.

Why are they looking at me?

My mother placed her hand on my shoulder. “Nate, you have a phoenix with the ability to bypass all this. With just a touch, she can heal your wounds. That’s one of the reasons Cylla is so valuable,” my mother said.

I understood their concern…

“It’s common knowledge that phoenixes have healing and fire abilities. But no one knows that phoenixes grow and can change form. You need to be careful…” my aunt added.

That’s true, but I don’t fully understand how Cylla’s powers work either. So far, I’m the only one she heals, and I’m also immune to her fire. How does she decide who gets burned and who doesn’t?


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