Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

90 – The General vs. 4 Mages (Part 2)

Chapter 90 - The General vs. 4 Mages (Part 2)

I leaped into the fray, my sword already drawn. Launching myself between the earth mage and the fire mage, I swung my blade toward the earth mage, who quickly raised a stone shield to block the strike.

The fire mage attacked from behind, but I parried with my second sword, made of wind and lightning. With a swift movement, I shattered the stone shield with my metal sword, but I noticed Isabelle descending from above with her dagger. I spun around, deactivating my lightning sword, causing the fire mage to lose his balance and stumble forward.

"Join that bitch!" I exclaimed, kicking the fire mage mid-spin and launching him into the air with a burst of wind.

"Shit!" Isabelle cursed as she was struck by the weight of her partner, both of them being hurled upward by the force of the wind.

Turning my focus back to the earth mage, who had grabbed the dead water mage's axe, I charged at him. He swung the axe while I felt the ground tremble beneath my feet.

"You're too skilled for just a boy," he said as we exchanged ferocious blows.

The man attacked relentlessly, using the quaking ground to throw me off balance. Suddenly, a spinning pillar launched a stone spike in my direction. He retreated, leaving me exposed to the attack. I spun around, shattering the spike with my sword and finishing the motion with a gust of wind, hurling the debris back at him.

The mage raised a stone wall to shield himself, but I kept moving, quickly scaling the wall and leaping over it. In mid-air, I fired successive bolts of lightning from my hands, forcing him to retreat.

The earth mage kept raising stone walls, desperately trying to defend against the lightning I unleashed. With a sword in one hand and a bolt of lightning charging in the other, I pressed forward with speed.

"Stone Blade!" he shouted, and part of the wall broke off, forming a massive horizontal blade that flew toward me. I ran toward the blade and dropped low, rolling to dodge it.

"Lightning Beam!" I yelled, as I finished charging the energy in my hands. A massive bolt of lightning shot out in a straight, continuous line, obliterating everything in its path.

The earth mage, in desperation, scrambled to the side as I adjusted the lightning's direction, which tore through the stone walls one after another. He kept raising stone pillars, trying to block the attack.

‘Bam!’ One pillar was destroyed. He raised another.

‘Bam!’ Another pillar fell.

"FUCK!" he screamed in desperation, raising countless stone walls, one after the other, trying to shield himself from the lightning bolt.

‘Boom!’ The lightning pierced through the walls, shattering them one by one.

The energy finally struck where he had been moments before, exploding everything and creating a massive opening to other rooms in the mansion. He narrowly avoided being caught. The mage had leaped into the air, raising a stone pillar that propelled him upward, trying to escape the reach of the lightning. My spell had ended, but I noticed the mage retreating

"Scared?" I taunted, laughing as I charged after him. The earth mage kept running, panicked, as stone spikes sprouted from the ground, trying to impale me.

The spikes emerged like plants, but I spun my sword, sending gusts of wind that shattered them as I advanced.

Using the wind’s power to sense vibrations in the air, I detected something approaching from behind and leaped swiftly.

A massive fireball crashed where I had been, exploding with a deafening boom. In the air, the fire mage lunged at me, fury burning in his eyes.

"I'm here, you bastard! You killed my cousin!" he roared, swinging his sword to strike me. I parried his blade, but he quickly raised one hand, creating a burst of fire that pushed him downward.


Threads began to move toward me, each tipped with wind bombs. I threw myself to the ground, dodging while sprinting. Explosions erupted around me, and stone columns started to rise in my path, trying to block my escape.

‘BAM!’ The columns exploded as the threads sliced through them with precision.

The secret lies in the wind's vibration? Is that how these things are so sharp?

I kept evading the explosions until I noticed something orange hurtling toward me.

"FIRE BEAM!" the fire mage yelled, unleashing a deadly spell.

On one side, stone spikes sprouted from the ground, trying to trap me. On the other, the deadly threads closed in. Ahead of me, the fire beam raced toward me at high speed.

"Thunder Wave!" I stomped the ground, sending a tremor that rippled through the earth, fracturing the ground beneath.

"This is a mere imitation of an event called Plate Tectonics!" A straight line divided the ground, destroying the path of the spikes trying to reach me. I quickly turned to face the remaining two attacks.

"Trio of Wind Blades!" I conjured three wind blades fused together, spinning at high speed.

‘SWOOOOSH’ The blades generated a powerful gust of wind.

The wind wave collided with the fire beam, preventing it from reaching me.

"I told you, didn't I? The wind becomes absolute when you master it!"

I snapped my fingers, and the wind blades shifted their rotation, turning horizontal and creating a vortex that began to pull everything around it. The Thread Lady's wires were sucked in, dragging her toward me as the fire was consumed by the vortex.

I leaped into the air, heading straight for the Thread Lady, who struggled desperately to resist the pull while generating a counter wind.

"Are we done here?" I asked, delivering a kick with a wind explosion. She tried to block with her elbow, creating a wind barrier.

"Thunder Roar!" I channeled energy into my kick, which exploded with a reinforced air impact.

‘BOOM!’ The collision of our winds erupted, and she was sent flying.

I used my left hand to generate wind, holding myself in place and canceling the force that would have thrown me back, while the Thread Lady was slammed into a wall, unable to defend with her other hand due to the threads being temporarily trapped in my vortex of blades.

She struggled to her feet, injured, but before I could continue my attack, the fire mage came leaping behind me. I blocked his blade with my sword as we fell. Below us, I noticed many threads closing in.

In a quick glance, I saw the bloodied woman still trying to manipulate the threads, and I planned my next move.

"You're finished, kid!" he shouted, pushing me downward, closer to the deadly wires.

I observed the threads, realizing that Isabelle had sharpened them by manipulating them with wind. The fire mage pressed his blade against me, trying to force me into the cutting threads as we fell.

The threads are fixed to the wall to make them sharper while she vibrates them... this will definitely cut me, even with a wind armor.

I dropped my sword, surprising the fire mage, and his weight shifted toward me. I trapped his blade with my wind-infused palms as we continued to fall.

He tried to kick me into the wires, but I spun, rotating our bodies in the air.

Knowing the threads needed to vibrate to stay sharp, I blew a strong wind, shaking them and canceling the vibration. We fell onto the threads, and I stepped on one, while the fire mage came at me. With a palm strike, I created a gust that canceled his momentum. It was a Kung Fu move applied with mana.

"Shit!" he cursed, floating for a moment in the air before I grabbed him by the shirt.

"Want to see your cousin!? Then go join him!" I pulled him down, spinning in the air, and the thread resumed vibrating.

I forced the man downward, slamming him into the deadly threads.

"STOP! ISABELLE!" he screamed, but it was too late. Forcing his head downward, I drove it into a wire, piercing through his forehead. The wire caught halfway, and I quickly dragged him across the other wires.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" he screamed in agony.

I kept dragging him along, watching as the Lady of the Threads frantically waved her hands. Using my wind power to press down, I forced the wires to finish what they started, and his head was severed.

"You fucking bastard! You killed him!" she screamed.

"Are you sure it was me? Or was it your own fucking wires?" I retorted with a sarcastic smile.

She lashed out, sending more wires my way, and I could feel her fury.

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