Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

99 – Icarus and Athena (Part 1)

Chapter 99 - Icarus and Athena (Part 1)



I was wandering through a random alley in the city of Cylla, desperately searching for something to eat. It was hard to find scraps of food since the entire city was preparing for the visit of the Goddess Athena. The safest places, where I could usually find some trash, were completely cleaned out for the festival. I didn’t dare venture into the dangerous zones in search of food, at least not without Helen to protect me.

My friend disappeared just as she said she would. Ever since she found out that the Goddess Athena was coming to our city, Helen had been nervous, always acting cautiously. She was terrified of being captured and sent to Agoge because of her skill with Aura.

Now, I’m on my own.

Over the years living with Helen, I learned a lot. She always showed me where to find food without risking getting beaten by the guards or wandering into areas controlled by local gangs.

Even though she's older, Helen is always patient with me.

I kept rummaging through the alleys, but everything was spotless.

“What now? What am I going to eat?” I muttered to myself, frustrated.

I sighed, missing Helen.

“She could’ve taken me with her…”

Helen had even improved the place where we slept. We had a secret hideout in the sewers where we lived. Since I started sleeping there, I no longer had to spend cold nights on the streets. That small space had become my home. Helen had stolen some blankets that were drying at a rich person’s house. She explained to me that stealing was wrong, but it was even worse to steal from someone poor, who would certainly suffer more.

I continued walking around the city, looking for something.

“Mister, can I have a fruit?” I asked a vendor.

The stall owner looked at me with disdain. “Get out of here! You’ll scare away my customers!” he shouted, throwing a few stones at me.

I ran to avoid trouble. The guards didn’t like seeing street kids wandering around the market, and anyone would report us without hesitation.

“Looks like the clothes Helen gave me are getting worn out,” I murmured.

Helen taught me a trick: wear new and always clean clothes to walk in richer areas without drawing attention. With a good appearance, we could go unnoticed and avoid the guards.

Today, it seems I won’t get anything to eat… damn Goddess.

The Goddess Athena almost never left her palace in the city of Athens, and her presence was shrouded in mystery. Ever since she descended from Olympus and began to rule over us, many things changed. In the past, war was constant, with many invasions in the cities. The Persians and Spartans fought, and everything was a complete mess. That changed when Athena descended to Greece and brought a time of peace. She subdued the Persians and Spartans and now rules over half of Greece. Her dream is to conquer the world and end wars and evil.

But because of her visit, I have nothing to eat.

I walked out of the market, watching the activity at the stalls. I saw one almost at the end of its sales. I knew the owner would throw away the fruits that had gone bad. I spent the entire day hiding among some crates, waiting in the scorching sun. Finally, the owner finished packing up his things and carried a wooden box to the trash area. I followed him, stopping at the alley. Thanks to Athena, there was an efficient garbage collection system that prevented the spread of diseases. This helped us because we knew where to look for food.

The man placed the crates in an alley, in the collection area. It was a large metal square that everyone called a ‘dumpster.’ As soon as he left the alley, I ran over before any other homeless person arrived.

I approached the dumpster and jumped inside.

“Where is it?”

I searched until I finally found the box. It had some rotten fruits, but that didn’t stop me from grabbing them.

“Finally! I’ve been in that heat all day…”

Now, I just need to cut off the bad parts and enjoy what’s left.

As I tried to get out of there, I noticed a guard approaching, so I bolted.

“Hey, kid!”

He shouted after me, but I kept running. I saw him following me but didn’t care. As I turned into an alley, a hand suddenly grabbed me by the shirt and lifted me up.

"Let me go!" I tried to struggle, but when I realized it was another guard, fear gripped me.

"Finally caught up with the little shit," said the guard.

"I swear I wasn’t at the market..."

They exchanged glances.

“That doesn’t matter now. Just know that the Goddess Athena will be parading through the cities, and tomorrow it’s this one’s turn.”

“And what does that have to do with me?” I asked, trying to hide my fear.

He slapped the back of my head.

“You and the other street rats will go and pay homage to her. We need to pack as many people as possible so she sees a crowd cheering, making the other cities jealous. Got it?”

I quickly nodded.

“There’ll be soldiers patrolling the areas and checking around. If we catch you wandering around, you’ll get a beating you won’t forget. We need all of you to help fill up the route she’ll pass through. The more common folk she sees, the better. Understood? There’ll even be food handed out for you.”

I nodded again and was released with my fruits.

When I got back to the poor district, I found out that some guards had already been there to spread the word. Everyone was aware.

I’ll have to go to the parade, or I might get a beating.

I could still hide in the shelter where I usually slept, but knowing I could go to the festival, a part of me was excited.

I might get to see some real soldiers, the true Aura users.

Maybe I’ll even see a General… I thought, feeling excited.

Generals were the pinnacle of human power in the realm of Aura, and I was a big fan of some hero stories featuring those powers, like the great Hercules.

“I’m such a fool… There’s going to be an actual god passing by. I’ll get to see a goddess and even get free food.”

I’ll get some food for Helen.

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