Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

CHAPTER 18: Awkward Conversations

John stared at Atlas as he walked into the room, the tension palpable. “So? No need to sugarcoat it, dude,” he said, bracing himself for the inevitable bad news.

Atlas sighed, giving his friend a measured look. “Well, you were there at the training. How do you think you did?” 

John shrugged, his voice carrying a resigned tone. “Honestly? I’m probably in the bottom three.” 

*I’m definitely not going to say I’m the worst. There had to be somebody worse than me right? Somebody? Right?*

Atlas nodded. “Yeah, that’s what we initially thought too. But really? You weren’t in the bottom three. You were actually fourth from the bottom.”

John’s eyes widened in disbelief. “No fucking way.”

*I’m not the worst! I’m not the worst! Suck it bitches! Beer belly John wasn’t going home today! Woot!*

Atlas grinned slightly. “Yeah, for real. Fourth from the bottom. And that wasn’t just me cutting you some slack. Alicia did the tabulations herself. You started off at the very bottom, three days ago, but now? You’re not doing too bad. So, congrats on making it to the end of the tryouts.”

*To be honest both he and Alicia were also surprised, but hey people lie, numbers don’t.*

John let out a breath he didn’t realise he’d been holding. “Alright, that’s one cut avoided,” he muttered to himself. But as the reality of the situation settled in, his thoughts spiralled. He was still in the remaining group of 17, the worst of the bunch. To make it into the top ten, he’d have to outperform seven others, and thinking about who those seven were made his stomach churn. “There’s no way I’m beating those guys,” he admitted, half-jokingly adding, “Unless I get steroids, a time machine, and Captain America to train me.”

Atlas chuckled at the remark, a flicker of something humorously passed through his eyes. 

*Steroids, time machine, Captain America. That’s not too far off from what he actually had under his belt.*

But he kept those thoughts to himself. “Yeah, I don’t see you hitting top ten either,” Atlas admitted. “That’s why I wanted to talk to you. I’ve got a proposition.”

John raised an eyebrow, curious. “I’m listening.”

“I want you to keep your head up, keep training with the others, but take yourself off the roster. I’m offering you a spot as my assistant coach,” Atlas said, watching John closely for his reaction.

John blinked, taken aback. “For real? I thought Alicia was doing that?”

“No, Alicia’s my assistant, but she’s handling the administrative side—tabulations, organising gym stuff. I need someone on the team itself, someone who knows the ins and outs of what we’re doing and can help guide the recruits through the process. That’s where you come in. So, what do you think?”

John’s mind raced.

*No chance of getting his ass kicked on PPV, an official spot on the team, and it wasn’t even nepotism? It was a good deal for him.*

 “Hell yeah,” he replied, trying to hide his relief. “Sounds good, dude. Want to go grab some food?”

Atlas smirked. “Well, today’s your last free meal. After this, it’s chicken breasts, protein shakes, and lots of leafy greens.”

John chuckled, grateful for the escape. “I’m really glad I’m not staying on the team. Assistant coaches get to eat way better stuff right?.”

They went out for dinner, a fancy lobster meal that cost $170 dollars that Atlas was glad to go for. With the portals coming, saving money wasn’t an issue. 

“John, you remember the REAL reason we’re doing all this training and recruiting right?”

“To get the team ready for TV and a championship, right?”

“Dude, did you forget the portals are coming? That we were originally just going into that gym, so we could get you into shape for them?”

“Oh shit, yeah.”

*Was Atlas still going on about this crazy portal game?* 

He kinda thought it was a flash in the pan kind of  idea. Kinda just a way to motivate each other to workout and have fun at the same time.

Atlas continued, “I’m going to have you help me run some secret tests. Before we get into the portal I want to make sure we have a good final five. That’s you, and four other people that we can trust with our lives. I’ve gotta be honest, my previous judgement wasn’t that great. So, I need your help as backup.”

“Sure dude!” 

*And even if the portals weren’t real it’s better to have trustworthy dependable teammates for the fight team.*


The next morning, the 17 recruits who had made the cut arrived in the arena, brimming with a mix of excitement and nervous energy. Atlas stood before them, his expression serious but with a hint of pride. “Alright,” he began, “Welcome officially to part two of the trial workouts. If you’re here, you already know you haven’t been cut. So, let’s get down to business.”

He gestured to a table where neatly organised papers awaited. “These are your nutrition plans that we’ve put together for you. Make sure you grab yours before you leave today, along with the food supplies we’ve prepared. Stick to these plans, and you’ll be in peak condition by the end of this phase.”

A cheer erupted from the group, the reality of their situation finally sinking in. They’d made it this far—now it was time to push even harder.

Atlas gathered the recruits in a circle, his voice firm but compassionate. “Listen up, everyone. I know the past few days have been tough, but I need you all to understand something: I know you’re all working to become paid fighters, but remember money isn’t everything. Out there in the arena, you can’t buy your way out of trouble. No amount of cash is going to get you the win when things get real. What will save you is the trust and support of the people around you. That’s worth more than any paycheck. If you can’t be there for your teammate when they need you, it doesn’t matter how skilled or strong you are—you’re not going to make it. So, remember that as we move forward. We’re not just building a team; we’re building a family.”

The recruits nodded, the weight of Atlas’s words sinking in as they prepared for whatever was coming next.

“Alright,” Atlas called out, clapping his hands to get their attention. “Day four training starts now!”

As the recruits dove into their workout routines, Atlas watched them with a mix of satisfaction and concern. They were making progress, sure, but the most important task was still looming ahead—something he hadn’t done yet, and with only three days of training left, the clock was ticking.

His mind churned with all the things he needed to do, all the decisions still hanging in the balance. But for now, he focused on the present, pushing the recruits as hard as he could, knowing that the real challenge was yet to come. When ten people were selected for the team, that was when the real shit would start….especially with the crazy tests he had planned.

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